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The Legend of Alice: Alice in Time (Ocarina of Time mod)


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New project:



I can't figure out how to upload a pic so I'll just inform you of what this is.


This project is based off Alice in Wonderland. (if the title hadn't already informed you)


Link is replaced with a female protagonist that goes by the name of Alice.


A wizard has taken over Wonderland and has assassinated the alchemist. (which was the previous ruler of the kingdom)


Alice visits wonderland several times as a child. And when she's grown old enough she is ready to wield the sword of the silver star and slay the wizard that turned Wonderland into a wasteland filled with vile creatures.



This mod so far will have new script, new textures, and have some model modifications.


Might go for a complete modification of the game if the rest of the project goes well.


(I'll post a pic when I can figure out how to post pics from my PC onto the GCN.)

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Thanks Ryo, I think that is what I'll do.


I am quite pleased with results so far. I finished Link's Alice textures, I just want to edit Links model a little before releasing a pic.


I think that nose of his would be too big for an Alice.

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Okay, all my zdata is on my other computer. And I don't remember where I got it from. Does anybody know where I can find the zdata files needed for Utility of Time?


Sorry haven't modded anything in 2 years and I don't remember where I got most of the stuff.


Also I can't seem to find Zelda Edit anywhere.



EDIT: Have found it on my own and am now getting back to work. Should have a pic soon


EDIT2: Now have some pics. Some of the textures are Zeth's I know, I just haven't changed those textures yet. But the character itself is my work and is what the pics are a preview of, plus the meters were made by me. (pots in background were also retextured by me)


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(TNT made by me obviously)

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This is looking pretty well. An Alice in Wonderland mod sounds nice for OoT. Also I hope I don't sound like an ass or anything but do you plan on remodeling Link's arms to make your character look more feminine? Otherwise everything else looks cool. :)

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The face texture's I actually did rip from peach in Mario 64 :P


I do plan on remodeling the arms, I just couldn't wait to show it on the GCN so I put pics up before the model was completely finished. EDIT: decided to leave the arms be, because it makes Alice look more like a strong warrior as well.


And I know what you're referring to Zeth, the jar in the background does need a little more work. (The TNT is supposed to be boxy though)


And I have a cheat code for the voice somewhere, just might be awhile before I find it.



Also, I am almost finished making the sword of the silver star. Will have a pic of that soon.

EDIT: Sword finished, pics on the way!


EDIT 2: Pics are here!


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(Now time to work on the shield of the silver star)


Here are the new pics with the shield of the silver star.


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Thanks. Yeah, I've noticed that as well. I'll change it later on.


I went back and changed the boot textures at least. :) Didn't care for that hot pink color it was before.


EDIT: Decided to go ahead and fix that up before bed


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You can still see the seams if you look hard enough, but I'm not going to worry about it.

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I might change some items, I have many ideas and I'm unsure of which ideas I'll use yet.


EDIT: And thanks ZREOfan, I certainly will.


Also, I have fixed up the health meter a bit, hope you all like it better than the old one.


Plus, I put the grave of the alchemist in the Forgot Temple.


(Finally cleaned all of Zeth's textures out of my hires_texture file)

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What do you think?


EDIT 2: New look for sheik.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here's the pic that I posted in the shout box last night.


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I have since this pic was taken, fixed the fuse on the TNT and changed the bomb icon to match.


The Alice model still has a lot of work to be done on it, but be expecting more updates soon.

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Thanks, that's actually what gave me the idea to use TNT crates instead of bombs.


Now I need a favor from anyone who can help me out with this, Project 64 has been crashing with a lot of the textures to the point where I feel I can't texture anything.


I know the rom I'm using isn't very stable, can someone PM me a site I can go to to get the Debug rom that's titled "ZELOOTMA"? I know that rom doesn't need to be put through Zelda Edit, and is a lot more stable.

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