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GCN Battle update


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I'm only playing this to make sure that no one gets any money or EXP from killing me, when I'm not even aware I was being attacked. Or not any more than they already got from the six deaths I've died so far. And no, I'm not being tsundere or somesuch here.


The randomness of the whole thing just prevents it from being fun, in my opinion. It's not fair that you can just indiscriminately attack people, too, even if they want to have nothing to do with the whole thing. A way to opt out of it would be nice, or at least that both sides have to agree to a battle. How you get different weapons I can't seem to figure out either - maybe it's in the tutorial, but I don't care enough to want to read a tutorial for a distraction (and dare I say it, "non-game") like this.


I know it's an existing script, so you probably can't make many complicated modifications to it, but here's some ideas on top of my head regardless:

  • Allow the user to opt out of the system.
  • Only allow attacks if both sides agree to a battle.
  • Consistently get notifications that you've been attacked, and about the outcome of the attack.
  • Have an equipment system allowing for weapons and armor, at least one slot each.
  • Simplify buying of weapons and other items.
  • Earn money and EXP for posting (although I think you already do get at least one of them? Yes, got 23 money for this post).
Edited by xdaniel
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If it's any consolation xdaniel, there's no penalty for dying other than losing money (which is only useful for buying items to restore your stats, which, in turn, is only useful if you actually want to play the game). Better weapons are automatically unlocked as you progress in levels, and some weapons are only accessible to certain guilds, though those are very few in number compared to universally available weapons.


I want to say there should be an opt-out button somewhere, but I've been unable to locate it both in the user interface and battle system management panel. Either way, though, it has no bearing on your status in the forum and is completely unrelated, so there's no penalty whatsoever if you don't want to play.


Far as I know the scripts governing the system can't be modified too much; there's some flexibility regarding attack resets, leveling, items, weapons, and the like, but the general system itself exists in the same format everywhere I've seen, leading me to believe that can't be tampered with too much. I'll direct Shadow Fire to this thread so he can answer these questions with more confidence than me, though.

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There was a modification that existed years ago that I'd have loved to have been able to get, called RPG Inferno. Unfortunately, it did cost a fair bit, but it was awesome. Sadly, it no longer exists, and I wish I could be coded for the more recent forum software.


The current system, I will admit is flawed. I have it set up to send PMs to people regarding attacks, and invites to guilds and such, but it seems to not be working.


As for what Naxy said, it is quite true. I can't really tamper with the coding in this, nor do I really want to risk it, for fear of breaking the entire forum structure. If you don't wish to play, that is fine. Being attacked has no consequence. I attack SoD just to be funny.

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I agree with xdan.


The system needs quite a bit of modifications, and losing money every time I die is just stupid; I don't ever recall ever losing money when I die in my favorite RPGs.

I also believe I should have a say if I want to battle or not, so both sides should definitely agree to battle, and I would rather(in my opinion) see this thing go if it did not have such a feature.

Because, honestly, for those who want to participate in it(like me), it isn't any fun at all when people are constantly killing you, which therefore leaves you with zero funds, practically, so I can

hardly ever buy any items.


I also feel it should be discouraged for people to order their guild members to attack one person in succession(which Naxy seems to love to do to me), because it's fucking annoying.

I am trying to enjoy this thing, but I cannot with all of the problems there is.

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To address a couple of the concerns some users were having Shadow Fire just made some adjustments before heading to bed. For instance, there is now no longer any chance of stealing money from a user just for attack them if you win the battle (deal more damage than they did, not necessarily kill). Earning a kill will generate money for you, but will not deduct anything from the person you defeated.


There is an option to PM members whenever they are attacked an we have that enabled, but it doesn't seem to be working properly--related issues include guild membership invitations and join requests. A possible alternative is to disable attacking users who are offline altogether, what do you guys think of this?


Also, Blinx, I only sicced my lackeys on you once, but called them off after that, because I love you. <3

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I feel like the one important thing that's missing, which would make me want to actively participate, would be the battle agreement thing. Right now, I'm like "if I don't want to play, no one should be able to make bank off of my non-participation".


If Shadow Fire could somehow work that one thing into the script, I believe it would already improve the whole thing quite a bit.


EDIT: Alternatively, disabling attacking of offline users would help, but be a less optimal solution than mutual agreement IMO.

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I feel like the one important thing that's missing, which would make me want to actively participate, would be the battle agreement thing. Right now, I'm like "if I don't want to play, no one should be able to make bank off of my non-participation".


If Shadow Fire could somehow work that one thing into the script, I believe it would already improve the whole thing quite a bit.


EDIT: Alternatively, disabling attacking of offline users would help, but be a less optimal solution than mutual agreement IMO.


For the moment, going by what Shadow Fire said, modification of the core scripts isn't something that can be done, but that might change somewhere down the line. I'll talk to him some more about it tomorrow and see if we can't find a viable solution to this problem. I am almost positive there should be an opt-out button somewhere around here, though, seriously. It's just a matter of finding it... =_=

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Truth be honest, I'm not fond of the battle system as I thought I would be, I think it really does kill the aspect and fun of it when the user dies and loses all their money. It makes progressing to higher levels a lot harder and not fun, plus an opt out button would be welcomed.

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Modifying the system's code is not something I can do, due to the way it's coded. I refuse to run the risk that it will completely mess up the community. Again, I can NOT modify the code in the system without running a massive risk.


Considering the amount of complaining that's going on about it, I'm taking the system offline, and I'm just going to remove it altogether. It was something I installed to have a little fun around, but people don't seem to appreciate anything, so... that's it.


Nevermind... silly overreacting...

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If you want to battle, then battle... if not, do something else? It doesn't matter to me, I just go to the battles for a break after I do some work, and that's all.


I doubt getting all touchy about being attacked is going to change anything. So if you're attacked, big deal? If you don't like being attacked, then ignore the battle system.


It's all random fun in the end... I think the option of not being attacked is ok, but then that leaves less options for people who want to level up while others are high up in the ranks, then the ones who want to level up are targets... that's really unfair.

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