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Your Purpose In Life


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Some people seem to live their lives without much direction letting emotions, traditions, accidental occurrences, impulses, costumes, bad habits, lead their lives. While other people seem to have a purpose, values and morals that dictate what to do every day, have goals that motivate them toward a direction. You have to know where you want to be before you get there.


So, do you have a purpose in life, what is it? If otherwise, why not?


If you want me to be honest, there is absolutely no purpose to my (or anybody else's) life. I am here because I am here and that is the end of it.


As an atheist I don't believe there's any sort of meaning to life and, contrary to what you might think, that really is a huge comfort to me. I think everybody should live the way they want to; you're only going to be alive once so you might as well try to enjoy it.

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If you want me to be honest, there is absolutely no purpose to my (or anybody else's) life. I am here because I am here and that is the end of it.


As an atheist I don't believe there's any sort of meaning to life and, contrary to what you might think, that really is a huge comfort to me. I think everybody should live the way they want to; you're only going to be alive once so you might as well try to enjoy it.


I am not religious either, but I believe in research and psychology. Living your life to enjoy it is a purpose.

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I find comfort in having a defined purpose in life, myself. I am not religious in the slightest, I prefer not to care about this, as I am a proud Agnostic. I find more value in my finite existence knowing that I have a purpose, something that truly makes me happy and impacts others in a very good way, and it bothers me slightly being told by someone else that my life has no purpose. But that's just my two cents, not trying to stir any more things up, it's just my personal feelings on the matter. That's all. I believe that I have a purpose and nothing is going to shake me of that belief.

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I am not religious either, but I believe in research and psychology. Living your life to enjoy it is a purpose.


I disagree. The way I see it, having any kind of purpose would imply that there are certain things you have​ to fulfil while you are here, which is nonsense in my opinion.



... it bothers me slightly being told by someone else that my life has no purpose.


Sorry. I do not mean to say that others can't believe they have a purpose, it's just not something I believe. Maybe one day I will be proved wrong but since I think life itself has no ultimate purpose I do not think individuals from one specific species on one specific planet can. Again, this is only my view, don't let it get to you.


I am not mister arrogant atheist who wants everybody to have no beliefs, I'd rather everyone just got on despite their beliefs.

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I find comfort in having a defined purpose in life, myself. I am not religious in the slightest, I prefer not to care about this, as I am a proud Agnostic. I find more value in my finite existence knowing that I have a purpose, something that truly makes me happy and impacts others in a very good way, and it bothers me slightly being told by someone else that my life has no purpose. But that's just my two cents, not trying to stir any more things up, it's just my personal feelings on the matter. That's all. I believe that I have a purpose and nothing is going to shake me of that belief.


Sums up my opinions, basically. I'm here to make four things: Friends, 3D models, laughter, and more Grooseland. The rest is just icing on the cake.

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I disagree. The way I see it, having any kind of purpose would imply that there are certain things you have​ to fulfil while you are here, which is nonsense in my opinion.


Having purpose is a choice and trying to live happily is one of them. I don't understand what are you trying to say.

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religion is what each individual person believes in.


some believe in god, some in gods, some believe in the wheel of reincarnation, and I find religion is all up to you

you may not believe in these things, you may belong to multiple different religions, but it's all up to you to decide

many people think that they came to earth for a specific reason, while some believe they are just existing and make the best out of life




what you believe in is the one thing that will drastically influence how you see life, and if you see a purpose in it or not, and if you think the world runs on fate, or if the path is forever changing



this topic was intended for the one question, that was meant for us to think critically about...


"what do YOU think?"

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Having purpose is a choice and trying to live happily is one of them. I don't understand what are you trying to say.


I guess it's the same for me? :/

Living happily is a choice (to an extent), which is not a purpose, or at least I don't see it as being so. I suppose my point is something like this:

Consider a light switch. It has a purpose (turning on/off lights) since it has no choices it can make. A creature on the other hand can choose whether or not to flick the switch, but that does not mean that it is the creature's purpose to do that.

Your definition of a purpose is probably different to mine, which is why we don't understand each other.

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I guess it's the same for me? :/

Living happily is a choice (to an extent), which is not a purpose, or at least I don't see it as being so. I suppose my point is something like this:

Consider a light switch. It has a purpose (turning on/off lights) since it has no choices it can make. A creature on the other hand can choose whether or not to flick the switch, but that does not mean that it is the creature's purpose to do that.

Your definition of a purpose is probably different to mine, which is why we don't understand each other.


I completely understand your position on purpose of life. It makes perfect sense. It's just me, being someone that believes he has a purpose, I don't take it so literally by the definition of a purpose. It's something I strive to accomplish, I strive to make an impact. That's how I look at purpose of life.
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I completely understand your position on purpose of life. It makes perfect sense. It's just me, being someone that believes he has a purpose, I don't take it so literally by the definition of a purpose. It's something I strive to accomplish, I strive to make an impact. That's how I look at purpose of life.


That's my definition of completing a goal.

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I guess you can say my purpose in life is to actually live life itself! I am aiming to becoming a video game 3D designer later on, so until then I keep pressing forward and designing URA. :)


I am looking forward to it.

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