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Restarting on the fourms as... ROBIN GUY!!!

Robin Guy

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Hi, it's me. I feel like such a jerk for all I have done on the GCN. I am a jerk and I am very, very sorry. I just want to restart myself on the fourms. Just call me, Robin Guy >:D


I like cupcakes and yogurt. I have lots of stuff, and I like to dance!

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Uhm, okay?


I'm sorry, what did you do, exactly? This topic isn't very amusing if you haven't done anything wrong.


Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using Tapatalk 2


Remember the alphabete thred? I feel really bad for that. So I dissapeard off the fourms because I was ashamed of myself. So I just want to restart on the fourms.
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