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Some kind of old Zelda thing.


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Well, back when I was a younger lad (When I was about... 20) I downloaded for the first time Game Maker from YoYo games! I was so excited to make my first ever game, and I was going to go ALL OUT on it! Unfortunately, I never got around to finishing it. Graphics does not a game make, and I was only very good at making the graphics of the game and none of the other skills in the other departments of gaming.


This was a 2.5 dimensional game that I was going to make for the Smash World Forums, before it (creatively) died. Hence why I called it "the Legend of Zelda: The Official SWF Zelda"... name pending. The idea of the game was based off of the idea of "what if" Ganondorf actually used the Triforce to take over the world, and what Hyrule would be like afterwards. Thus, the world was dark and spooky and full of monsters! It was great fun, but quickly lost momentum.


I'm posting these pictures to see what you think, and maybe get some pointers on how to better go about finishing it, if I could ever finish it at all.



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The logo!




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General overworld concept planning...


I used ZBrush for just about everything. And it all looked very nice graphically, but didn't work too well in Game Maker. Perhaps I could reopen this project with people who actually know what they're doing? Tell me what you think!



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Being that a decent chunk of what makes up a Zelda game (and, preferably, any fan-made projects as part of the franchise) are the puzzles and the story, I'd have to hear your ideas on that before making any calls on whether a project like this would turn out good or not so much. Still, I definitely like the quality of what I see in these screenshots.

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This was a while back, so I can't remember very many specifics about the story and the gameplay ideas. All I remember was that the game was entirely based in Hyrule if the Hero of Time never existed, and what it would look like if Ganondorf had actually succeeded. That's not to say that Link isnt in this game! He's the main hero, after all. It's just that the Hero of Time showed up far later, and in some cases, far too late.


So Ganondorf's new Hyrule would begin to depict what Ganondorf was used to: a large and terrible desert. And all the many races of Hyrule would begin to become twisted and monster-like through the evil aura of the triforce. Where Link comes into all that is, well, a mystery right now. I'll have to re-write the entire thing so that it makes sense now that I forgot everything. B)

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Yes, you're right! I'm sorry I didn't mention you before. I probably won't work too much on this project, however, unless I figure out game maker better then I do now.


Which is why I posted this old project here on the forum, because most of them know what they're doing. It'd be a shame to let several weeks of hard work go to waste in my photobucket...

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Yes, you're right! I'm sorry I didn't mention you before. I probably won't work too much on this project, however, unless I figure out game maker better then I do now.


Which is why I posted this old project here on the forum, because most of them know what they're doing. It'd be a shame to let several weeks of hard work go to waste in my photobucket...


If you plan on this being a 3D game (which from the wizzrobe, I'm guessing it is), just use Unity3D. It is possible to make a 3D game in GM, but it'd require a ton of experience and most likely end up crappy. Anyway, I like the story and am looking forward to seeing where this goes :)

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to resurrect a thread as old as this, what, with it being from halloween of last year and all...



But I might resurrect this project. It'll probably not get very far knowing myself and how I never finish projects, but I'll still give it a try. And hopefully, if I can get enough interest out of some people around this forum, I could recruit them to the cause, and maybe even get it to be an actual game! Right now, though, I'm just gonna make some characters and art and see how that goes.

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Well, as it stands right now, any idea for game design is just random spouts of small ideas running around in my mind. At the moment, I'm just milling around with ZBrush, sculpting characters and props. At the moment, the game design is still pretty much the same: a top-down 2.5D Zelda game with 3D sprites. That will probably make a rather piss-poor feeling game on Game Maker; and I'm still trying to fight back the thought of how much work it will bee for me to pose every individual animation point in about eight different directions, but hopefully if I find anyone good with Game Maker and scripting (hopefully someone like THAT is on this forum somewhere whose interested) it'll live up to my expectations for a good game!


I'd be very thankful to have your input on the game, Spire, in any form. This project will probably stay a very casual project until I get a team to help in the major gameplay design, unlike last time when it was only you, me, and Sucumbio building this monster (Sucumbio was the head game-designer, and he didn't even know how to use GameMaker, which was a nightmare).

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I suppose I could learn a thing or two about the actual art of CG, besides the very limited I know with ZBrush. I might even dabble in some Blender3D if it's straight forward enough. But I'm unsure if it would even be possible for me to make even a crappy game in Unity unless I have a rather massive team of good people working on it with me. It's not that I can't see the benefits of a next-gen sort of game in comparison to an old SNES sort of game, but it'll just be twice as monumental to figure out. Then again... I suppose this IS just a very casual hobby right now, so I don't entirely have to run around searching for a team this very second...

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