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Critque of ζ

Tell-Tale Heart

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So I wanted to do something a little different. I attempted to draw a picture that looked a little creepy. So yeah.





Not that creepy, like I wanted it to be, but I guess it's creepy enough. Credit to my RL Brother for the tribal, and credit to Naxy for helping me with Rena's expresion and ideas.

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Thanks you so much guys! Anything I did wrong or looks off, please tell me!

Also, in an art trade, Lord Aloysius made me this poem about my picture:


It is a conversational poem. Red is ζ and Blue in Rena.



The Ballade of ζ and Rena


Greetings, little one,

Be not in shock,

Though strangely I come,

And your arms I must lock.


What do you want?

Why have you come?

Who are you anyway?

Where are you from?


I am Master of Reality!

Of Dreams and Nightmares,

What else need be said?

Oppose me no one dares!


Dreams and Nightmares?

I have heard of thee!

A Master of devastation,

In which you takes glee.


Wise you are, little one,

Brave too, I might add!

Your power is like to mine,

A servant would make me glad!


Servant me, why?

You are Master of all!

Power I do have,

But why me do you call?


Master of all?

That I am not quite.

The sages chastised me,

For my power I used for spite.


But you are a mere girl,

Of you no sage cares!

Join your power with me,

Then challenge us no one dares!


My power is not meant for spite,

Nor evil of any kind!

Follow you I will not!

Release me from your bind!


Does she dare resist him?

Will he drive her like a slave?

Woe to what a dark future holds,

Of which I will not rave!






Thank you Lord Aloysius!!!

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