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Extremely Quick Question



I'm a little too busy myself (at the moment I'm scurrying to the proper gate where my next flight will arrive at shortly) to look this up so I'm asking someone for a quick answer.


Does anyone know where ovl_player_actor is loaded into the RAM? Also, not really a major deal but I still wonder, is that actor the "Link" actor? :P I've really never known. If it is, well that answers my first question.


I'm writing and finishing a little hack in the "Notes" app on my iPod to pass the time on the airplane. Nearly done, too!

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Yes, that is Link's actor.

The actor's structure in RAM seems to always be at 0x802245B0 (yet to see it at any other address) but I would not call that a constant. I'm not sure where the functions etc. get copied to but I think it's somewhere > 0x8038000 if that's any help.

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