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Why SSB is a PSASBR ripoff


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Simply put, Nintendo copied everything that was unique about Sony's fighter. I am not okay with this, not one damn bit at all.

I mean, really? They couldn't even put some damn thought into it, and it's just really blatant.


Sony did it first: they put their characters in a game and made them fight first, but I guess Nintendo had to spoil that.

I swear to god, it's just like when they fucking copied Sony's PS Move controller with their... Wiimote? xP

Learn to be creative, Nintendo. Other people's ideas aren't just up for the taking, all willy-nilly.

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But-but-but... there was no PSASBR in 1999 or... did I miss its release? Oh god, if I did, Nintendo really did rip Sony off here! All my faith in Nintendo has been misguided! It should've been Sony's! But I hate them! The world's crashing down on me!


...that leaves me with no other choice: when's the Dreamcast 2 coming out again? They keep shifting the date around, I can't keep up with it.

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