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The Ranting Central

Pinkie Pie

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First Rant:


I will admit that I am a bit of a hypocrite, after all, I roleplay too but yet this rant is against roleplayers. But in my defense...this is a rant about certain ones.



Yes, we've all reached a period in which we made our own characters for our favorite shows, wether we put it on the internet, or just kept it to ourselves, we did make some little character to join your favorite heroes in an also fan-made adventure. I am okay with this, usually, because hey, it's a phase, we eventually get over it. But unfortunatly I've met enough times on the internet, annoying fan characters with cliche stories and which happen to be stronger than the main hero of the show. So how many times have you guys met people who have this:


Hello my name is Saiko Mitsubishi

I am a ninja from a leaf village, I am a hokage and I have:



Spirit Bomb

Ka-me-hame ha

and every single badass jutsu of every single character.

I also have the ten-tailed wolf sealed in me.

I cannot die unless you use a special sword which I will not ever tell you.

My parents were killed by evil ninja, and I will one day have my revenge!


^ They usually have a lot more typos than that.



We have all come across the internet and at least once met a hybrid.

And we have all seen something like this:

Hello I am a half-human, half-vampire, half were-wolf, half-neko!


And then we find ourselves wondering:

Dang how many men did this motherf***er's mom sleep with?


And well .......that's all I have to say about hybrids.......it's only a matter of time till we meet up with people who RP as actual animals mixed with others.....oops...there are.


Hi I'm a Chihuahua whale!!


or even fantasy animals


Hi I'm a unicorn-werewolf!!





And here's the worst of all the roleplayers:


Wolf RP'ers


What are wolf Rp'ers? In case you don't know....they are dumb little teenagers who go online pretending they are wolves. I don't usually care what other people believe in, but when they try to drag other people in it, that's when I am tempted to rant. What did they do so wrong?

Well..they took words that they don't even know what they mean,

They called them "wolf-words"

and made it so that everyone who wants to RP with them to have to use those words, and those who refuse to learn it, would be called a "Fail"


Wolves are the bullies of the RP'ers, they are the few douchebags who think they are smart, but in fact look like idiots, example?:


The Vixen turned her crest towards you, curling her labia and letting out a low growl from her chest.


-KOFF!! KOFF!!- Labia are vaginal lips -KOFF!! KOFF!!-

-KOFF!!KOFF!!- Vixens are female FOXES -KOFF!! KOFF!!-

-KOFF!!KOFF!!- Growls come from the throat -KOFF! KOFF!!-

-KOFF!!KOFF!!- Wolves don't have crests -KOFF!! KOFF!!-


I would normally let them destroy themselves, but as I mentioned before, they are idiots who try to drag other people to learn their "sophisticated language".

What's their excuse?

"Our RP is more exciting than yours!! we use better words rather than those boring words!"


Really? So RP'ing as an animal using words that you don't even know what they mean is more exciting than RP'ing as a werewolf unicorn and having an adventure in the land of marshallows using words that normal human beings can understand?


Shame Shame.

What is humanity descending to?


(Just a note:

The Wolf RP'ers I'm referring to are the ones who call themselves "Real Wolves", or just the ones who use their little cult language, not all of them)

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Wolf RPers, eh? You may not know this, but I have a wolf character, although I don't sit there and go "I'M A WULF LOL!" in real life. In reality, I more associate with the panda. =P


Anyway, my point is, you've instantly labeled everyone who has a wolf character as retarded and such. I've known a few good ones... then there's myself. My wolf character may be anthropomorphic, but yeah. =P


Anyway, that aside, I've got nothing to rant about yet. I'm still half-asleep. I'll be back later.

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