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Adventure Time 3DS - Zelda clone?


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What are your guys thoughts of this game? If anyone here watches the Cartoon Network show Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Yes I admit it, I watch the show, it's pretty good IMO and its pretty good compare to the other shit that CN shows on their channel. So please leave your results, opinions, etc of what you think of the game. Well from my point of view. When I first saw the game. I noticed that it reminded me of A Link to the Past for the snes for a minute and Zelda II The Adventures of Link for the Nes. When I first saw some images. I was thinking. Wow, they seem identical. The Nintendo 3DS game, Adventure Time: Hey Ice King why'd you steal our garbage?! Is a Action Adventure Game published by D3Publisher of America. I noticed that when I first saw the images my mind was twisted with some thoughts saying, This game looks similar. Here are some images. I may be wrong, but let me know what you think. :)


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So what do you guys think? Do they look familiar? Please leave back with good results. I am just curious if the game looks like a clone or not. :)

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If these are the only two similarities, I have a feeling someone is just trying really really hard to make accusations. These are coincidental similarities at best; if anything, some very vague elements may have been inspired by the games, since the premise of an Adventure Time game seems like it would be of a similar vein to Zelda, albeit with a far less coherent plot, as I understand the nature of the show. Not to mention, they're comparing it to two different Zelda games.

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The similarities are moot. In life, there are things that are similar to other things, and we instantly cry "ZOMG DAT IZ RIPOFF!!!11", but actually, it could have been inspired from that very thing we are defending. Take a look at the snippet from my story which I'm working on... it is heavily inspired by sci-fi series such as Star Trek, Stargate SG-1, and Mass Effect. However, there are a lot of my own things in it which separate it enough from those series, and makes it somewhat more original.


In relation to this topic, I would say that there is no justification for these claims.

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