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YOU GOT BOOST POWER! (aka F-Zero thread)


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If there's one thing I'm really disappointed about regarding Nintendo recently over the last eight bloody years, it's the complete and utter lack of a new F-Zero! F-Zero Climax for the GBA - which wasn't even released in the West - came out in October 2004 in Japan, a month before the DS did! And the Virtual Console releases of the original and X in the meantime, Captain Falcon appearing in Smash Bros. and the like don't count. Hell, we're in Metroid territory here - Super to Prime was 8 years too, 1994 to 2002! Every E3 since I started following them (so 2004, although that year we Japan got Climax), I've been secretly hoping for a new F-Zero to be announced, and every E3 so far, I have been disappointed.


I mean, what's not to like in those games? A great sense of speed (especially in X), vehicle control where you actually have to drive them as well as you possibly can (as opposed to "it's okay to drive into walls sometimes", although some may think that's just faulty, over-sensitive controls), one kickass soundtrack in most of the games (GX is still good, but "not F-Zero enough" if that makes sense). Thinking about it, F-Zero X would probably end up pretty high on my personal "best games of all time" list if I ever made one, which I probably won't. It's no great looker - GX is much better in that regard - but I think the constant 60 FPS are a tad more important than eye-popping graphics.


Ugh, I dunno what else to write here, or why I even started writing this... I guess I just want to spread awareness on the series' possible fate (*cough*Kid Icarus*cough*) and hear your opinions on it. What's your favorite F-Zero title and why, you favorite vehicle or track - Twin Noritta and X's Big Blue 1 and Silence 1 ftw! -, or alternatively why do you not like the series, stuff like that.

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Ahh, F-Zero X. The only game in the series I've actually played, but I can reminisce about doing lap after lap on Big Blue just to hear the awesome music. Never got too far in the game as far as actually racing, but that was definitely one of my favorites, too, thanks in part to the real over-the-top speed factors you just don't see nowadays. Plus, the track design was remarkably lavished for an N64 game (in my rosy retrospect, anyway), and the magnetism of the racecrafts to the track when it takes a full 360 pipe design was just awesome, if frightening when I found out you could end up falling off the track entirely by swerving too much.


Now that you get me thinking about it, xdan, I would like to see another game in this vein--maybe for 3DS or Wii U? The 3DS's gyroscopic controls could really add a sense of immersion as it did with Mario Kart for 3DS, and the visuals could still look pretty good while maintaining that silky-smooth 60 FPS.

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  • 6 months later...

Bumping this thread because... it pains me to say it, but Miyamoto just doesn't get it!


- About FZero, he's surprised players want more of this series.


Gamekult: After a quick survey on Twitter, one of the game French gamers miss the most is F Zero. Nobody really understands why Nintendo hasn't made a new one since 2004. Is there a chance we can see it back on Wii U?


Miyamoto: :eyes open wide: I am really pleased to hear Twitter's opinion, because since the first episode on SNES many games have been made but the series has little evolved.

I thought people had grown weary of it. I'd like to say: Thank you very much and try to wait by playing Nintendoland's FZero minigame.

I am also very curious and I'd like to ask those people: Why FZero? What do you want that we haven't done before?


(Gamekult via NeoGAF via GoNintendo)


Full HD, 60 FPS and online play, or are you telling me you've done this before?! Plus a track editor that doesn't require a stupidly expensive, obsolete add-on for a console from three generations ago, or has been crammed into a portable version of the game which - like the aforementioned add-on - hasn't been released outside of Japan? You've done this already? IN WHICH GAME?! <.<


F-Zero doesn't need to evolve, not every game or series needs to - some series just need a new release!

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