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Tamrik is a male, you bullies. >8(


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I hardly ever check the minisite, so when I did read some comments on it...

"The new Sages are looking pretty good, especially the Sage of Ice. She's a Zora, right?"


When I designed Tamrik, in my head, he had the biggest scrotum of all. :(


"Is the Sage Of Ice a Zora?"


Well, what other races in OoT have the qualities of a fish? :(

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Well, i dont really understand? how can people see Tamrik as a female? it look no way like a female. well some people out there sure have some nice imagination .


It's especially confusing since female Zoras have completely different head types.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.



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It's especially confusing since female Zoras have completely different head types.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


Hmm, have you considered to rework the artwork to make it clear that Tamrik is a male? Or to add something more manly like a scar on his face or something like that? Or have you may considered to change him to a she? I feel like its kinda hard to get Tamrik more manly then this anyway. I think you guys will get out his manliness quite good in the game anyway.



no, i'm not


there are people who beleive this...

ever since valve accidently said "she", some people have been going nuts


my faith for humanity is lost.

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