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OoT crashes after some actor changes?

Guest freyageorgia


Guest freyageorgia

So I went to Lake Hylia in PJ64 and used ZAP 2 to swap one of the scarecrows for a Hyrule Guard. I did everything like I normally do and it should have worked, but I reloaded the emulator and went to Lake Hylia again to see the change in game, but halfway through the opening walk around scene thing the game freezes (I could see the guard in the background of the scene when it crashed).


This has happened before with various actors in various spots, and usually I can still edit the ROM, change the actor again to one that I know works and it will load up properly.


I'm just curious as to why some actors crash the game, does anybody know? Is it something to do with the game knowing certain actors shouldn't be there or something? I have no clue, I'm quite interested though. Any ideas?

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Guest freyageorgia

I've just checked by changing the other scarecrow to the same actor, and also to a Castle Guard so that I don't have to change any more groups, so I don't mess it up more, and it seems to have no effect what so ever. The only group that I replaced was the scarecrow group, and there aren't any scarecrow objects or actors left in the scene, and I don't think I need to add any more groups. I don't understand why it's not working lol

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Guest freyageorgia

As far as I'm aware, I'd already changed the actor variable - I used a new ROM to test it again just to check I'd done everything right first time, so I edited everything properly and the game still crashed. I've come across actors not loading before but they've never crashed the game for me - usually the area loads up, just missing the actor that I tried to replace and I can change it back to one that works, whereas now I can't load the area anymore.

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Guest freyageorgia

Okay so I tested this again when I got home - I changed the scarecrows to Normal Horses instead of guards because I couldn't find their actor numbers in the database quickly. I managed to get the horses to load and the game didn't crash. I'm not sure if I replaced both scarecrows the first time I tried this, which could well have been what caused the crash because I removed the group for the actor that was still there, but I'm almost certain I did the second time. I'm wondering if it's just a problem with the Hylian guards or not because as far as I'm aware I took the same steps with the guards as I did with the horses, but the guards crashed my game...I'll have another go with the guards and see what happens.


EDIT: I tried again with the guards and it crashed the game again - I did exactly the same procedure as I did with the horses, which worked. I'm so confused, I guess it's either incorrect data on my actor database or the game just doesn't want to load it. I'll have a go at editing it using a hex and I'll see how that turns out, thanks guys!

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Guest freyageorgia

The actor number for the Hyrule Guard I was using was 0178, the number I used in the Group Changer was 0097. For the actor variable in the ZAP2 program itself I used the actor number, which works for most, if not all other actor replacements I have done.

Actually, thinking about this now and looking at the other actor lists included in the ZAP2 package, the problem is likely just a mistake on my part, so I'll mess around with it using the other actor lists, as I'm probably using the wrong number for the variable.


EDIT: Stupid mistakes on my part, I was using the wrong variable, as setting it to anything other than 0000 for the guard actor crashes the game, I've managed to find the correct variable and fixed it now, so thanks for your help guys:)

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The actor number for the Hyrule Guard I was using was 0178, the number I used in the Group Changer was 0097. For the actor variable in the ZAP2 program itself I used the actor number, which works for most, if not all other actor replacements I have done.

Actually, thinking about this now and looking at the other actor lists included in the ZAP2 package, the problem is likely just a mistake on my part, so I'll mess around with it using the other actor lists, as I'm probably using the wrong number for the variable.


EDIT: Stupid mistakes on my part, I was using the wrong variable, as setting it to anything other than 0000 for the guard actor crashes the game, I've managed to find the correct variable and fixed it now, so thanks for your help guys:)


Yeah, I figured it was a variable issue.
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