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Random Rants: Gaming Sold Out?


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This may be (it is) a pointless rant, but don't you feel gaming has sold out?



I mean, "everybody's" into it now, but its really just a passing "fad" and not an ambition....

What I mean is, whatever happened to the "true gamers", those who used to be scoffed at for even playing video games, the ones who used to be labeled as a "geek" and "nerd" for showing interest in them?


Pop culture is now labeling it as a "cool" thing to do, cause "everybody else is doing it"...

I mean, its kind of like a weird pride thing, like we (gamers) were here first, now everybody wants in...



This probably doesn't make any sense, but its just some food for thought...

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Basically those who're into it because it's "cool" or "in" aren't gamers - if anything, they're casual gamers, including the CoD or Halo guys or whatever FPS are all the rage right now. Real gamers are those who know what an Atari 2600 or SNES is, or maybe even the PC Engine or WonderSwan. Those who don't judge a game primarily by how good its graphics are or how much blood splatters when you hit an enemy. Those who hang onto their old systems because of the gameplay value still in them, or at least get those games (again) on VC, XBLA or PSN. You know what I mean, I guess. That's my definition or mindset on the matter, anyway.

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Ive been a nerd since i started making wads for doom at age 8(mspaint at age 7). I have nintendo, turbographics, deus sega genesis(1 32X with a copy of DooM), original gameboy plus 2 GBAs, deus snes's(also 1 copy of the orange doom cartridge), deus N64s, a playstation(yes, PSX or whatever) TWO! dreamcasts!(1 with serial port and ability to read cds[instead of GD good job sega]) a gamecube, wii, xbox. I love megaman. X. Since i was 6. I could definitely say that I know every song for every single game to the last note. I am an undercover super video game/computer nerd. I love it. I have sonic wacky worlds and KNUCKLES CHAOTIX(best game)

ps oh and i had sega channel

what up

pps and i think almost 80 nes games

I forgot to mention I've played halflife since 1999(yes, when WON network existed[not steamlol]) and 8 years on steam ;)
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Basically those who're into it because it's "cool" or "in" aren't gamers - if anything, they're casual gamers, including the CoD or Halo guys or whatever FPS are all the rage right now. Real gamers are those who know what an Atari 2600 or SNES is, or maybe even the PC Engine or WonderSwan. Those who don't judge a game primarily by how good its graphics are or how much blood splatters when you hit an enemy. Those who hang onto their old systems because of the gameplay value still in them, or at least get those games (again) on VC, XBLA or PSN. You know what I mean, I guess. That's my definition or mindset on the matter, anyway.


You have no idea how good you just made me feel about rebuying old games/consoles. Sometimes I think to myself it was pointless, but it's not. It needs to be done. 8D


Though, honestly, that definition of gamer is not too fair for a lot of kids getting into it in modern times, if I'm going to be honest. They should still be gamers without having to look up a console/a game they weren't alive to know about.


Though, the kids who tell me they "plowed my mom last night" online, I refuse to believe can ever be called real gamers, no matter what.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.



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Is it sad that I consider most today's gamers to be nothing more the FPS consumers? Not really actual "gamers" as they never leave the FPS genre or try anything that isn't shooting someone down? To me a lot of the games nowadays have become very stagnant which is why I stick to a lot of my older consoles and games. They have given me more satisfaction and joy then today's games.

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I was born into the dying age of the N64 and then I finally got into that around 4 or 5 years old when y older siboings were arond to help me understand it. As I first started playing the N64 , everbody else was getting a Wii because that was the new thing. And then somewhere down along the line, I know people who don't even know what an N64 is because of the lack of Modern Warfare, or whatever it is. Afterwards, I was introduced to the older consoles that my brothers still had, like the NES and SNES. Rather than gameplay value, for me, it s more the nostalgic experience of playing them with my family. I wish I could do that again sometime...

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I mean, don't get me wrong; some modern games are cool, and I probably wasn't around in the Golden Age of gaming. I liked playing Call of Duty Finest Hour on the Gamecube and all that, nothing against FPS games. But it seems thats all everybody plays or wants to play; most FPS lack the story of values and that feeling of being needed. When you play, say Sonic or The Legend of Zelda, after you pass it, what do you feel? You feel you've accomplished something, saving Hyrule or rescuing all those hopeless animals from Robotnik. But these days, you pass Modern Warfare, what do you feel? A dirty down murderer who slaughtered everyone at the airport...


I'm just glad my mom and dad were kinda into gaming during their 80's days... practically owning all the classic consoles during thier day (too bad they're not that active in video games anymore... :P)

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I'm not trying to come off as an ass, nor do I want to, but why do you care so much about what other people play? Further more, why should that effect them being gamers or not?


Lastly, simple fact right here: if you play games, of any kind, whether you're doing it as a part of some kind of fad or not, you're a gamer(if nobody understands what I mean, take a few seconds to analyze the very simple logic behind it). Anyways, I really don't have too many positive things to say about this topic, so I'll just stop posting in it for now.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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I'm not trying to come off as an ass, nor do I want to, but why do you care so much about what other people play? Further more, why should that effect them being gamers or not?


Lastly, simple fact right here: if you play games, of any kind, whether you're doing it as a part of some kind of fad or not, you're a gamer(if nobody understands what I mean, take a few seconds to analyze the very simple logic behind it). Anyways, I really don't have too many positive things to say about this topic, so I'll just stop posting in it for now.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


I dunno; to each his own...


Just tryin to get some Rahls too :D jk


I just wanted to see people's opinions.

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Gaming has become marketable to a broader audience. That's really the only thing that has changed. CEOs are realising that the traditional demographic of 'gamers' is only one small fraction of a larger market. There are certainly fadlike games, but as a whole, the industry is still ultimately responding to the entire spectrum of gamers. The definition, and therefore the 'image' of gamers, is changing to fit a broader spectrum. That's not inherently a bad thing, but it does lead to some bad business practices, like shovelware and rebranded 'same shit, different year' type games.

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Also, yes you can like his comment; this is why we have the like button.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


You have reached the maximum positive votes of the day... (I'm "refueled" now, and I was just posting a joke about people getting easily offended/ disturbed by people's opinions; people only want to hear the things they want these days...)
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