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Beta Zelda 64 Shields! (Including Hi-Res)


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I guess you can call it restored, but it's really just a remake of a screenshot.

Made with photoshop, and originally, completely by me, but then Flotonic stepped in to brighten the outcome.

I hope you enjoy :P Feel free to make it into a texture, I have other surprises waiting!





Hi - res textures:

I have made the original Beta shield Hi-res since it was already restored.




As well as the 2nd version beta shield, which I restored recreated.




Enjoy my textures and give me credit if you decide to post them anywhere else/use them :P

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Technically not a restoration since the original wasn't high resolution, but awesome all the same. I particularly like the last one--the shiny effects in conjunction with the overall design gives it a distinctly heroic visage.



Why thank you Naxy, I always like to hear your comments on my textures. :P

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  • 2 months later...

The 2nd shield, the beveled area for the metal part of the shield could use some softening to help smooth the transition, otherwise it looks a little rough around the edges. Other then that, great job!


Thanks so much for the critique, Zeth!

I have some more textures, if you would like to check them out, though, You deleted me from Skype and all...


I don't want to fill up the GCN with textures, So, yeah, thanks again.

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I know, it was meant to look beta-ish, but Imho it's still something missing.

Dunno what's so wrong about, it kinda looks like the old shield of the A+B beta screens, but it feels incomplete...



What are you sorry about? That's exactly what they're supposed to look like, from the A+B/A+C screens

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I think I see the problem. The shield almost looks more like it's of screenshot quality than realistic. If you sharpen it just slightly and condense the colors into more definite shapes (versus the current blur/glow that you're using), that might make it feel more authentic.

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I think I see the problem. The shield almost looks more like it's of screenshot quality than realistic. If you sharpen it just slightly and condense the colors into more definite shapes (versus the current blur/glow that you're using), that might make it feel more authentic.


Yes, I wasn't sure which one you were talking about, the Hi-res one or the the smaller one, but I understand that I could do better on both of them, expect them to be posted here when I finish, alright ;)

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