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Hello gcn! Im doomraider AKA Vix


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Hey, I never properly introduced myself. Im Rob/doomraider/vix and I have had a crazy game designing obsession since i was 9! (22 now aha) www.unidoom.org is my brothers doom clan where I started my fun, by editing doom levels, making my own, and eventually putting them into projects (see link above :P) Eventually I moved onto halflife, and then halflife 2 which is pretty much where it ends hah. Zelda level hacking has been a fun hobby since I came here a few weeks ago, so check out my new video im posting in a few minutes ;) Lets hope you guys see something more than just level hacking from at some point. Btw, awesome community and im happy to have been referred to this site :D

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welcome to the gcn!!!!


Yes, I myself have a game creation obsession, I mainly focus on gamemaker :D (most people think it's "lazy", and "too user friendly", but I think it's a fairly good program )


oh man, you should check out blitz3d, the language is pretty much like basic, its just a bunch of integrated apis, so you can create a 3d object on screen in like 2 lines of code as opposed to like 5 c++ files ahah. but really, youd love it and you would learn alloooot

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oh man, you should check out blitz3d, the language is pretty much like basic, its just a bunch of integrated apis, so you can create a 3d object on screen in like 2 lines of code as opposed to like 5 c++ files ahah. but really, youd love it and you would learn alloooot


saddly, i havn't actually heard of that before... I'll have to try it out some time :)

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its a great program, i made a 3d tile loader really easily, it opens a file with 16x16 chars (the map is 16x16 3d tiles) and reads from the file 1 by 1, the numbers represent what tile will be loaded. it has 2 loops and works the way i figured it should(like i said you learn alot of stuff and make and solve your own programming concepts)it goes for x = 1 to 16 { for y = 1 to 16 { read file and load } }



For x = 1 To 16


For y = 1 To 16


If map(counter) = 1

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(metalplate)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 2

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(metalplate2)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 3

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(metalplate3)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 4

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(collumn)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1

collision(x,y) = CopyEntity(cbox)

ScaleEntity collision(x,y),0.2,.5,0.1

PositionEntity collision(x,y),x-.1,0,y-.1


Else If map(counter) = 5

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(concrete)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1

collision(x,y) = CopyEntity(cbox)

ScaleEntity collision(x,y),0.4,1,0.2

PositionEntity collision(x,y),x-.1,0,y-.1

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(concrete)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,1,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1

collision(x,y) = CopyEntity(cbox)

ScaleEntity collision(x,y),0.4,1,0.2

PositionEntity collision(x,y),x-.1,0,y-.1



Else If map(counter) = 6

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(wall)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,-.1,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1

collision(x,y) = CopyEntity(cbox)

ScaleEntity collision(x,y),0.4,1,0.2

PositionEntity collision(x,y),x-.1,0,y-.1

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(wall)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,1.27,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1

collision(x,y) = CopyEntity(cbox)

ScaleEntity collision(x,y),0.4,1,0.2

PositionEntity collision(x,y),x-.1,0,y-.1


Else If map(counter) = 7

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(ground)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 8

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(ground2)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,0,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 9

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(ground3)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,-.1,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1


Else If map(counter) = 0

level(x,y) = CopyEntity(broke)

PositionEntity level(x,y),x,-.1,y

ScaleEntity level(x,y),1,1,1





counter = counter+1





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What were you thinking just waltzing in and introducing yourself! You've got some nerve!!!




We always say the same things in the intro topic, so I thought I'd mix it up.


Anyways welcome to GCN, and hope you enjoy your stay.


"Welcome to GCN" does get old, doesnt it?


"Crammit! I knew I should of thought of something clever!"

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Yay, another person who appreciates Kirby Superstar :D


I grew up with SNES games too, and that's one of my favourites. They also did a brilliant job with the DS remake. Sorry that I'm a little late to welcoming you, but very nice work on your custom levels. I think you'll really enjoy it here.

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