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kyrin's adventure 3d


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it will be kinda like a mini rom hack to hold you guys over until ura zelda it's a zelda rom hack that

has nothing really to do with zelda just ran on the same engine as oot i alraedy have the

model done ill replace over young link well almost have a look http://tinypic.com/r/ej61j6/6 and http://tinypic.com/r/t6e3y8/6

it's just going to be one dungeon ill start soon after i figure out how to replace link and other actors

so if you know how to do plz help i might finish it in about a two weeks maybe i think my kyrin

model has too may polys

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Almost all mods are done on the Debug ROM of OoT, so you need to be using that, for starters.


Modding Zelda really isn't a walk in the park compared to other games, because unlike some titles there's no official tools to take advantage of, and the game engine is much more complex than that of any 2D game that you see dozens of mods for. Everything we know and do is based on experimentation and notes documenting file formats and such. I definitely recommend starting small with experiments to get your feet wet before jumping in with a full-blown mod.


Also, editing your post is preferable to multi-posting. Just a friendly reminder.

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