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modmans graphics


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hello. i decided as i brushed up on some of my digital skills (graphic design/modeling/coding etc) i would share a bit of it with you guys! so here we go:

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if you're interested in the above images, you can use them as desktops by downloading them from my deviant art: http://m0dm4n.deviantart.com/


3d art:

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the earth was done from a blenderguru video i watched. i had never done an earth before so i figured id give it a try. (it was difficult too. i couldnt download the provided height map so i had to make my own >:C)


and the monkey was just a cycles rendering test. i had never done any lighting so i figured id give it a try as well




well... the only recent thing ive done was a few zelda edits. unfortunatly i dont have pictures let alone any of the code anymore to show you. it was only mere text edits and actor placement changes. i was trying to learn how to do mapping and creating/exporting maps but i'll learn that again when ever i come around to it


(and sorry that have nothing zelda related to show, thats all on my photobucket and i dont know how to use it anymore)

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