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Looking for a good Python 3.x tutorial



I've come out of lurking to ask for some advice. I am interested to learn to program with Python 3.x. I already have everything set up to get started, I just need a good beginner friendly tutorial. Most of the tutorials I find online are usually for Python 2.x which won't work, because they changed how things worked in Python 3.x. So if anybody could point me towards a good Python 3.x tutorial, it would be greatly appreciated. :)


(Also if someone could point me to somewhere I could learn how to use Blender 2.6x, that would be great as well, though Python is the main focus.)

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4 answers to this question

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Guest sakura

Here you go:



This should be more than enough to get you started, and I know at least a couple people here who have written in python before. Feel free to ask any questions, best of luck.


As for Blender, I don't know as much, but it looks like this is where you should get started


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Thanks for the links sakura. I've actually been following a newer version of the tutorial in the python documentation at http://docs.python.o...rial/index.html


I've got as far as section 5.5 Dictionaries. What I've been finding is that the tutorial does a good job at showing what each function etc. can do, but my issue is that I don't feel like I'm being shown how to use things they show. I'm looking for something along the lines of http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ except for python 3.x. It's difficult, because I can't use any of the 2.x tutorials because Python 3.x is backwards incompatible. I collected a list of different tutorials I plan to check out in the near future, I hope I find a suitable one.


As for the Blender link, thank you, that looks exactly like what I need.

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