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Its all Zeth's Fault!!!!!

Zeth Ryder

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A member brought this up to me about some dude posing as my username on gametrailers.


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Needless, all I can say is.....REALLY?!

Seriously, someone has some Zelda beta issues that they need to get resolved. Good lulz to be had here. ;)





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I think someone's a little butthurt that their mod(s) failed and the URA Project thrives to this day.


According to the amount of butthurt in that post, I'm almost 99% sure its Championman from TBT which this isn't the first time he's tried making me to look like the bad guy.
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Guest sakura

Oh wow, this is just... I really have no words. As someone involved in both projects, I can vouch that the only thing Zeth did was give the leader of that project a reality check after finding out how little had been accomplished. Also, it would be kind of hard for him to steal TBT's non-existent software, that's implying that they had custom software to steal in the first place. Everything used was either publicly available, or just done in a hex editor. As for the content, how about no? A lot of it was quite bluntly just awful. Maps that made absolutely no sense, lagged randomly and took a massive step backwards from the quality you see in OoT are just one example of such "content". This person is clearly very bitter. When Zeth made a topic on ZI stating why he was personally leaving the project, that's what broke it up ultimately. He didn't even have to persuade anyone

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Oh wow, this is just... I really have no words. As someone involved in both projects, I can vouch that the only thing Zeth did was give the leader of that project a reality check after finding out how little had been accomplished. Also, it would be kind of hard for him to steal TBT's non-existent software, that's implying that they custom software to steal in the first place. Everything used was either publicly available, or just done in a hex editor. As for the content, how about no? A lot of it was quite bluntly just awful. Maps that made absolutely no sense, lagged randomly and took a massive step backwards from the quality you see in OoT are just one example of such "content". This person is clearly very bitter. When Zeth made a topic on ZI stating why he was personally leaving the project, that's what broke it up ultimately. He didn't even have to persuade anyone


Not only this, but even though everyone was going sketchup happy on TBT, no one knew how to import custom maps at that time except, spinout, myself and Sakura. We were the only ones.
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oh wait! I found the maps that ZM90, leader of TBT gave me to import into OOT (again since I was one of the ONLY people who knew how to map import and sakura couldn't do it cause she didn't really have a good access to the computer at the time). So here they are:


Beta castle town:

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Now as you can see this looks absolutely nothing like my project's castle town, heck Arcaith was the one who modeled it and I helped with its design and texture work! This castle town was made by STH and I think a couple other members?(can't remember) Much different quality, structure and let me you tell you, that beta map is bigger then Hyrule field x2! There was a more finished made from what I heard but I never got access to that as I said, the only maps I ever got was given to me by ZM90, not stolen.


Hyrule field:

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Ridiculous in size, there was no way the game was even going to port this, see that small spec, that's a house, and that house, is bigger then link, ok, now we are on the same page on how ridiculous big this map is.


Triforce room:

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This was a map first worked on between me and Freefang, however I felt it needed more updating, so I did my own version from scratch and this is what I got!


Triforce room 2 Updated and made by Zeth:

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This is that updated version and I'll say, its not bad, needs more work still and I'm not sure if I'll even use this in URA or not. Maybe in the Temple of Light?


Overall, this shows the difference between what I have of TBT's which was given to me, my name is pretty much cleared at this point to anyone still questioning, I didn't steal anything nor do I want anything of TBT's, their project failed under bad leadership and disorganization, they could of continued on, but that was their choice. I had nothing to do with them disbanding, they disbanded after I left of my own free will and lack of seeing any real support going toward this project, two years being worked on and what you see here, and a couple texture edits was what they had, literally. If they really wanted to try to finish this project, they could of and perhaps one day they might get back together or a new team might form to build said beta, in that time, I wish you the best of luck.

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If I'm going to be 100% honest here, I never really wanted to see the alpha market restored in the exact state it was originally made since it clashed badly with later development periods and was overall a horribly empty design with subpar texturing. I don't believe it was ever intended to be used as anything other than a testing area. I think that it's a good thing that we've since changed direction; there really isn't a lot if anything from the old project that is worth stealing. Hell, Xu_Yuan made better hacks of OOT, and this was before we could even do that much with the terrain already ingame.

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Why would somebody do that! Posing as you just because tbt didn't work out. Someone deserves a spanking. From what I have seen of you, you do not seem to be the "I'm the best thing that ever happened in the world" kind of person he says you are.

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Why would somebody do that! Posing as you just because tbt didn't work out. Someone deserves a spanking. From what I have seen of you, you do not seem to be the "I'm the best thing that ever happened in the world" kind of person he says you are.


^ This <_<


Also, Zeth's work looks 100 times more professional than TBT's. I almost had a heart attack when I saw that redone Triforce room.

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Hohohoho! Let the lawls continue to commence! Apparently my butthurt meter was SPOT ON with nailing the user. Its Definitely championman. I found an older thread where someone quoted him before his username change.


*removed to save space*


Would you be able to do anything like contact the administration of GameTrailers and have something done about this?

Or, maybe, register an account there, and make it known that he is full of shit in everything he says publicly?


It seems to me you have a ton of proof behind you(as well as ex team members from then who can vouch for you) to call his ass out, in front of all his little GameTrailers buddies.

That would hopefully at least get him to shut up, maybe.

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TBT could've still continued, but I don't really mind that they didn't. The URA project is getting more done, and Nintendo already brought back most of the beta with Twilight Princess. If you pay attention, you'll see a lot of elements in Twilight Princess that were originally in the beta of Ocarina of Time.

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