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30 Minutes of Conker Twelve Tales Gameplay


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And let's not forget that there's some high quality screenshots out there now! 8D

Here's three examples:

(I seriously think we may see a ROM leaked in the future. I hope, at least! ;-; )



I am seriously thinking, without a doubt, that these screenshots are from a ROM of Dinosaur Planet running on an emulator.

Why do I think this? Well, here's why:


Do you see the massive difference in the size of the HUD? That is most definitely some weird side effect of whatever emulator/graphics plugin is being used with the game. As you can see in this image I just linked, we have the game running on real hardware, and the HUD is normally sized.




Now, compare the HUD item of this screenshot to the one with the two Sharpclaws riding their speeder bikes? Same problem with it being too small, plus it's placed incorrectly.


Guys, I think somebody has a ROM of the game. I really think, granted this person feels like sharing, we're going to see this thing leak onto the internet in the future. Oh lord, I hope so.

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I don't think the HUD or the high-res screenshots are an indicator of there being a ROM of DP... A resolution of 640x480 is possible on hardware, pixel-perfect screenshots can be taken from hardware, and the whole tiny/misplaced HUD thing could just stem from the game not being finished yet.


That said, tho... I really fucking hope there is a ROM of this somewhere! I don't really care about Conker 64, but Dinosaur Planet...! That was to be one of the N64's swan songs FFS! I had a poster with some concept art on my wall back at my mom's place for the longest time! I want to play this someday! <.<

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I don't think the HUD or the high-res screenshots are an indicator of there being a ROM of DP... A resolution of 640x480 is possible on hardware, pixel-perfect screenshots can be taken from hardware, and the whole tiny/misplaced HUD thing could just stem from the game not being finished yet.


I know you may be right about the origins of these screenshots, but just because I really wish there's a ROM out there, I will go with my thing. ;-;


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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I know you may be right about the origins of these screenshots, but just because I really wish there's a ROM out there, I will go with my thing. ;-;


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


From what I understand, there was two prototypes that have been shown, one where he still shares Krystal's voice for things and another where its his own and the game is most complete.

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The Jet Force Beta has the old models of the main characters and the PD beta some changed sounds/voices, but yeah, you are right, they aren't that much different than the released final versions and so not that much interesting.


BTW: the screenshots aren't from a ROM. They are released silicon graphic pre rendered stuff for advertisement purpose. You can find them also printed in some older N64 magazines, so I think RARE Minion only got some press kits, like the leaked ones of acclaim, which got released a year ago by assembler forum. The bad video quality for example really does look like a VHS rip and that could also be the reason the source isn't clearly.

It wouldn't be surprised at all if a Diddy Kong Racing beta video would arrive in near future, which shows the old world map.

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BTW: the screenshots aren't from a ROM. They are released silicon graphic pre rendered stuff for advertisement purpose. You can find them also printed in some older N64 magazines, so I think RARE Minion only got some press kits, like the leaked ones of acclaim, which got released a year ago by assembler forum. The bad video quality for example really does look like a VHS rip and that could also be the reason the source isn't clearly.

It wouldn't be surprised at all if a Diddy Kong Racing beta video would arrive in near future, which shows the old world map.


I still have hope. >.>

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wow! i think this i truly amazing wish i could see conker.it interested me the most

given that it seems to be an iconic because it reminds me of banjo and seems to not

be R rated at all i think they just wanted to try something a little diffident then

the average 3d performer when they released the final game but for once im happy with that.i wonder where the footage came from

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To be honest, it was the best idea, they had.

Nobody needed another 3D cutie platformer in this time, because there were already plenty of them on N64 and PSX.

And it was a great game, that evolved from twelve tales. You can still identify some parts of the world of 12 Tales in Conkers Bad Fur Day.

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  • 6 months later...

Reviving my old thread, because I can:


I didn't know this video existed, and while it's nothing special compared to the one hour video... I can't help but fucking envy the people that were there so long ago, PLAYING that demo for themselves. NEEEEEEEEEED ROM.


I seriously hope we see one this or next year. If we don't have one by 2015, I sadly see myself giving up hope that one will ever be leaked to the masses.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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I do a ton of research into beta and unreleased items, and I've tracked down a person who worked on the Jet Force Gemini artwork for the GameBoy. There seems to be only one prototype, unreleased of course.


I've been calling the studio who employs Nick Lee (the guy who worked on it) and whenever I call he's "never in" or just doesn't answer his phone. I really want to get an interview with him just to see if he can even say anything about it.


Meh. Prototypes and beta physical copies are those rare things that collectors want. I own a demo copy of Majora's Mask with the store sticker intact, but not the grey version, which is the rare one.

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To everyone who thinks that Dinosaur Planet ROMs will be leaked, they most likely not. Three reasons.

  • The video of Dinosaur Planet (the one hour video) was a VHS tape that was supposed to be shown to the public.
  • Wasn't the game, you know, unfinished? If the game was supposed to be moved to the Gamecube in mid-development (at least that what I heard), it wouldn't be done, correct?
  • I don't think a ROM of the game even exists. I mean, something in my gut tells me that most of the people who worked on this project is currently working at Microsoft, so the possibility of a Rare employee leaking a ROM is 15 out of 100 (also, wouldn't Nintendo have the original ROMs of Dinosaur Planet, they should have the original version if they have Star Fox Adventures).
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