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SayakaGL - New Zelda OoT/MM level editor


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That one part of the map that the texture coordinates gets fucked up, I don't know if that is sketchup being stupid or if its the r12 converter spinout released, but yeah, I think its time we setup for importing maps correctly! I am all for this and will help out any way possible. :P

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I HATE custom maps.


-Imaged removed- ~ If your going to quote a post, please remove the image! ~Zeth

This is only possible with a whole bunch of technically superfluous code which I should have never written. Also, there's no support for Display List editing, actor editing, waypoint editing, and even saving yet - basically everything you'd actually need.


...fuck this, I'm going to rip this out again and rather spend a few more weeks or so figuring out how to either properly import maps, or how to fix the DMA table to support maps as they're being imported now -.-


EDIT: There. Made backups of the modified files just in case, but now reverted to Sayaka just ignoring custom maps.


Zom0.o Editing and saving or not Thats fast work.You must really be working hard.I admire that.Go for it.Any idea how long implementing custom map support will take a week or two?
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yeah I'm wondering too.

Also I really hope for object(group) editing/adding it would be awesome.

Same with actor adding, I am still waiting for a way too do it that isn't through a hex editor.


There really isn't a way to add objects/actors then what is already allowed in a map, the only way to do it is to relocate the actors/objects manually and extending the map itself. But I do think having object/actor editing would be amazing.
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Honestly when custom map's support is finally here it will be the first time ill be able to use actor editing without zappy.So on that subject there you have my full support.Question by the way what exactly does make majora's mask more difficult then oot too render in your opinion xdainel?I know that oot has almost no flaws in the rendering without the combiner but in majora's the textures there are always missing.MY guess is since certain things change in ram depending on the day that would make it more difficult.Also how far away is sayakaGL from vertex editing?

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Custom maps: I will not support custom maps the way we're inserting them now. I tried it, as you can see above, and it's way too much work for something that isn't correct anyway. I will look into creating correct imports, or fixing those we're able to do now. I will not make an estimate on how long it will take, because it's most likely going to be a lot of work.


Adding actors and objects to maps: It's possible to do this automatically, but you have to take care of every single offset reference inside the modified file. Best thing would probably be recreating each room file from the data it contains; basically taking note of everything that's inside, the calculating the new offsets for those, creating an empty buffer and writing the data to those offsets inside this buffer, then fixing each offset reference. Or alternatively fixing them before the buffer writes. Well, it's something to look into anyway.


Editing scene actors: Will be in the next release, I hope. I believe I'm already reading them out, but not rendering them yet. Not sure tho, since I'm currently not at my PC.


Combiner emulation: I will look into severe rendering bugs that appear with the combiner disabled (missing maps and the like), but I won't try to tweak combiner-less rendering to look any better from a purely aesthetic viewpoint.


MM rendering in general: Majora's Mask is, putting it that way, more picky about certain things than OoT is, ex. texture coordinates, clamping/mirroring flags and the like. That's why there are maps where textures should obviously repeat, but are only shown once in one corner of the surface and don't repeat. Also, there's the issue of many textures not being rendered at all, and just appearing as solid yellow. Those textures I simply cannot load without emulating the system to an extend, because the RAM segments they're stored in are set at runtime by the game, and aren't static as ex. room data in this segment, scene data in this one, gameplay_keep in this one, etc.


Whew, hope I've covered all the questions and comments so far.

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Andreawws!: Ah, right, sorry - that ties in with adding actors/objects (objects == groups, btw). Editing which ones are loaded is easy to implement, have to think about how to represent that in the user interface, tho. Will probably add a header editor tab, that will also allow changing of some other settings like ex. which music track is played on the map, or if/what type of skybox is being used, or some other things controlled by the header(s).

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Custom maps: I will not support custom maps the way we're inserting them now. I tried it, as you can see above, and it's way too much work for something that isn't correct anyway. I will look into creating correct imports, or fixing those we're able to do now. I will not make an estimate on how long it will take, because it's most likely going to be a lot of work.

As long as were trying are best I'm sure it will work out eventually xdaniel.
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Working on spawn point (0x00) and transition actor (0x0E) support... Here's the transition actors:


Posted Image


Also, the Deku Tree's first transition actor's data as known to Sayaka (which means there's more inside the structure than there is in the game):


Posted Image


...might give a small insight into how some parts of Sayaka work to programmers, but might be just a confusing mess of numbers and labels for others :P

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Cannot be selected via mouse yet, cannot be edited correctly yet, but I'm getting there.


Posted Image


EDIT (2):


Posted Image

Alright, can be selected via mouse, can be moved around via mouse, can be saved, transitions cannot be edited correctly yet.


Was a bit slow to pause the emulator, tho :P




Transition actors can be saved correctly, next is implementing the editing of their special properties (room to change to/camera setting for front/back) into the interface.




Well then, editing of spawn points and transition actors should be complete now.


Posted Image


(Note: "Front R/C" means "room to change to when triggered from front / camera reaction during transition from front", while "Back R/C" of course means the same with the back of the actor)

Edited by xdaniel
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Cannot be selected via mouse yet, cannot be edited correctly yet, but I'm getting there.

(Note: "Front R/C" means "room to change to when triggered from front / camera reaction during transition from front", while "Back R/C" of course means the same with the back of the actor)


How does Room changing work exactly?In the pic i see 00 and FF.Im also been wondering how you made hyrule field red like that could you tell me where i need to go to use that aswell.Also this is awsome piece of work keep it up!Edit:About custom maps why dont you disect obj2area for some clues in its code?
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This is looking really awesome Xdan, Being able to edit transition actors is going to make adding custom maps(once its implemented correctly) a lot easier, as when trying to do it via UoT, there was a lot of crashes and made it very hard to do, to the point it had to be done almost manually.


@Salvage - Custom maps are not imported correctly, Xdan has SayakaGL read maps how they are suppose to be read and to add a hack to get custom maps to read on the program is more of a hassle then it should be. So its only a matter of time with spinout fixing his converter so it imports maps correctly, then SayakaGL should be able to read it with no problem.

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