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Arwings from Grass!!!


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With much success today, I managed to discover a faulty function call that, for whatever reason, is called in the spawner for hearts/rupees that either causes actors to be microscopic (looking like they're invisible), or have data errors (collision or otherwise).


I noticed when spawning the Gold Skulltula that it was THERE, but it was super tiny, and Link couldn't interact with it. It was as tiny as a speck of a particle. It was so hard to see it, I never noticed it until today.


I managed to find an ALTERNATE size modifier function call for the actor, and NOP'd it (set it to 00000000), and with success, the token will now spawn! However, with more frustrating results.. The token WILL spawn, however it will slide away, and if you don't grab it, will slide through walls and off into the wild blue yonder!


Likely a reaction involving the fact that the item "flys" into a parabola until it touches the ground.


Bombs will spawn now without any crashes, and I can spawn anything, including other enemies. But, of course, certain enemies seem to glitch when another actor is spawned (in this example, the Arwing).



So, I may not be able to spawn the token without it sliding away, but anything can be spawned now with this find.

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There's no real difficulty in doing this, I only removed one JAL function that was a culprit in causing actor errors, and changed the actor number. There is still the flaw where certain spawns go sliding, and I need to find it first... I will update this post when I do, and show what to look for when I find everything. For now there are still some bugs.


The only difficult part was finding the culprit, more-to-the-point.


The nifty thing to all this is the particle effect from the grass and enemies attaches itself to any actor.


Also, there was no information on my findings... there may need to be more research needed to find out what the function does that causes actor errors (probably just the resizing).

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