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Kingdom Hearts 2

Shadow Fire

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<div align="center"><img src="http://core.the-gcn.com/reviews/KH2.png" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div><br /><br /><b>Director:</b> Tetsuya Nomura<br /><br /><b>Producers:</b> Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase<br /><br /><b>Music:</b> Yoko Shimomura, Hikaru Utada<br /><br /><b>Starring:</b> Haley Joel Osment, David Gallagher, Hayden Panettiere, Tony Anselmo, Bill Farmer<br /><br /><b>Rating:</b> <img src="http://core.the-gcn.com/reviews/rating/5stars.png" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br /><br /><br /><b><u>Plot</u></b><br /><br />A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I wanna line the pieces up... yours and mine.<br /><br />

It has been one year since Sora defeated Ansem and sealed the door the Kingdom Hearts, but what has become of our hero? A young boy named Roxas, who lives in Twilight Town is having these strange dreams about a boy he has never met, along with battles he never fought. Trying to put them aside, he sets his sights on the trophy which can be won by being victorious in the Struggle tournament. However, when Vivi suddenly gains great power, a strange hooded figure appears to guide Roxas. Suddenly, he's attacked by strange figures, and his Struggle weapon is useless. Without warning a Keyblade appears in Roxas' hand and he fights off the figures. As events unfold over the course of a few days, Roxas finds Sora, and is told by a strange man that he represents half of Sora, his dark side to be precise. Accepting his destiny, Roxas closes his eyes and returns to Sora, making the two halves whole again.<br /><br />

As Sora wakes from his extended dream, it is discovered that he is still searching for Riku, believing him to have found a way out of Kingdom Hearts. With Donald and Goofy by his side once again, he sets off. Suddenly, the friends are attacked by the same creatures that Roxas was, but while he does valiantly, the enemies keep coming. Just as it looks like our heroes are too weak to fight, King Mickey appears, dressed in the same black clothes as the mysterious man that Roxas saw. He explains about the creatures, known as Nobodies, who are created when a strong-hearted person becomes a Heartless. Now Sora must fight against two enemies, as well as stopping both the Heartless and the Nobodies from getting control of the worlds. Will he succeed?<br /><br /><br /><b><u>Review</u></b><br /><br />As Kingdom Hearts was awesome, I felt Kingdom Hearts 2 should also be just as awesome, if not more. I wasn't disappointed. This game is as much graphically appeasing as it is with music. With the introduction of new characters, as well as the return of many from the first game, it's got a vast gameplay to it.<br /><br />

One thing I was hesitant about was the Gummi Ship system, as it sucked balls in the first game, and not in the good way. However, the programmers made an excellent comeback with the new system, which is more accurate, as well as a lot more fun. It also has an overworld, so instead of simply choosing your next destination as you did on Kingdom Hearts, you actually get to fly a spaceship around, and be completely random with it. Sweet as!<br /><br />

Now for the battle system. As with all the newer Square Enix games, the battle system is set in Real Time, so there's absolutely no margin for error, as you can be killed without knowing what hit you. Luckily, it's similar to the original KH system, meaning if you do die, you are revived nearby. However, unlike the first game, in KH2, you can actually save while in battle. By stepping on a Save Point, you can press the triangle button to open the save menu and you can save. No more dawdling, or having to wait for the battle to end. The same thing goes for opening treasure. As Triangle is now the action button (don't worry, X is still the Fight button), you can open treasure in mid battle. Oh, and another nifty feature is the Trigger Command. If you see Triangle flashing above the menu while battling, you can use specific movements that can be used to your advantage. Some of these moves come at a price, which is most often, if not always, all of Sora's MP. However, when Sora's MP runs out, a guage starts filling up, and once full, all his MP returns. There's also a Drive system, but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. =P<br /><br />

I must say one thing though... Square Enix decided to finally make a game where the final boss is actually the hardest boss in the game. Damn them. =P<br /><br /><br /><b><u>Overall</u></b><br /><br />If you've played Kingdom Hearts, but haven't played Kingdom Hearts 2, you fail at life. Either that, or you just don't have the money for it. In that case, I recommend you save up and get it, because you should play it. Right now.

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... it sucked balls in the first game, and not in the good way.

I lol'd, for real. XD


Also, if you still haven't figured out drive forms, I can help you. :P


And, (IMHO) the hardest boss in the game isn't *SPOILER ALERT AVERT YOUR EYES* Final Xemnas *END SPOILER*, but Hunter-X on the rank three Gummi Ship Mission The Dreadnaught.

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I lol'd, for real. XD


Also, if you still haven't figured out drive forms, I can help you. :P


And, (IMHO) the hardest boss in the game isn't *SPOILER ALERT AVERT YOUR EYES* Final Xemnas *END SPOILER*, but Hunter-X on the rank three Gummi Ship Mission The Dreadnaught.

NO, It's Sephiroth, KH2's Sephiroth is almost impossible. Except for when you're talking about Gummi ship. That thing is hard....

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Agreed. I had pretty much no trouble with Sephiroth once I learned how fun spamming Reflega is and his attack patterns. I only died a lot at first because I didn't have any Drive abilities, anyway (derp). </offtopic>


KH2 sure was a fun game. SE needs to make more original stuff like this and less Final Fantasy ripoffs. Seriously, it's starting to feel like it's another company making fangames of a once great franchise; the title has now become a general wildcard schematic for anything SE was too lazy to come up with a title for.

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