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If we get this topic to 50 posts...


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Aaaaand, thanks to Sanguinetti, we've reached fifty posts! Fuck you! :)


Lol, anyways... I am possibly going to do it today, though I would honestly prefer doing it tomorrow when I have my friend over, so he can hold the camera(and maybe call an ambulance, if needed) and I won't have to resort to dumb DIY tripods, or dropping dead.


So yeah, you guys MAY see it today, or tomorrow. Whichever I prefer doing, honestly.

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Yeah, when I do it, it will be in the first post.


Also, debating whether or not I should shave my beard for this(I just got it back to its epic-stature since the last shaving).

It will be a bitch to clean after this, then again, you all deserve to see epic-beardage.


I say shave it so we can see the expression on your face better XD
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