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Zelda-related dreams


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This is a thread where people can post about all their Zelda-related dreams. There was some talking about this on the URA discussions thread and I though I'd make a thread about it.


So what crazy dungeons/ areas/ etc. have you dreamed up over the years?

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Dream #1:

I was playing Majora's Mask(or, at least, I assume I was), as a Deku Scrub. I was moving through a massive library(like, a giant's library), and then there was a corridor, walls lined with bookshelves, and there were giant pillars and those little moving spike things(those trap things, forget the names), and a giant door at the end. If I walked further down the way, a giant would come out, and a text box would appear that reads, "Where's the rat!?", as well as a voice over of it; he then proceeded to walk down the corridor, towards me, swinging a giant ax near the ground, right to left, left to right, so he can make sure to get me.


What I needed to do, however, is hide behind a pillar where he would not see me, and then once he's far enough down the corridor, I would need to run through the door from whence he came, before he made his way back into it.


This was a weird, almost creepy dream.


Dream #2:

Memories are very, very(veeeeeeery) fuzzy; all I remember, is a cave room in some cavern, with a pool of water on one side, and a weird Deku creature hopping from platform to platform, like it was a boss fight.


Dream #3:

Thinking back, all I see are glimpses of Link in Clock Town, he was either Young Link or the Fierce Deity(my memory isn't too reliable for this one), and he was hitting blocks with a long sword. The blocks had Fierce Deity Link's head textured on them, and once hit, they reacted the same way the blocks from OoT's Fire Temple do upon being hit with the Megaton Hammer.


Dream #4:

Memory is, again, very fuzzy; swimming through some water area as Zora Link, go through some underwater cave, and back up into a cavern of sorts, where there was a shop.

I distinctly remember there being pirate ships, and maybe even docks around the area before entering the underwater cave.


Dream #5:

In this dream, the funny thing is, it made itself known that it was a Zelda mod, rather than my mind making me think it was an actual Zelda game.


To start: there was a central hub room, that was accessed by walking down a flight of stairs, and the room itself was round. The walls were lined with portals, which gave a glimpse into the world you'd enter by going through them. The one I entered seemed to have been a cemetery, of sorts, as there were tombstones everywhere. During the playthrough, I was some woman(I honestly can't remember if it was a woman, or a long-haired man), and I would need to collect these rotating potions throughout the level, which would then transform me into different characters once I had enough. The only one my memory is letting me remember playing as, is some skeleton guy, with a sword.


It was cool, since I was slashing stuff and what not. But looking back at this dream, the cemetery level is just creepy; dark, atmospheric, and at certain points, the level was covered by a shroud of green light.



I probably have more, but I for the life of me cannot remember.


Also, fun thing to think about:

When you dream, you're actually experiencing hours worth of content, rather than the few seconds you feel like you've seen most of the time upon waking up.

So, you just may have been playing hours worth of a Zelda game in your mind, but you just cannot remember it all. The day we have the ability to record our dreams on video, is the day we will get to see this stuff in full.

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I had a dream I was in Japan and met someone selling a bunch of N64 games for really cheap, had a huge bin of them. I began digging through and near the bottom I found a Zelda Ocarina of Time cart from E3 that said "demo" on it and it had the old style logo that was similar to ALTTP's. After about a week in my dream, I flew back to the US, got home and had the cartridge in my hand, I had just put it in my N64 and was about to turn the power on when I woke up. I never had been so sad in my entire life. D:

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Dream #1:

I was playing Majora's Mask(or, at least, I assume I was), as a Deku Scrub. I was moving through a massive library(like, a giant's library), and then there was a corridor, walls lined with bookshelves, and there were giant pillars and those little moving spike things(those trap things, forget the names), and a giant door at the end. If I walked further down the way, a giant would come out, and a text box would appear that reads, "Where's the rat!?", as well as a voice over of it; he then proceeded to walk down the corridor, towards me, swinging a giant ax near the ground, right to left, left to right, so he can make sure to get me.


What I needed to do, however, is hide behind a pillar where he would not see me, and then once he's far enough down the corridor, I would need to run through the door from whence he came, before he made his way back into it.


This was a weird, almost creepy dream.


Dream #2:

Memories are very, very(veeeeeeery) fuzzy; all I remember, is a cave room in some cavern, with a pool of water on one side, and a weird Deku creature hopping from platform to platform, like it was a boss fight.


Dream #3:

Thinking back, all I see are glimpses of Link in Clock Town, he was either Young Link or the Fierce Deity(my memory isn't too reliable for this one), and he was hitting blocks with a long sword. The blocks had Fierce Deity Link's head textured on them, and once hit, they reacted the same way the blocks from OoT's Fire Temple do upon being hit with the Megaton Hammer.


Dream #4:

Memory is, again, very fuzzy; swimming through some water area as Zora Link, go through some underwater cave, and back up into a cavern of sorts, where there was a shop.

I distinctly remember there being pirate ships, and maybe even docks around the area before entering the underwater cave.


Dream #5:

In this dream, the funny thing is, it made itself known that it was a Zelda mod, rather than my mind making me think it was an actual Zelda game.


To start: there was a central hub room, that was accessed by walking down a flight of stairs, and the room itself was round. The walls were lined with portals, which gave a glimpse into the world you'd enter by going through them. The one I entered seemed to have been a cemetery, of sorts, as there were tombstones everywhere. During the playthrough, I was some woman(I honestly can't remember if it was a woman, or a long-haired man), and I would need to collect these rotating potions throughout the level, which would then transform me into different characters once I had enough. The only one my memory is letting me remember playing as, is some skeleton guy, with a sword.


It was cool, since I was slashing stuff and what not. But looking back at this dream, the cemetery level is just creepy; dark, atmospheric, and at certain points, the level was covered by a shroud of green light.



I probably have more, but I for the life of me cannot remember.


Also, fun thing to think about:

When you dream, you're actually experiencing hours worth of content, rather than the few seconds you feel like you've seen most of the time upon waking up.

So, you just may have been playing hours worth of a Zelda game in your mind, but you just cannot remember it all. The day we have the ability to record our dreams on video, is the day we will get to see this stuff in full.


The first one and the last one sound really cool. I think those could definitely be made into dungeons in an actual game.


Anyway, here are some dreams I've had over the years. My memories of them are kinda fuzzy so my descriptions might be kind of vague.


Dream 1(had this a few days ago)- I'm in some sort of forest/ swamp dungeon. I think it was supposed to be a part of a forest temple that you'd return to after beating it, when you get a certain item. I was swimming through scummy water, fighting deku babas that were dispersed throughout the area, and heading towards doors at the end of the area. Not too much to it that I can remember.


Dream 2- I somehow got stuck on a large Greudo sail ship. I had to get the hookshot so I could hook onto a cow that was outside and leave the ship(I don't even). The ship was painted a faded pink on the inside and Greudos were roaming all throughout the ship. I had to stun/ kill them before they caught sight of me, but eventually one of them caught me and threw me into a large theater room with a Hylian girl(again, I don't even).


Dream 3- I'm in some sort of temple. The air inside is very thick, the walls were a light, faded gray, there was grass, trees, and moss, and the temple itself had very mysterious, unsettling atmosphere akin to the Forest Temple. There were many different rooms and doors, some of which were locked by keys, and there were wolfos in some of the rooms that I had to kill. In the final room inside a treasure chest was a sword. I got it and the next thing I remember at the bottom of an equally unsettling lake.


Dream 4- I'm in deku form, in some sort of poisonous swamp. I'm going from one pillar to the next using deku flowers and fighting off the wild deku scrubs on the pillars. The whole area was very much like Woodfall in Majora's Mask.


There were 2 or 3 other ones I had but I don't remember enough about them to give a decent description.

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