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Your problems with gamers/the industry?


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Thought it'd be a fun gaming topic.



There's hardly any innovation now-a-days, with hardly any companies taking the risk to try something new and innovative with their games.



When a company actually does try something new and innovative with their games/hardware, you see more of them bitching, moaning and whining about it being a "gimmick" than actually being on board.


These same people also bitch, moan and whine when nobody does anything new, so they're also hypocritical.


So, who else has their own problems with the industry and certain gamers they'd like to share?


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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Blinx, I can give you one hellll of a rant of my problems with the gaming industry so that's what i'm gonna do. The first thing i'm gonna rant about is casuals, not the family friend type but the casuals who "think" they are hardcore gamers. These are the Cod, Battlefield, Even Halo fan boys that really don't play anything besides fps. And if you like a Zelda or a Mario and especially a jrpg, they will call you gay, un manly, or wimp, fuck those guys, there the reason we have so many freaking ripoff fps. The second thing is, DL freaking C, one of the things I hate most about this generation and just one of the many reasons why this has been the worst generation for me. I don't mind the good Downloadable Contend, but Day 1 dlc and Disk locked content are utter bullshit. If I pay 60 bucks for a game, all the content should be on that disk, pre order bonuses is something i'm not to concerned with but when publishers like Ea and Capcom use the bullshit they call effective business practices, it does nothing but piss gamers off. I also get infuriated it when publishers(Ea being the biggest felon in this case) run the devs they have into the freaking ground, along with all there ips. Mass Effect 1 Love it, Mass Effect 2 Really loved it, Mass Effect 3 worst in the series not because of the ending, but because of the tacked on multi player, the cover system that was buggy as all hell, the from ashes dlc is ultimately what pissed me of about that game the most though. God no I didn't buy it, fuck you Ea and Bioware for allowing yourselves to rip the content straight form the game. And one of the last things....wii haters. Everyone knows the console is plagued with sove lware, but they have no freking idea whats underneath Go play Last Story, Skyward Sword, Xenoblade, both of the mario galaxies, Fragile Dreams farewell ruins of the moon, Monster Hunter Tri, Red Steel 2, Sin and Punishment, and so many more. After that try and tell me with a straight face you didn't have any fun. I could rant more but i'm gonna cut it short.

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You have quite a bit of valid points, but I have to call you out on your ME3 hate:


There's nothing wrong with the game, and especially not the cover system(worked flawlessly for me). I liked the ending, even before the Extended Cut DLC, and don't mind that I have to pay for the the From Ashes DLC since it gave me one of my most favorite characters of the series(Javik). As for the multiplayer, I've never played it, but it's a welcome addition seeing as I heat so many great things about it(and it looks fun).


Overall, I feel ME3 gets way too much needless hate.


Anyways, yeah, Wii haters do consist of very dumb people.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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well, I for one am annoyed by capcom at the moment


they are canceling games, and more importantly not releasing miles edgeworth ace attorney 2!!!!!!!!!!!



there was the answer to one of the questions of ace attorney I have been wondering for so long: what happened to gregory edgeworth?


the reason this is still a mystery to me, is THEY WON'T RELEASE IT IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!


the reason? they said there were not enough fans who would want to buy the game



there are TONS of people trying to beg for them to release it in english, and ace attorney was one of capcom's best sellers




why? why won't they release the game in english





there is a lot more than that, but I'm pretty sure it was already said by mr.computerguy

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Capcom. Willing to put out Rockman Xover, a crappy Mega Man "social RPG" on iOS - most of which has already been replicated by fans in Flash before it's even been released, that's how simple it is! -, yet unwilling to put any faith into MM Legends 3, saying it didn't meet some nebulous criteria and stuff. You would've had much of the 3DS' audience yourselves, had you released the Prototype on the eShop in time! But no, you cancelled it, and in turn ruined your reputation even further. You're digging yourselves your grave - maybe not in a business sense, but when it comes to the goodwill of your customers and fans. And I sure hope that this will have an impact on sales and revenue for you.


"Hardcore gamers". Those that, as Crazycomputerguy mentioned, play CoD and Battlefield and whatever else and think they're "gamers". No, you are not, you're casual FPS fans. Some people only play things like Angry Birds (which is actually fun, especially the Space one with planets and gravity) and they're called "casual", rightly so. And all you play is a narrow selection of FPS games, so you're definitely casual, too. "Hardcore" in my opinion are those that enjoy a wide spectrum of games and genres, that have an interest in retro gaming, maybe even have some imports. That requires a devotion to the media that those "hardcore gamers" don't have. They're in it because it's "cool".


Oh, and as much as I and probably most people here like them, Nintendo. You have more franchises than Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. And Metroid and Star Fox, to an extend. Do something with them, and by "something" I do not mean your bloody Nintendo Land! Hell, even Pikmin gets a new game!

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one thing i wish people would bring back are retro games


there are retro style games, but very few in modern gaming



I think they should try to go back to the way videogames used to be with possibly a system built for retro quality games




just my opinion... I started off with the nes when I was very little, and I miss those days, but even at that age there was the beggining of "modern" gaming and the end of retro

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possibly a system built for retro quality games


While cool, that's kind of pointless, since all modern(even a lot of last gen) can play retro one way or another; whether they're ported over, emulated, or even remade.


Besides, there's plenty of retro games ported over to a wide selection of consoles.



Whoopsies. You said retro quality, not just retro. Well, you still have various consoles that already exist for that(also PC).


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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For the my problems with mass effect 3 were game play issues i had, not the ending which in my opinion was the main fuel for all the fans just bashing it(my god one of my friends had a mental breakdown over it, its one of the funniest damn things I had ever seen). If you liked it great, to bad i couldn't enjoy it more. I think this generation started out pretty good but about 2009 is when i saw things starting to go down hill. Oh well if I could say anything this generation did great, it was the wii exclusives. My god were those good by far some of the best games I've ever played for YEARS. The wii is my favorite 7th gen console, but Pc being my overall favorite gaming platform.

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You said retro quality, not just retro. Well, you still have various consoles that already exist for that(also PC).


yep, but I meant that there aren't really enough of the classic types of games


there may be many of these things all over the internet, but just imagine if somebody was to create a new retro style system, or bring an older one back!

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yep, but I meant that there aren't really enough of the classic types of games


there may be many of these things all over the internet, but just imagine if somebody was to create a new retro style system, or bring an older one back!


I would love to have some more classic jrpgs like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Soulblazer, and FF6 just to name a few. Such great rpgs, I wish I were older during the 16bit era. Still cant beat growing up with classics like OOT.

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your older than me, but I was a lucky kid who had parents who wanted him to experience the NES!


It's what I first grew up with, and then played all the mainstream nintendo consoles from the nes!


I have yet to play many classic consoles, and a few newer ones, but I'm glad I got to experience the nintendo entertainment system ever since before I could remember :D


the first console I ever had is gone, along with the games with it, and my parents are saying it's junk, and not to have it in the house :(

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Oh this is a good topic, I definitely have some gripes with the gaming industry.



Downloadable content


I couldn't agree with Crazycomputerguy1 more. Console games are already fairly expensive, and it's only going to get worse. As graphics and processing power improve, the development budget for games is going to increase. That translates to us paying more for each game. I wouldn't be surprised if the next generation games hit $70 or $80 each. So when that's the case, it irritates me beyond belief that they would have completely developed content on the disc, and then make you pay even more money to unlock it. There's no excuse for that besides straight up greed. I had access to Soul Calibur IV for a while, and you actually had to pay more money on top of buying the game to unlock a character. I find that ridiculous. Now don't get me wrong, I actually don't think downloadable content as a system is all bad. If a developer wants to make something truly extra after the game is released that fans want, and then release it for a small price? That would be fine. When I see a character select screen or a game overworld locked with a dollar sign? Not so much.



Games that require internet access to play


This is a trend that I absolutely hate to see. I can't play my $60 game because my internet access went out, even though I'm not using any online features? That's the situation people found themselves in right after Diablo 3 launched, and BattleNet's servers were having trouble. They couldn't even play single player offline, and I feel like there's absolutely no excuse for that. Diablo 2 had an offline single player mode, the series doesn't require the internet unless you're actually playing online with other people. I've been in quite a few situations without a internet connection where I'd like to play a game to pass the time, for example plane flights and road trips. So I just wish it wasn't forced when there's no good reason. This isn't just for PC games either. The Playstation 4 will require you to be signed in to PSN to boot your games, which brings me to my next point.



Console locked games


Starting with the Playstation 4, your games will be locked to a single PSN account. This is to kill off the used games industry, because heaven forbid that multiple people get enjoyment out of a game that was already bought and paid for. Apparently Microsoft is going to do the same thing with the next XBox as well. I have a lot of fond memories of borrowing and trading games with my friends when I was younger, and it makes me sad that this will no longer be possible. You won't be able to bring a game over to a friend's house and play it with them. As much as companies are trying to push social gaming, they're certainly killing off a way in which gaming has been social for me personally. I've had a friends bring over games like Mario Kart and Mario Party, or even single player games to take turns with. That was a lot of fun, and it's disheartening to see sharing discouraged.

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The second two you talked about really piss me off, for sure.


Though, are you sure you need to be signed on to even boot up games? That sounds like something that people can easily take Sony and Microsoft to court to, for a case they'd no doubt lose.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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It's one of those "information from a reliable source" kind of deals, where someone who has proven themselves to leak accurate information informed Kotaku about it.


Citation from IGN: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2012/03/28/have-playstation-4-details-emerged


"Furthermore, according to Kotaku's source, Orbis will not feature backwards compatibility with PlayStation 3 games and will incorporate some sort of used-games restriction. Apparently, once a consumer inserts a Blu-ray disc into Orbis it must be tied to a PSN account and can no longer be shared. The data can be installed onto the system and flagged as "downloaded" from the PSN so it can be re-downloaded for future use."


Once it's tied to a PSN account, you need to be logged into the PSN account to play it, essentially meaning you require online access to play your games from what I understand.

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Ohhh, another kind of locking came to mind - region locking! And again, this is for Nintendo: Why in the world did you have to implement region locking on DSi and 3DS? Your competition actually moved away from region locking, yet you've now implemented it in the one area that's always been region free! Granted, most of my imports are actually console games as opposed to handheld ones, probably because most of the interesting handheld games were actually released worldwide (excluding Retro Game Challenge and the remaining Etrian Odyssey games, which I only more or less recently got interested in). However, there's already a few 3DS games that I'm 90%-100% positive will never be released in either Europe, or the west in general - Etrian Odyssey 4 and Senran Kagura come to mind, for example. This is why I really, really hope that someone will be able to crack the 3DS open and circumvent the region locking - I don't really want a flash cart, but if that would be the only way around the lock, for whatever technical reason, I'd get one.

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It's one of those "information from a reliable source" kind of deals, where someone who has proven themselves to leak accurate information informed Kotaku about it.


Citation from IGN: http://ca.ign.com/ar...details-emerged


"Furthermore, according to Kotaku's source, Orbis will not feature backwards compatibility with PlayStation 3 games and will incorporate some sort of used-games restriction. Apparently, once a consumer inserts a Blu-ray disc into Orbis it must be tied to a PSN account and can no longer be shared. The data can be installed onto the system and flagged as "downloaded" from the PSN so it can be re-downloaded for future use."


Once it's tied to a PSN account, you need to be logged into the PSN account to play it, essentially meaning you require online access to play your games from what I understand.


I dunno. It doesn't specifically state that, and seeing as how it's flagged as downloaded content, it most certainly should be able to be booted offline, just like how I can

with downloaded content on my Vita, and my old PS3(which I sadly no longer have) from years ago.

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Why in the world did you have to implement region locking on DSi and 3DS?

There is actually a good reason for this. As much as I hate it, DSi and 3DS region locking was put in place because each country have their own specialised rating system. It helps to keep Nintendo covered, just in case a game is released that is not permitted by another regions ratings board. It's also effective at keeping the industry afloat in specific regions... although, in my case, it's kinda pointless. I own an American 3DS and 3DS XL, so I can only get my games from Amazon or Ebay.


My gripe isn't so much with the gaming industry itself... moreso the gamers. And here's one that irritates me...


Kids and Mature Games:

We all know that a lot of people are CoD/Battlefield/Some other FPS fans, and hey, that's okay... they're quite enjoyable. However, what I hate is playing said game online, and hearing kids who are too young to be playing these mature games, and the parents who refuse to take responsibility. Y'know what my gaming experience was like as a kid? I couldn't get a game rated over M15+ (the M rating is RECOMMENDED for ages 15 and up, while the MA rating is RESTRICTED to 15 and up). And believe me, my mum and stepfather would always check the ratings, to make sure the game was suitable for me to play. Although, sometimes they let me get an MA rated game, albeit, everytime it was played, I respected that they would be keeping watch (because back then, games couldn't be played online on consoles, and I was a total wuss :P). However, it seems that these days, parents have no respect for the ratings that are on games, buying graphic games for their 10 year old kids, who then, are the worst of the worst on live chat. Which brings me to my next one...


Swearing/Cussing over chat:

Yes, it's easy to let your emotions carry you, especially if you encounter cheap deaths or the like. But swearing and cussing, and being a total asshole to fellow gamers is just sickening. Again, the CoD fanbase is mostly to blame. For example, I was playing a match online with a friend, and we entered into a game, only to find out that some people on the other team were modding. However, it wasn't anything they said. Someone who was on MY team quit the game, and sent me a message saying, and I quote: GOOK U SUCK. I had a good laugh at that, considering he left the game, I was suffering from lag, and the other team was cheating. He also thought I was a "gook", which is the racist term used to describe Vietnamese people. I'm sorry, but at the time, all my mottos and stuff were written in Japanese. However, I think I hit him for six, as I sent him a message, in perfect English (grammar and punctuation included, as always...), which told him that I wasn't a gook, I was actually Australian. Secondly, it was hard to play well when there were cheaters, and that yes, I do suck, and his friends were all screaming for more. I also told him that we were playing a *insert profanity here, because I was irate* game. Anyway, past experience aside, this whole swearing and unsporting behaviour with online gaming affects all ages, and even the little kids are doing it. Again, people don't take responsibility.


Seriously, I'm going to be getting mean with my Xbox LIVE. After my recent banning episode, I'm gonna be a total nark. If I have people spouting unsporting crap, especially if they're clearly too young for the game they're playing, I'll be taking down gamertags, as well as recording the reasons, and I'll be contacting Xbox LIVE personally... >.>

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There is actually a good reason for this. As much as I hate it, DSi and 3DS region locking was put in place because each country have their own specialised rating system. It helps to keep Nintendo covered, just in case a game is released that is not permitted by another regions ratings board. It's also effective at keeping the industry afloat in specific regions... although, in my case, it's kinda pointless. I own an American 3DS and 3DS XL, so I can only get my games from Amazon or Ebay.

Nintendo and their overprotectiveness... I mean, Sony and Microsoft apparently don't have a problem with that, plus, at least over here and to the best of my knowledge, any game that doesn't have a local rating (in this case by the USK) - be it the uncut versions of games released here, or be it import games that do not have a local equivalent - is automatically restricted to those over the age of 18 anyway. Even an English-language copy of a Pokemon game would fall under that, as far as I know.


Well, I guess I understand the reasoning, but it still kinda boggles my mind...

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I'm gonna go ahead and talk more about Xbox Live, first off Xbox pisses me of because of the very recent dashboard, guess what EVEN MORE ADDS. Now that would be ok if online was free but Microsoft is now making even more money from those adds pls the xbox live subscribers. Either take away the freaking adds or make online free, but Microsoft is a greedy as hell company and are going to keep this crap up.


I'm also going to talk a little bit about DRM. As a PC gamer this pisses me off, companies act like they loose most of the money they would make from piracy witch is actually becoming more true due to this DRM bullcrap. Do they not realize games are literally cracked within the first 24 hours of release which only punishes legit buys with endless amounts of logos DO NOT PIRATE. Why not reward your legit buyers with something like this


Posted Image

A soundtrack cd, a nice map, a nice case, and a guidebook. Last Story is another good example, at least the first print run edition.


Man I could rant all day about my problems with the gaming industry but I've got other things to do.

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