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Zelda's Eternal Youth Hack - [MORE UPDATES!!!]


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So other enemies move only when you move? That's absolutely awesome.

Only because the flag has issues if I didn't clear the flag for when Link does something. There was a flock of issues involving not being able to kill certain enemies and softlocks galore.

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Incidentally did it turn out to work from that original value you pointed me and then the value is set to 5? (At least I think the freeze value was 5?)

No, I used a different flag. I think the one you might be looking at locks up Link in one spot, which is the opposite of what I wanted. All depends on what the address is.

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It was 80224C2C. Some really weird flags (if those even were flags) at that spot.

Yes, that seems to be correct... 5 is a strange number, but that is correct.


Anyways, it turns out I got a bit ahead of myself... apparently while enemies are "stuck" so are obstacles. Since it freezes other actors, apparently it also prevents collision detection with boulders, and possibly other things. While gravestones seem to be unaffected, somehow boulders allow Link to walk right through them.


I will have to run some tests another day to see if the problem is fixable.

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Is it the same boulder problem I had?


I've seen JSA say that ZAP2 freezes actors using a code of some sort built into debug rom (might be quoting that wrong, so sorry), but I had that problem with the boulder having no detection. But mine was also floating away...

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It probably is... anyways, I ran a quick check, and it only happens with boulders and trees. Other obstacles seem to be fine, not completely sure though.


I have another issue where the clock doesn't deconstruct, and spawning more than one causes an error to occur in one place when I spawned three timers. The whole room locked up permanently. Perhaps there's a way to deconstruct the actor that I am unaware of?


EDIT: Nevermind, that does not seem to be the issue... I don't know what happened, but somehow the timer made the room stuck with the timer locked up.

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Will there still be bombchus in the game? Also, you said something about making the mirror. I had a similar idea, and I actually ended up (before I really knew how to hack) making a bunch of gameshark codes that worked together to make Farore's wind do that. But part of it was manual. If a hook could be written to make the manual part a tad bit less manual, then it would be pretty easy.  

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There will still be bombchus, but that is not on my current "to do" list, it's just that the player will not have them in the inventory. I want to prevent the glitchers from cheating, so I removed the explosives from Link.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that the mirror is still under scrutiny. I will have to evaluate it later, maybe add it in as an extra if it is needed. I will have to make sure I can get it to work like it should. I will have to make sure I can get it to work first. The mirror is a really big black box, it's functionality that I'm planning to make it do is uncertain, however I know precisely what I will be using to make it work.


Although even that is uncertain. Bombchus will be easier to manipulate than the mirror at this point. I will likely add it as a necessary item along with the Skulltula Family quest.


Majora's Clock will be a side-quest item involving a mini-dungeon, yet I am debating how many Iron Knuckles will the player fight before getting access to the clocks.

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Small steps:




A little audioseq offset swapping, and an instrument change goes a long way... I found that Zora's Domain instrument set adds a nice beachy tune to the theme too, but that's a different story.



Zelda 2 battle theme (enemy encounters):



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Kid Link uses all arrows:




Deku Seeds can still be used. I will have to investigate later on how to get the bow usable for Kid Link. I might remove the Slingshot entirely if I need to.


The way to use all arrows is to find 15C0000D 240D0009 and change it to 00000000 240D0009.

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  • 4 weeks later...




So now the Gohma room is complete, however Gohma will have to be altered a bit more later for more difficulty. She will never die, meaning the 3 Gohmas will no longer disappear when one Gohma is defeated. This also means you can re-visit the battle even after defeating the 3 Gohmas.


Without my Nemu64 Memory Debugger working properly (likely a Windows 7 issue) this took longer than necessary.


I was hoping to get more done, but this turned out to be a ridiculous process, and further modding of Gohma will be very difficult and ridiculous without Nemu64 working correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Super tektites:


I modified some of the Tektites jump speeds and its check for when Link is close. Instead of Link having to be near the Tektite to chase Link, Tektites will go right after Link no matter where they are on the map, which was two changes.


One of which required changing a BC1FL to a BEQ R0, R0, and nop-ing out a BC1FL.


All jump speeds are the same value, which is 4080. You can find the values as LUI AT, $4080, hex: 3C014080. Debugging which ones to change in RAM makes things easier by breakpointing (Nemu64).

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Nice job, did my proximity documentation come in handy for this hack?


I have a funny idea: you should try making them charge at Link instead of jumping. Then, you should make a herd of wild tektites roam Hyrule Field that stampede things that wander into their path.

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Nice job, did my proximity documentation come in handy for this hack?I have a funny idea: you should try making them charge at Link instead of jumping. Then, you should make a herd of wild tektites roam Hyrule Field that stampede things that wander into their path.

I see, like attacking instead? Probably better. I was thinking of doing that yesterday, but sorting through the mess is a tad annoying. Still it can certainly be done if I look for the jump speeds again. The silly thing is that the tektite uses 3 different jump speeds, even though they're each the same 4080 value.


I didn't document the changes I made, but the stuff isn't hard to find.


Also I already figured out how proximity checks worked from Arow_Trap when I was testing it. Based on programming experience, the concept of Assembly isn't too bad when you know a way around it.


I could also change the distance for the proximity check for attacking to make them attack from further away, that way I can just boost their attack speed to cause more annoyance. I want to keep the speedy hopping to catch up with Link when he's running. It could make the changes a bit tidier.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys, just popping in to update my last change made.


Currently changing the setup of the intro:






I WAS going to alter the cutscene at some parts, such as during Link's Nightmare, but I didn't for three reasons:

1) I was losing my inspiration to hack because I wasn't ready to edit the cutscene, and I delayed it because it was too much for me to do at once, so I delayed the project as a result.

2) adding new actors to do the cutscene was an issue, especially since I want to use those empty actor slots for something useful, like possibly new enemies.

and 3) the cutscene was too long on its own, so I said "fuck it" and went for this route.


I will be changing the dialogue to fit the theme, since this will be a post-Majora's Mask sequel.




Intro is now in working order:




I have replaced the trigger for Saria's cutscene with this one in its place. Now, not only will it skip Saria's cutscene, but this makes the intro complete!

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Alternate ending to Link's dream:




Required hacking the Game Over screen transitions, loading Link's house, and REPLACING SARIA'S OCARINA CUTSCENE with Link waking up. So, I can officially skip Saria's cutscene, and force when Link can get the Ocarina. This will make things a lot more interesting.


There is also room for more alternate endings to different scenarios, possibly 2 or 3. I'll see what comes up.

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