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Likely not... only because of the immense changes to the game system you would need for ALttP. I dare say that OoT wouldn't be able to fit all of it in. Zelda 1 would just be a proof of concept. And indeed I am well aware of JSA's eagle dungeon, I think the rooms just need to be made a little bit smaller (or perhaps can be changed depending on the room's function. to act in the same manner as Zelda 1 dungeons. The Overworld would be the real cream of the crop in this arrangement and replacement ideas for the Raft/Candle/Wand, little things like that.

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Oh I didn't mean a Straight Zelda 1 Mod, heavens no that would be quite dull. I mean more in the spirit of what JSA had done with the Eagle Dungeon (but make the rooms a little smaller probably) to where you take the layout, but also use common sense and sensibility to what would be enjoyable in a 3D Perspective.

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Getting a Forbidden error when trying to update the wiki, so I'm posting here.



0023 0001 Room Changing Plane

- 003F = Black Room Changing plane, as in Lost Woods; Can cause actors to not load when going through crawlspaces?

- 00BF = Used for the "trap" floors in Jabu Jabu.

- 013F = Invisible Changing plane, as in crawl spaces/walking to Deku Tree in Kokiri Forest





0015 0001 Collectables

Two part variable? XXYY

XX appears to be the flag to flip

YY item

- 00 = Green Rupee

- 01 = Blue rupee

- 02 = Red rupee

- 03 = Heart

- 04 = Collectible Bomb

- 05 = Collectible Arrow

- 06 = Heart Piece

- 07 = Heart container (Alpha!)

- 08 = Collectible arrow

- 09 = Double collectible arrow

- 0a = Triple collectible arrow

- 0b = Collectible Bomb (5)

- 0c = Collectible Deku nut

- 0d = Collectible Deku stick

- 0e = Collectible Large Magic jar

- 0f = Collectible Magic jar

- 10 = Collectible Deku seeds

- 11 = Collectible Small Key

- 12 = Invisible heart

- 13 = Giant orange rupee

- 14 = Large purple rupee

- 19 = Collectible Bomb (5)


0035 Electric Tailparisans


003D 0001 Bazaar Shopkeeper


0048 008A - Apparently loads Sheik?

- 0008 = ?, necessary for Serenade cutscene to start once the chest is open.

- 0004 = ?, makes sheik appear during start of Light Arrow cutscene (Cutscene 8 in Temple of Time)


0098 Darunia

- FFFF = Default value.

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