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Christmas Desirables

Shadow Fire

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It's getting closer and closer to Christmas, and as the inevitable looms ahead, it has me wondering... what exactly do you hope you get for Christmas?


Myself, personally... I'm hoping for this baby:




Yeah, with one of these, I'd be able to start making gameplay videos. Not just of my Xbox 360, but my PS2, and essentially any other console that supports at least Composite Video (because I'd make sure to have a Composite -> HDMI conversion unit as well). Essentially, it will help the community to see gameplay footage, especially if you've not played the game in question, and want to see it in action.


I'd also like US Citizenship, but I doubt I'll get that for Christmas this year. =P


But, yeah... the Hauppauge... yes please.

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I'm not really hoping for anything in particular... I'm hoping to spend Christmas with my family, but I don't have specific hopes when it comes to presents. A new external or internal hard disk would be nice, or like half of the cost of one in cash or so - don't have a particular model in mind, just that 1 TB or more would be good.

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A cheap ~60gb SSD would be nice. I have a hackintosh, and would love to dual-boot with Windows for some games (havent been able to play Skyrim in a while, and Black Mesa looks great) but experience has taught me not to do so through partitioning.


I'm with xdaniel though, the best gift is being able to see family.

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I'll third the joys of spending time with family, but outside that obvious desire, I wouldn't mind getting ahold of Approaching Nirvana's

, and I've heard enough good things about Kid Icarus: Uprising that getting that would be pretty awesome as well. Beyond that, money to whore out for indie games/bundles is pretty much all I could ask for.
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a nintendo entertainment system...


I need to get back the childhood that my parents sold many years ago..........


I gotz three of them... >:D (laughs maniacally) Yeah, they were my parents, so whadz...


B2S, all I need for Christmas is tools; all my gear is either old or free.


Being an entrepenuer aint easy... Good thing I have a good family to stick with though...

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the only thing i want for christmas is a wiiu it would be awesome to play the zelda game that is coming out on it :)

(if it is) :( but if i cant get that then i will be happy with being at home with family


The zelda wii U will probably come out in 2014 or 2015. But you never know Nintendo may show us a trailer of the new Zelda 3DS game or Zelda WiiU at E3.

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