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Losing faith in Nintendo


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Note: This'll be an angry rant, so I apologize in advance.





"I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game. I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."


Miyamoto was asked if he felt some franchises (like F-Zero or Wave Race) were better suited to older generations of Nintendo hardware.


"It’s tough. We come to the show and we bring a lot of great franchises and everyone says, 'Oh, well, where’s this game that I want to play? Where’s something new?' I only have so much capacity. [laughs] Obviously in the past we’ve tried to work with other companies, where we’ve let them develop games for us in franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero, but the more we think about it, the more we prefer to be able to create those games internally, on our own. We’ve obviously, as I mentioned, been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time, so we can create new games and work on additional old IP and still maintain the other primary franchises that people want to see."

What the fucking hell?! I've said it before: 60 FPS, full HD, online multiplayer. You have NOT done this before, right? Also, just because you personally don't like how GX turned out - and that's exactly what he means with the "other companies" and stuff - doesn't mean it sucked! In fact, GX is probably the best F-Zero game there is! And what direction to go in with a new F-Zero? You don't need to change the direction you've had before!


Plus, really, where the hell did you change direction, did you bring new ideas in the countless Mario games? Every New Super Mario Bros. game is EXACTLY THE SAME GAMEPLAY-WISE! What's with that damn double standard here?! Mario gets away with repeatedly being the same bloody game, just with new levels and one or two minor ideas, while you proclaim that F-Zero needs new ideas?! Just fucking say that Mario sells better, and that you don't care about franchises that struggled before. No, make that that you don't care about your history, your legacy.


I very much respect Miyamoto as a person as well as his work, but sometimes he comes across as either really, really out of touch, or completely ignorant, or lazy, or I don't know. God, I'm honestly quite mad right now, at him personally and at Nintendo in general...


you know, miyamoto hasn't done jack shit since Ocarina of Time other than mostly being Nintendos frontfigure, and he should be, given his past.

But that doesn't in any way mean he still has it when it comes to game making, in fact, he never made a single game on his own.

Remember this, Shigeru Miyamoto was more or less raised by Hiroshi Yamauchi. that should say a lot...

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