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Play As * in Ocarina of Time!


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I know, I followed it step by step and still didn´t work.


Well, I just applied the patch to my rom and it works just fine (even without a CRC recalc), so it's not the patch.


My settings:

Graphics Plugin:   Jabo's Direct3D8 Feb 9 2007
Audio Plugin:  Jabo's DirectSound 1.7

CPU Core Style:  Recompiler
Function lookup method:  Physical Lookup
Memory Size:  8MB
Advance Block Linking:  Default
Default Save Type:  Use First Used Save Type
Counter Factor: 2
[+] Register Caching
[+] Fixed Audio Timing
[+] Custom self-mod method
[+] Cache
[+] Start Changed

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I can't tell if you're talking about my patched of Kaminotamashi's patches. Please explain and I will try to help you. Anybody that I've sent the patches to, they have worked perfectly fine without any problems like that; In fact, If it's any of my patches, I'm betting you are using a terribad graphics plugin. Posting an error report, at least in my experience should consist of all the neccesary factors.

Have you tried using a clean debug ROM? What graphics plugin do you use? What are your debug ROM's settings?

First, instead of saying something along the lines of: "It's not working! Help!"


Now, things you can do to try. Use a program called GZRT to recalculate the CRC, if it's not broken, then good.

Check your code list. There may be something interfering with my patches, causing your ROM to crash.

Try different graphics plugins.

Adjust your ROM settings, setting the CPU Core Style to Interpreter for a start.

If none of these options work, try using Nemu, just to make sure it's not a faulty patch.


Report back to me after you have tried all of these.


EDIT: Problem solved.


Both of those patches will not work at the same time. Don't try it.

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