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MIPS Assembly to Hex?



Hey guys, I'm currently looking into some code, and I need some help.


I have the code I need to get things to work, but the issue is converting that to hex so I can inject it into the Iron Knuckle's hex. I have a lot of freed-up space I can use, but I need to convert the MIPS Assembly code I have to hex.


Is there any kind of converting tool or information I can look up?


This is a custom code, and does not exist in the game. Nintendo has some really messy code for actor spawning, so I need some other method to put this code into the Iron Knuckle. Like I said, I have some free space I can put it in, but I need to convert the code to hex.

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6 answers to this question

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One question, how do you plan on getting the code to run? You know that simply inserting your code at the end of an actor file won't affect it in the way that you are hoping, right?


By the way, the program for which you are looking for is called an assembler. When I need to convert my things into GS codes, I tend to use Renegade64; when I need to get a binary (this is what you want), I use mips-gcc along with a few other tools which come with GCC (objcopy,mips-as, mips-ld, etc).


However, let me just say that the way you plan on modifying the actor would probably be more trouble that it's worth. You would be better off disassembling with zOVLDis and reassembling the actor with mips-gcc and nOVL to make your changes.

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This is true, however, like I said, I have free space to fit it in; I just need to convert it. In fact, the way I have it working will have it work the way I want it. It makes the ik die even faster, which is what I like.


Although, I don't need to disassemble and reassemble, this is not what I want to do. It's not needed.


I can always just re-review Gohma's spawn for Gohma larvae and use that, but I doubt it will be what I'm looking for... I'll have to check and verify.

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Although, I don't need to disassemble and reassemble, this is not what I want to do. It's not needed.

If you want to be modifying actors beyond only changing one or two instructions then this is exactly what you do want to be doing...



This is a custom code, and does not exist in the game. Nintendo has some really messy code for actor spawning, so I need some other method to put this code into the Iron Knuckle. Like I said, I have some free space I can put it in, but I need to convert the code to hex.


I don't seem to understand exactly what you're trying to ask, so I can't really help... :/

If you want to assemble your code then see Jason777's post, if you were looking for something to insert the code in to the ROM then there are probably programs for that sort of thing around somewhere.

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I don't seem to understand exactly what you're trying to ask, so I can't really help... :/

If you want to assemble your code then see Jason777's post, if you were looking for something to insert the code in to the ROM then there are probably programs for that sort of thing around somewhere.


That's why I'm asking if someone knows where I can find one. Other than that, I just need to convert some simple commands. Anyways, I can still do some digging and try some things, so it's not like I'm too concerned about it; I just need to convert the commands, like LUI AT and ADDIU AT, AT... the values and such are not the issue, I have notes for the other things.


I'm not looking for a long-butt tutorial or anything, just a simple converter for the commands.

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