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Losing faith in Nintendo


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"It's a game... it doesn't have to make sense. It's a fantasy world."






Why people insist over nitpicking on miniscule details such as how to shove a game into a canon storyline or the most fundamental basics of how a given universe works is completely and utterly beyond me. We could speculate for years about what the molecular composition of the bricks in the original Super Mario Bros. was, but we won't, because it's pointless and ridiculous. Things like shoving Zelda games into a specific timeline strike me the same way; I don't look at every object I ever encounter when playing a new one as though it's an artifact from a previously released or future game. I just enjoy the scenery, the combat, the puzzle-solving, and the (more often than not, anyway) fantastic storyline and presentation, all wrapped up in a familiar overall universe with those recurring themes that I and so many others love.

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TL;DR: I enjoy playing just about every game. Everyone has opinions, but only the true fans will continue to show love and support, without continued whining and complaining.


I feel the same about just enjoying a game for what it is, at least as long as it's not a completely broken piece of crap. However, I'd like to differ on the definition of a "true fan": I'd say a true fan is someone who dares to call out faults with a game or a developer/publisher, as they care about them and don't want them to repeat the same faults again and again, if that makes any sense, and that they don't just blindly buy up everything from a series/developer/publisher regardless of its quality. And please don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that you're blind regarding the Sonic games; you've mentioned Sonic 2006's terrible gameplay for one, so you do see the problems with it - also, I gotta give you the soundtrack, what I've heard of it is great.


Now, I'm not sure if I'm a "true fan" of anything by either definition. Obviously I'm complaining about certain things with ex. Nintendo, otherwise I wouldn't have started this thread, but I'm also ready to vehemently defend ex. Link's Awakening whenever anyone says anything negative about it. With that game, I honestly don't care if anyone finds any legitimate faults. Another, not gaming-related thing would be the anime Crush Gear Turbo, which despite the merchandising and stuff, is far better than comparable series like Beyblade or whatever, and has good characters, storytelling, animation, etc. that allow it to stand on its own.


Anyway, hope that makes any sense, it's been a long day already and I'm kinda tired...

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uhhhh......I like games :)

they bring me happiness, joy, anger, frustration, sadness, and a lot of other feelings. everyone cant agree one the same think but we CAN agree (at least i think) on that we, as a community, enjoy video games as a whole. Sure! The producers have their many faults (some more so than others), but have you guys ever seen anything that was perfect? i dont think you have (at least i haven't :) ) . think about if the world didn't have any video games. in my opinion, that world would suck butt! so, lets just be happy we have all of this beuty and ugly alike and play. (games of course)

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I would like to say that I disagree with Blinx regarding Mario. I still wanna see more. We need to keep Charles Martinet employed. Such talent is irreplacable.


TL;DR: I enjoy playing just about every game. Everyone has opinions, but only the true fans will continue to show love and support, without continued whining and complaining.


Feel free to disagree with me, but I've gotten tired of Mario. With me, it's the same feeling as having too much of, say, my favorite snack; I get sick of it after a while, and need to take a long break from it. I got sick of Mario, and need to take a really long break from him. I dunno, maybe five, six months at most.


Also, I am a true fan, and will gladly whine and complain when one of my most loved series from them goes largely ignored(Star Fox).

I'm sorry, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan, Shadow.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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Also, I am a true fan, and will gladly whine and complain when one of my most loved series from them goes largely ignored(Star Fox).

I'm sorry, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan, Shadow.


Actually, I was talking about the constant whining people do in regards to every game that is released within the series they play. Complaining about the disinterest the company has for a series that is one of the good ones? That's a legitimate complaint, and I accept that. Take Megaman Legends 3, for example. That game was receiving a lot of hype, and then Capcom decide that apparently, nobody is interested enough for it to warrant continuation. That is a legitimate reason to complain, and I will stand with you there.


The people who complain about a certain shade of red in Mario's cap, or King Dedede being slightly less plump than he should be... those are who I was referencing, and I apologise for not making that clear.

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Well, technically The Last Story isn't a Nintendo game as such, seeing how it's been developed by Mistwalker and only published by Nintendo - just like Xenoblade is by Monolith, and Pandora's Tower by Ganbarion (to namedrop the other two Rainfall games while we're at it). That said, I still want to get and play all three of them, I haven't been all that inclined to yet, tho...

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I've always liked Nintendo's style, these days the game industry is full of first person shooter games with overly sexualized female characters and foul mouthed 12 year olds telling you they shagged your mum repeatedly. I much prefer Nintendo's style, they make so many lovable titles and characters. Modern day gaming has changed a lot but I hope Nintendo can hold out through this dark period in gaming, besides they haven't made any huge marketing mistakes like SEGA did.


Don't get me wrong though, I do like games like Tf2 and such, though I can't stand call of duty, I really can't.

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Sooo, Nintendo should be pushing the Wii U now, right? Hah, hell no! They're using resources, like manufacturing capacity, that should be going into the Wii U on another, a third incarnation of the old Wii!




That makes Wii, Wii without GCN compatibility and "Wii mini" without GCN compatibility and without online! I really don't know what to make of this.

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Sooo, Nintendo should be pushing the Wii U now, right? Hah, hell no! They're using resources, like manufacturing capacity, that should be going into the Wii U on another, a third incarnation of the old Wii!




That makes Wii, Wii without GCN compatibility and "Wii mini" without GCN compatibility and without online! I really don't know what to make of this.


Okay, now THIS is a reason to bitch. I mean, a lot of people at the time, bitched about SEGA Master System II dropping support for SEGA Cards, but that was an understandable business move. This, on the other hand is just pathetic. A Wii without GCN compatibility is bad enough, but to make a console that has no GCN compatibility AND no online support? Dafuq? This would hinder the ability to play those awesome Virtual Console games, or to have awesome Super Smash Bros Brawl or Mario Kart matches.


To quote a very famous nerd:



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Okay, now THIS is a reason to bitch. I mean, a lot of people at the time, bitched about SEGA Master System II dropping support for SEGA Cards, but that was an understandable business move. This, on the other hand is just pathetic. A Wii without GCN compatibility is bad enough, but to make a console that has no GCN compatibility AND no online support? Dafuq? This would hinder the ability to play those awesome Virtual Console games, or to have awesome Super Smash Bros Brawl or Mario Kart matches.


To quote a very famous nerd:




"Thinking," as you seem to imply, involves not being consumed by a desire for profiteering, which it seems Nintendo is beginning to veer toward. Going by this, they're trying to milk the hell out of the Wii instead of plow forward with their usual innovations, and that bothers me. I'm beginning to feel like Nintendo's really starting to stagnate; the Wii U really didn't surprise me as much as I hoped it would, it just seems to be a moderate upgrade of the Wii graphically, but there's not much that's really groundbreaking about it, at least to me anyway. It also doesn't help that their lineup of games has been increasingly underwhelming with a few rare exceptions (hurrah for Skyward Sword)--to this day I only own two 3DS games, one of which wasn't even developed by Nintendo to begin with. Maybe I'm being unfair or have become jaded/spoiled with age, but seeing that really bumped them down a notch for me.

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Sooo, Nintendo should be pushing the Wii U now, right? Hah, hell no! They're using resources, like manufacturing capacity, that should be going into the Wii U on another, a third incarnation of the old Wii!




That makes Wii, Wii without GCN compatibility and "Wii mini" without GCN compatibility and without online! I really don't know what to make of this.


Reminds me of how Sony pushes everything but the Vita(they're getting better in that regard, though).


I also find this similar to the newest PSP model, which has no WiFi at all, which means zero access to your PSN purchases. Herpedy derp fucking merp is all that comes to mind for Nintendo and Sony in this situation.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.



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I'm just gonna throw my two cents in real quick, but I agree with Blinx, that really makes no sense. Selling a unit and losing money because of it just doesn't sound right. It's not like we're talking about Citigroup or something.


On the other hand, the fact that the Wii Mini is a thing is really fucking stupid, I have to say. It really makes no sense. What profit could they actually net by making a third generation of a 7 gen console with less than the original one while they had just tossed their first 8th gen home console onto the market? It's just ridiculously stupid. On the other hand, there is a very small benefit to the modding community because of this. Case modders are crazy people. Just think what they could do with this tiny thing. If they can turn an N64 into a functional hand held console, then this would just be nothing to accomplish something similar. But really... that's the only good thing that I can think of.

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Nintendo putting more support in that dead console is stupid. Wii in itself was alright, taking the GCN compatibility was stupid cause a lot of people had a wii for THAT REASON alone, then ontop add no online play with no gcn compatibility? That's just stupid, absolutely fucking stupid. They really need to kick out whatever asshat whoever thought that was a good idea and was going to sell. They really should turn the main focus in supporting the Wii U and 3DS and give up on this trying to grave rob and still make money off the wii when its NOT going to. Between hacking and its lack of support, its a dead console ontop most people already own the bloody thing or a Wii U! STUPID STUPID STUPID!

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Two cents likely means thoughts... so here's my two cents, I guess.


Metroid Prime was already mentioned, and this series was the only first person shooter games I had fun and difficulty beating. (To me, Metroid Prime II: Echos is still so hard that I haven't yet beat it even to this day.) Instead of another Mario Game (I'll be honest, I'm getting a tad tired of his red and blue EVERYWHERE, even though he IS the mascot) I would prefer a fourth official non spin-offy canon installment to the series. Those were a bit of my thoughts and personal opinions that I'm usually afraid to post.

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I would prefer a fourth official non spin-offy canon installment to the series.


If you're referring to Mario, then even there you may find yourself disappointed; I've heard pretty much a unanimous consensus that, for example, the original Super Mario Galaxy is vastly superior to its sequel. Having only played the latter, I can't fairly pass judgment on that, but if those two games are considered part of the main storyline, then even those leave something to be desired for the general public. As sad an idea as it may be, I think Mario may be approaching his retirement--or at the very least, a need for a lengthy break. I'm definitely with you in that I'm a bit tired of seeing mediocre Mario games being pushed out left and right, with few (if any) of the games standing out as truly memorable over the others.

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Those were a bit of my thoughts and personal opinions that I'm usually afraid to post.


You literally have no reason to be afraid to post your opinions here on the GCN.


I think Mario may be approaching his retirement--or at the very least, a need for a lengthy break.


Oh, God, please. Honestly, either one of those would be great for his career as a videogame character, as the games are going down hill.

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