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Guest sakura

I don't think your name means, what you think it means <<


Mooseknuckle was originally a picture of a very overweight lady, who basically took cameltoe one step further, and that's all I'll say about that :x

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I don't think your name means, what you think it means <<


Mooseknuckle was originally a picture of a very overweight lady, who basically took cameltoe one step further, and that's all I'll say about that :x


Well, the terminology can be used for either. My IRL nickname is Moose, though, so my username is a bit of a joke. :)
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Because Zeth does, in fact, need another reason to believe I'm trolling him without mercy. </injokes>


Welcome to the forum, Mooseknuckle. If you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or any other staff member. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

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