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What language would you take?


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  1. 1. Which language should I take?

    • Persian
    • Japanese

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So I'm planing my next year of classes and I want to take a foreign language but am having a hard time deciding between japanese and persian. both have about the same amount of usefulness in my life. persian is more widely spoken and I have an interest in persian poetry and their ancient culture. japanese is supposedly harder to learn but I could actually go to japan with out putting my life in danger and I like video games and other products from japan. both don't have any of the gender BS (I mean how was I supposed to know that my chair has penis?) and both are offered by my college (OSU). Feel free to give reasoning behind your vote.

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While I don't really see either as practical... I actually honestly can't say. Point is, don't take a class just because you like video games and their products. That makes just as much sense taking Italian because you like pasta. If you enjoy Persian poetry and their ancient courses, but won't actually be able to use the language practically, take an Ancient Civilizations class and read books up on it. There has got to be better things to take as a language. If your mind is determined on taking one of these two languages though, I cannot give an opinion.

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I agree that to coool has a good point, but I'm set on these two languages


from I've been able to gleam off the internet is that japanese is easy to learn to speak but that writing is super difficult, and that for those not able to understand the passive voice adds frustration.


I've heard that trying to learn two languages at once isn't hard if your at an advanced level in one and beginning in the other so I may just start one and pick up the other as I go, I'll probably start persian first than pick up japanese next year if it goes well


while these aren't very practical languages, I think it would be fun to learn them unlike french which was a language I had no interest in while it was useful to attempt to learn

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  • 7 months later...

Oh geeze I forgot I made this, so here's what happened. My home life went to shit so I wasn't able to keep up with japanese but it was too many credit hours so dropping it meant I would go to part time and pay back money I can't afford so I was stuck failing it -.- I really liked it so I may try again sometime in the future, I just couldn't focus on it while having the problems that where going in my family distracting me.

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Definitely Japanese. I'd love to be totally fluent... instead of just knowing the basics.


Oh, and Blaze, your romaji has a few errors, but I'll let it slide. Its kinda more difficult to use romaji than it is to use the kana themselves.




lol I knew it, but you could at least understand it right? I can't read or write kana or kanji. Too many damn characters to remember. :P
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I would personally choose Japanese so i could read my Mangas early but it's supposedly a difficult language to learn. (So far i've only managed to teach myself how to count from 1 to 100, which wasn't as hard as you might think)

Another reason i suppose is so you could chat up sexy Japanese ladies. :)

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I would personally choose Japanese so i could read my Mangas early but it's supposedly a difficult language to learn. (So far i've only managed to teach myself how to count from 1 to 100, which wasn't as hard as you might think)

Another reason i suppose is so you could chat up sexy Japanese ladies. :)


I'm with you there lol
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