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E3 2012 Speculation Thread


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Well, I figured with E3 around the corner, it would be nice to have a topic to house all of our outlandish speculations, hopes and desires for what we will see at E3 this year.


As for me, I hope:

  • PlaySation All-Stars Battle Royale was rumored to get a Vita version, and I hope it's announced at E3.
  • The ones who have rumored PS All-Star's existence, as well as many other games, turned out to be correct about said games. They recently brought to light something about a Star Fox/Metroid crossover game for the Wii U. Please be true!
  • I as well want plenty of other games to be announced for the Vita, with titles such as GTA, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Syphon Filter, and so on hopefully being included.

A little sleep deprived, and cannot think of much more.

I will take this opportunity to spare you my hopes and desires, and allow you to detail your own. :)

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for the outlandish I expect the phantom to finally be revealed :P


for more realistic products that will actually come out, I expect a lot more on the wii u, Skyrim Dlc, possibly elder scrolls online, maybe pokemon black and white 2 even though the japanese release date is rapidly approaching, a bunch of awkward kinetic moments, some random comments claiming that used games are destroying the industry and how online pass will save the industry and not destroy it, some new zelda content and other such stuff

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Looking forward to more info on the WII U, possibly more info on a Zelda ALTTP sequel rumored to be on the 3DS.

Hoping the rumors of an epic yarn 2 come true just to troll sakura even more! XD

Looking forward to seeing more gameplay, more games, and overall hoping this E3 rocks.

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Guest sakura

Looking forward to more info on the WII U, possibly more info on a Zelda ALTTP sequel rumored to be on the 3DS.

Hoping the rumors of an epic yarn 2 come true just to troll sakura even more! XD

Looking forward to seeing more gameplay, more games, and overall hoping this E3 rocks.

Animal Crossing 3D. I want a new trailer. ;_;


So much of all this D:

(Except Epic Yarn 2, that seriously better be a joke. There's no way Nintendo could troll me that badly again </3)

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What do I expect? A list of the Wii U launch titles, further details on both the new Xbox and the new Playstation, and a bunch of over-hyping about Black Ops II.


What do I want? I want Nintendo to address the current state of the 3DS, which is failing. I want to see Nintendo do or reveal something that will bring the 3DS out of this failing state. Though I highly doubt they will.


What do I wish for? FUCKING HALF LIFE 3.

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i want kingdom hearts 3 ;_; !!!! hope to see some mind blowing stuff this year (black ops 2 is the opposite of mind blowing in my opinion). cant wait 4 halo 4, i also wonder if they will ever have another super smash bros. my biggest hope is everyone goes back tomaking games mostly for the STORY not the multiplayer. i remember when there were games with 48+ hours of pure story in some games.......i miss the good o' days :(

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Hoping for less Kinect at Microsoft and other Xbox 360 developers, and less focus on dashboard changes/improvements at MS... I don't really believe that'll happen, tho, sadly.


Hoping for Nintendo to revisit some other dormant franchises (I'll say it again and again: where's F-Zero?), show us some actual games for Wii U, preferably with 1) realtime footage at the press conference and 2) playable versions on the show floor, as well as announce the release details for the system and make some more 3DS announcements - maybe a redesign with an integrated Circle Pad Pro, and more games supporting it, maybe (going back to dormant franchises) another N64 port, namely F-Zero X with the Expansion Kit included.


Also hoping for Nintendo and/or other publishers to bring out some final Wii and DS games in the West, for example Earth Seeker on Wii, although I don't count on this either, seeing how both systems are nearly dead in the water, after the Rainfall games are out and/or the hype is dying out, and after Pokemon B/W 2 are out.


And I'm generally hoping for some more niche releases, like shoot'em ups or 2D fighters, to be announced for the West for whatever system - I bet there's some more games like that on the Xbox 360 -, but that's probably not going to be done at E3, or at least not beyond some press release or something.


I'd also wish for Capcom to have a new Mega Man game announced, but... well, I've kinda lost hope there. You know, with two cancelled games and stuff. And them apparently recycling one of them for something unrelated.

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I'm honestly not looking forward to E3 anywhere near as much as I used to.


Zelda, Half-Life. I don't know if I really want to see another Animal Crossing game unless Nintendo reworks it a bit.


Also, I want to see a platform game from Rare with a new IP of some kind.

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I'm honestly not looking forward to E3 anywhere near as much as I used to.


Zelda, Half-Life. I don't know if I really want to see another Animal Crossing game unless Nintendo reworks it a bit.


Also, I want to see a platform game from Rare with a new IP of some kind.


Word on the netz is that this game will have a few new gameplay mechanics such as swimming, wall furniture, outdoor sitting and easier connectivity to other people's towns. But the big deviation is that

you get to play the role as mayor, making most of the big decisions for the town and your fellow residents. What exactly that entails is unclear, but it sounds like it's going to have a lot more to do than in the usual AC games (that is, whatever the hell you feel like doing).


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From Nintendo, I'm hoping they decide to make MnK1 3D, since it's obvious the fans want it. I know I do. I'm also curious as to this alleged KnT2 sequel, and moving away from the Zelda franchise, I'm actually looking forward to seeing more on the translation of Kingdom Hearts 3D.


From Microsoft? Fair international pricing would be nice. Though I am curious to see what kinds of things they'll unveil. As a proud owner of an Xbox 360, I wanna see if they'll talk about the rumoured "Xbox 720", and if it turns out to be more than a rumour, I at least hope it has a much better name, and an awesome design.


Sony? Please, give me a reason to want a PS3/Vita! So far, your game lineup has done nothing to inspire. I know Kingdom Hearts 3 will be coming on the horizon, but I'm actually hoping you'll show more about Final Fantasy X HD. I wanna see how the game has been altered. Will you be altering the International release so that all the poor US/Canadian gamers will actually get a chance to play the superior version of which the PAL version was built from? Also, sign a damn contract with Valve to be able to release L4D3 and L4D2 on the PS3.




1 Mujura no Kamen (Majora's Mask)

2 Kamigami no Toraifoosu (Triforce of the Gods - released as A Link to the Past)

3 Left 4 Dead

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Looks doubtful, honestly. Squeenix has largely been loyal to Sony for contracting their game releases exclusively to the PlayStation platforms, with rare exceptions usually being interquels, prequels, or spinoff titles (such as 358/2 Days and Re:Coded released on the DS). For mainline series of games such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, though, I'm pretty certain those will be Sony exclusive.

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i agree with karkat vantas, i also hope KH3 will also be xbox 360 cause i really dont want to buy a PS3 just for that...


I never actually stated that I hoped KH3 would be on the XB360, because I know for a fact, like Naxy just explained, Square Enix is mostly in Sony's bed, while spin-off titles like Re:coded, 358/2 Days and the upcoming Dream Drop Distance (KH3D) are done for Nintendo. Now, I know the whole "FFXIII and XIII-2 were released on the 360 as well!" spiel, since I have both games on said console, but that is Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts won't get any love for Microsoft, though if they do this time, it will be the fastest I make my bank account even more desolate than a ghost town.
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What I hope to see: more of Halo 4. A trailer and a few seconds of gameplay won't do it for me. Nintendo changing the name "Wii U" to just "U". It kinda makes the whole thing sound less "gimmicky", shall I say.


What I expect to see: Announcement of Half-Life 3. Skyrim DLC, Halo 4, some new stupid by Sony, and Black Ops 2 (which I'm probably going to get, since it looks promising.)

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some new stupid by Sony


I know you're going to disagree, trust me, but I am not letting my topic turn into a place to ignorantly bash companies for what is seemingly no other reason than to provoke fans of said companies.


Don't do it again. ;)


To comment on the other parts of your post:


Changing the Wii U's name to just 'U' really does not seem like a good idea, nor does it sound like a good name for anything.


I also agree that Black Ops II is promising, as it's doing something no Infinity Ward Call of Duty has ever done: doing something new.


Sent from my swiper using Tapatalk 2

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I really want Nintendo to change the name of the Wii U. I've been a long-time fan of Nintendo's products, but I hated the Wii, and I can't stand to see their next system named after what is (In my opinion) the worst system that they've made yet. Oh, and I'm super excited to (hopefully) see the Starfox/Metroid Crossover. And an Earthbound compliation for the 3DS, cause we all know that that's happening, right? :rolleyes:


As for Sony, I feel like they will announce the PS4, but I don't think it'll do too well. The PS3 is just starting to get a real devoted group of fans, and to see support for everything dropped for the PS4 just as it's starting to pick up popularity is never a good move. I really want to see more of All Stars Battle Royale, which, while I feel is a ripoff of Smash Bros., may end up being really good. I also want to see Sony do something more original because, let's be honest here, a lot of the stuff that they've done since having Blu Ray support in the PS3 has been copied from other companies. They need to get back on the originality train!


Microsoft needs to focus less on the Kinect and more on creating things other than Shooter games for the XBox. Not to say anything bad about MS or the XBox, but they are only appealing to fans of Racing and Shooting games, and they need to build out into other genres, sort of like Bethesda did by putting Oblivion and Skyrim on the Xbox (RPG's!!!!). In short, there needs to be more of that!

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I really want Nintendo to change the name of the Wii U. I've been a long-time fan of Nintendo's products, but I hated the Wii, and I can't stand to see their next system named after what is (In my opinion) the worst system that they've made yet. It's kind of like Pokemon Black and White 2, a sequel to the most hated game in the Pokemon Series (for many fans, not to start an argument :P).


Ooooookay, I thought I already said my thread would not be used for bashing? I do not care one way or the other if it's done in a tame or extreme way, not in here; if you must, make another thread for it. This topic is about speculating what we want/may see at E3, not saying "I hate this, I hate that."


I am deleting any future posts which do this.

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Ooooookay, I thought I already said my thread would not be used for bashing? I do not care one way or the other if it's done in a tame or extreme way, not in here; if you must, make another thread for it. This topic is about speculating what we want/may see at E3, not saying "I hate this, I hate that."


I am deleting any future posts which do this.


Okay, sorry. I didn't really write it to bash anything, since I never said that I hated black and white, but I'll change it.

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Yesssssss~! It doesn't sound like something that Nintendo would usually do, but they have surprised us before, so I'm really hopeful! ;D

Especially if it's done by retro games. They are definitely near the top on my list of favorite video game developers!

Oh, and I just thought of one other thing I would love to see at e3! Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright! It's a shame that Capcom/Level 5 have been in denial about it coming to the U.S., although I guess that they're probably dealing with copyright laws and such... :(

So ya, Hopefully we can get a guarantee that it will come to the US and the UK!

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Indeed. Retro is one of my favorite developers, too, since they did such great justice to the Metroid series.

I honestly look forward to anything they'd have to show at E3.


As for anything else I look forward to, well... I know for a fact Mario is going to be shown for the Wii U, so I think it would be cool to see what Nintendo does for it on there.

And while I am not too big on fancy graphics, I am actually really curious to see what all of my favorite Nintendo games will look like with the extra kick the Wii U will give them.

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