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Zelda: Underground Castle


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Figured it was about time I post a topic for this...

For anybody who followed the past incarnations of this project, it's going to be a lot different this time around. So here's a little about the story...
The game is set a long time after the events of Ocarina of Time. Link lives in a town based near Hyrule Castle, the main settlement of humans, and is learning about the legends of the Hero of Time. One day Link leaves the town to find further information elsewhere, but he will soon discover that the world is not the safe place it seems to be...

Current progress is probably close to zero percent but a lot of the planning is already there so this time I should not run into loads of problems in development. This will probably take a long time as I plan to use as much custom content as I can, so don't be expecting anything finished to play any time soon.

Here's a few screenshots to keep you occupied for the moment:

Hyrule Castle!
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What's that interesting looking place? Why am I running away from it?
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Ooh, a penny.
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This town is most definitely big enough for the two of us...
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Actually it's huge. I need to make this a bit smaller.
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A few other music previews, etc.
Note: only the 4th video onwards is relevant to this version of the hack.


I'm sorry.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm using SketchUp, yes; I finally seem to be getting along with it or at least I've learned to live with it, which is more than can be said for other modelling programs I've tried out. The only drawback with it is texturing (as I'm sure you know), but once you get to grips with the different options available it's simple enough (though very time consuming) to get everything looking nice.

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Is this the third installment? I feel your pain because I know it is a great deal of work. But in order to ensure the project stays alive this time, have you considered either getting some assistance or perhaps releasing what you have if the project gets canned again?

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I don't ask for assistance with this because my own work on it is very inconsistent; I would not think it fair to have people helping out when I as the project's leader would go months and months without doing anything at all. The past versions have all failed because of a lack of proper planning and documentation which lead to me having no idea what was what inside the ROM and ultimately not liking having to work with it. This time around everything is much more organised and with all the tools available that were not before I don't even need to keep (many) files that are in Zelda's formats, which makes everything a lot more bearable and less confusing.

If this ever gets cancelled I would of course release all the files since I plan to do that when the whole thing is finished anyway. This will take a very long time to complete but this time around I do not see any reason why it won't happen.


Anyway, I loaded up my map in the game to get a proper idea of the size and how it'll look.



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I really love SharpOcarina...

There's still some texturing and UV error fixing to be done before I can start adding proper collision data, actors and such but this is actually coming on pretty well.

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Looks beautiful in-game, DeathBasket. I think the only thing that stands out to me is the repetition of the wall texture; maybe you can mirror the mapping horizontally? That may help some and would save you have to manually adjust the mapping of every face by hand.

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Yes, that seems to be repeating too much, which you notice when standing far away or viewing the faces from an angle. I will probably double the width of the texture so it doesn't repeat too much, mirroring could also help so I will try that too and see which is the better option.



Bad ass DB. The missing shadows, is that an issue with SO?


I haven't pinpointed that yet, may be an error with the graphics plugin as the shadows are drawn on Link's feet but not the surfaces. I know that they are sometimes affected by the environment lighting though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

It's been a year since I posted this topic. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, but to me it is the right decision to make.


You can now consider this project cancelled. I really didn't want to do this and it feels strange to me because I always thought I would finish it, so I feel this deserves an explanation. In short, I just can't deal with the project anymore. It might seem like this has been coming for a long time, and in all honesty it has been for at least the past six months, but I've still been working on a few things as recently as last month. The problem isn't with the project itself. For a long time now, I've had very little to no interest in Zelda hacking. It used to be fun but nowadays it's just a total drag for me and I can't find anywhere near enough motivation to do it anymore, especially working on a project like this. The other issue is that real life has been a little overwhelming and sort of pushed some of my hobbies aside. That doesn't just go for this project though. I feel like I'm pretty much done with hacking altogether for now, and probably for quite some time. I'll stick around though.


I'm really, really sorry. I know this project hasn't exactly been active for a long time but I'm sorry if this makes you disappointed because it has me. :(


What will this mean, then? Well, I'm going to spend some time compiling what information I can and I'll dump it all in a download somewhere. It seems pointless for me to have kept this going so long without having released anything. Maybe someone will even be able to pick it back up sometime. This'll take some time though, stuff is scattered around two computers and my brain. Don't expect to see a ton of actual stuff, I never claimed to have made a lot of progress after the project was restarted.


RIP Underground Castle (2008-2013)

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