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30 Minutes of Conker Twelve Tales Gameplay


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To everyone who thinks that Dinosaur Planet ROMs will be leaked, they most likely not. Three reasons.

  • The video of Dinosaur Planet (the one hour video) was a VHS tape that was supposed to be shown to the public.
  • Wasn't the game, you know, unfinished? If the game was supposed to be moved to the Gamecube in mid-development (at least that what I heard), it wouldn't be done, correct?
  • I don't think a ROM of the game even exists. I mean, something in my gut tells me that most of the people who worked on this project is currently working at Microsoft, so the possibility of a Rare employee leaking a ROM is 15 out of 100 (also, wouldn't Nintendo have the original ROMs of Dinosaur Planet, they should have the original version if they have Star Fox Adventures).

Okay, I really do not hope I sound like an ass(I'm not trying to), but you're very wrong on a few points:

  • Source? Because as far as I can tell, it's a bunch of really old gameplay captured by Rare employees with a VCR/capture device that was never released to the public until recently.
  • So you're completely unaware of prototype/unfinished/unreleased games being leaked? You know that's a thing, right? It happens? And it has happened?
  • That's another area you're wrong. I know for a fact one exists, whether it's on some old IDE hard drive, floppy disk, or a development cartridge, it does exist. And most original Rare employees are no longer even with the company, so no idea what you mean there. And no, no they wouldn't; I have no idea why they would have it, seeing as all development was done in Rare's studios for both the N64 and GC versions. If anything, they only (and I mean, ONLY) have the source for Star Fox: Adventures, maybe, but certainly nothing for the old N64 version.


...edited my post. Fixed things that didn't seem right to me.



And without thinking, I double-posted this instead of editing it in. Durn.



To Coool was here to fix this. ;D

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Okay, I really do not hope I sound like an ass(I'm not trying to), but you're very wrong on a few points:

[*]Source? Because as far as I can tell, it's a bunch of really old gameplay captured by Rare employees with a VCR/capture device that was never released to the public until recently.

[*]So you're completely unaware of prototype/unfinished/unreleased games being leaked? You know that's a thing, right? It happens? And it has happened?

[*]That's another area you're wrong. I know for a fact one exists, whether it's on some old IDE hard drive, floppy disk, or a development cartridge, it does exist. And most original Rare employees are no longer even with the company, so no idea what you mean there. And no, no they wouldn't; I have no idea why they would have it, seeing as all development was done in Rare's studios for both the N64 and GC versions. If anything, they only (and I mean, ONLY) have the source for Star Fox: Adventures, maybe, but certainly nothing for the old N64 version.


...edited my post. Fixed things that didn't seem right to me.



And without thinking, I double-posted this instead of editing it in. Durn.



To Coool was here to fix this. ;D

Yeah, I understand what you were saying. Sorry, at the time I was posting that, I was angry and on a rampage that I wasn't even think clearly. Again, sorry.

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So why dont we just start by back tracking these youtube video leakers. I mean if they got the video they my have the game. right?



That seems pretty unlikely actually, footage of an unreleased game is just that, and especially considering how bad the video quality is, if anyone actually had the game then it would probably look much better.

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Interesting interview with the music creator of some of the rare games:


A lot of talking about balls at the beginning, but something I didn't know was that twelve tales was in production before Kazooie. And apparently the gameplay shift was because of one guy at rare. Nothing about stop n' swap in the video, and there's even a little story about how nuts and bolts came about towards the end of the video.

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