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An open letter to PC elitists.


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This topic is not meant to flame PC gamers. It's meant to jab at the most hardcore of PC gamers, the PC elitists. You know, PC gamers who refuse to believe in any other way to play games, and constantly belittle console gamers. I happen to enjoy playing some games on the PC from time to time, myself. Keep all of this in mind before replying, or even reading.

Let's talk about the advantages of PC gaming, if you can even call them such a thing. ANYWAYS:

1. Better graphics and a 1080p resolution are two, and what does this do for your experience? Nothing. Nothing at all, yet it's something all
graphics-humping PC elitists praise and worship as if it makes their games any better. I dunno about the PC Fail Race*, but there's
this thing called gameplay. Yeah, you know, that thing that makes a game a game. Quit passionately fucking your graphical settings
and appreciate a game for what it is.

* If you consider yourself a member of the PC Master Race and my joke offended you, that means you actually take the whole master race thing seriously and consider yourself a part of it. I'm sorry, but I find that sad.

2. Mod support. Now, while it's cool, is it even an advantage? Maybe, but hardly at all(my opinion). While it's cool to expand your game, the novelty wears off
eventually. To me, I hardly see a point, because when I get a game, I have zero plans to play it in any way other than how I bought it. If I see some DLC I like, I will
get it, sure, but I hardly ever get it. It's also worth noting that, not every PC game under the sun officially supports modding like some elitists seem to think, so you will have to, for the most part, get down and dirty with a lot of PC games to mod them.

Now, let's also take this into consideration:
When you really dig deep into things, there are MANY console games that have active modding communities, so the entire argument of mod support by the PC Fail Race*
is rendered moot when you think of that. The only reason I brought it up, is because it's one of the most used arguments in favor of PC gaming.

Don't get it? Here's what I mean:
PC elitists brag and brag about mods on PCs, and completely disregard console mods as if they do not even exist.
But the fact console mods do exist, however, makes their point moot, 100%. SEE MY POINT? I'M NOT EXPLAINING IT AGAIN TO ANYONE WHO MISSES IT.

* You should really stop taking offense to such an obvious joke.

3. Keyboard and mou-- oh, wait! I can use that on my PS3, and other consoles with an adapter. But why would I?
The keyboard and mouse is, in my humble opinion, a horrible device to play videogames with, with some genres literally not meant to be played with these controls.
The mouse works well for aiming, sure, but the keyboard? HA, that thing has frustrated me more times than I can count, because it's a clusterfuck of bad controls. I like everything to be in easy reach, and have a comfortable layout. So, what does that mean? Controller for me.
Been that way for years, and it isn't going to change; controller for fucking life.

And yes, I am aware you can use them on the PC.

4. Higher framerates seems to be something that is praised. For me, there is hardly enough of a difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS to warrant me
giving a solemn fuck about such a trivial thing as this. Not to mention, there are console games that do play at 60 FPS, so for a PC elitist to say it's something
consoles are not even capable of, has them shine with ignorance.

I dunno, not too many other "advantages" come to mind. Please leave your thoughts below, if you like.
Also, keep in mind while I did come off as very harsh, it's for a reason: reading the posts of any PC elitist on the internet makes me
want to ram a rusty spike into my cerebrum, just so I can forget about the stupid shit I read.

If there are any PC-only, die-hard elitists on this forum, I truly apologize if I offended you, but you must understand:
PC elitists are pretty much one of the most annoying, unlikeable types of people on the internet. They sicken me sometimes.
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Agreeing with most points, or rather all I disagree a bit with is your strong wording :P


Console gamer here, one reason being that the genres I like are better represented on consoles, not to mention offer superior control on them. The only genre where I really see an advantage of keyboard and mouse over a controller is the FPS, and I'm not that big of an FPS player. But even then, I'm practically one with the controller in Metroid Prime on GCN and can't imagine the game with PC-style keyboard/mouse controls. Fun fact: a good friend of mine played through Half-Life on PC using a Microsoft Sidewinder (IIRC) controller back in the day.


Another reason I'm more of a console gamer is that I cannot afford upgrading my PC every year, to keep up with the requirements of the latest games. On the other hand, even if the framerates of console games might not be as high as PC ones possibly are, they at least tend to be stable.


(...cutting this short as Nintendo Direct has started, might add something later on ^^") (Nah, can't really think of anything else)

Edited by xdaniel
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I'll concede to most of your points with the exception about mods and the keyboard being a horrible means for control input. In the case of the latter, this, I think, is more to blame for the developer implementing such controls poorly, most of the time I actually prefer keyboard and mouse as far as, for example, aiming in shooter games goes, but also for most RPG variants, since you just can't get enough buttons to map commands to with a standard controller. Ultimately, though, it boils down to preference, and I see no need to assert one as superior to the other.


Regarding mods, I have to strongly disagree, with one key example being my personal favorite game, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. There are a veritable myriad of modding communities devoted to not just this game but many more Infinity/Aurora Engine games developed by Bioware (including the prequels to BG2 and Icewind Dale series), and thanks to the developer's benign stance toward modding, their games are open-ended enough that tools for modding the game were rapidly developed to the point where there's now an entire scripting language devoted to the topic. Because of this openness, just by looking at the three sites listed above, the amount of custom content for BG2 alone easily surpasses the amount of content in the vanilla game--whereas the default installation folder is about 2 GB with a full install, mine is packed with over 2 GB of extra mod content, all of which greatly opens up a game I love and makes it that much more enjoyable. When mod content is well done, it's hardly a novelty as you seem to suggest because it should match up with the quality of the game it modifies, and if it still becomes a novelty, then that is either a fault of the game itself, or a fault of the mod--but not sheerly because it is a mod.

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Cool, but see, when I wrote this, I had in mind all of the shitty mods that populate games like Elder Scrolls(how many anime hair styles can one game need? damn.).

I'm full aware there are good mods, but that's not my point: my point is, they're not really a big plus to PC gaming at all, especially when console games can and do get the same treatment.


Also, I cannot help but feel you're getting the impression I said NO PC games have official modding support. That is not the case, at all.

"It's also worth noting that, not every PC game under the sun officially supports modding like some elitists seem to think, so you will have to, for the most part, get down and dirty with a lot of PC games to mod them."

I'm sorry, but this cannot be denied. Every PC elitist ever proclaims, "PC games can be modded!", as if it's some easy feat for EVERY game. What I was saying is, Naxy, not all PC games have wonderful modding communities and official support like Baldur's Gate does.

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I highly prefer PC to consoles, myself. I have just about every console under the sun, but I tend to spend most of my life on a computer because I am a lifeless fuckwit with nothing better to do just enjoy the experience more. Yes, you've addressed most of the reasons why, but I have to disagree with your whole blonde hair, blue eyed master race point. I haven't seen any of these master race people anywhere at all, I just see people bitching and complaining about what 7th Gen console is better than the other and how the Wii has herpes or some such. Really, I'm just fucking sick and tired of fanboyism at all. Each console has it's ups and downs, it's pros and cons. Every damn one of them. That doesn't mean any one is better than the other. And in the end, they're all going to piss you off at some point or another, as the higher the tech, the more likely it is to fuck itself over while you sleep. So how about we just fucking play games like a normal ass human being instead of picking sides?


Also, Branden, don't take this as an attack to you. I love you man, I'm just sick and tired of fanboys in general and rant about them all the time because I love all of my consoles. ._.

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You're obviously not a PC elitist. Anyways, guess what? They're all over the internet.

You're not looking hard enough as I, as well as many other people had to endure their garbage.


Also, another thing:

I am not showing fanboyism here, and even said I game on the PC at times, so I'm not just on consoles.


What some people are (apparently) not understanding is that this isn't a fanboyism topic, but a jab at douchebag PC elitists. Sometimes I wonder if people even read my topics.


If I was such a console fanboy, I think I'd find it hard to admit I game on the PC at times like I did in the disclaimer.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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Blinx, even if some console games do support mods, more often than not it's nowhere near as polished and widely available as things are on the PC, and that's because of the platform. Computers are open (unless you run a Mac, in which case shame on you) whereas consoles are not, and to quite a few people, modding content is important--if it wasn't, I doubt half of you would even be on this forum. To take a highly relevant example, look at how far modding has come for Ocarina of Time: We've spent an entire decade tearing the thing apart over and over again and still don't understand how several parts of it work, whereas many other PC games are easily moddable simply by briefly analyzing an easy-to-read resource file that's just dumped into a folder for the game. Hell, in some cases, the developers go so far as to spell out what goes where--maps are in the "maps" folder, items in "items," and so on. Of the two, I'd pick a PC game to mod any day of the week because in the end it's going to be vastly easier.


Going over your original post again, I'm finding it difficult to tell if it's meant to be a legitimate argument or just a rant to blow of steam (which is fine if that is the case). All of your points in some way or another incorporate your personal opinion, which doesn't really hold weight in an objective argument; I include your point about graphics as well because, let's face it, they do matter. In the modern gaming market, retro 8-bit graphics are fine because of their charm, but a 3D game with graphics on par with the N64 would probably get laughed out of the mainstream market even if it had decent gameplay, whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

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I think it's veeeeery obvious a lot of that is opinion, seeing as how I state it's my opinion a lot. This is a semi rant, semi argument against PC elitists. I am not afraid to incorporate my opinion into it.

You're also missing my point about mods, again. Let me explain it this way:


PC elitists I see use the arguments of mods on PCs, claiming how consoles do not have it, when that is not the case at all. I am not explaining any of the technical stuff at all, because, quite frankly, it doesn't matter for my argument. My point is, mods on consoles EXIST, therefore their point is moot. 100%. I am full aware modding is harder on consoles at times, but that is not the point I'm making.

Also, I am saying it again: in my honest opinion, graphics don't matter. I don't give a damn about what the "mainstream market" thinks. I'm thinking of this from a gamer's perspective, not some person in a suit that sucks the creativity out of people's games in favor of making them prettier. Next to gameplay, all good graphics are to me is a nice bonus(which I can live without). The game can look like shit, I won't care, it just better be fun. The game can look like shit, I won't care; if that same game plays like shit, I will care.

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I'd say the newer, more modern the console game, the more structured and more comparable to a PC game it is, at least modification-wise. Take Wind Waker; it took us a month or two to figure out the basics, 4 months later we had a simple map editor. And if someone else had written the editor, it probably would've gone even faster, seeing how they probably would've done it in C++ while I wrote it in C# and thus had to rewrite the whole model parser in that language, based on BMDview2's C++ code. Not to mention, I'm a bad coder anyway.


I'm not saying it would've gone that easily with every other game, I'm not saying our understanding of WW is even close to that of OoT/MM yet, I'm just saying that console games have gone beyond the nondescript binary blobs of the pre-GCN days, with actual file systems, identifying strings and tags in files, etc. Hell, even DS and 3DS games have file systems, despite being cartridge games!

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Don't really care either way to be honest. I have consoles, and I play on my laptop. The only downside to my PC? I can't seem to record gameplay footage anymore without experiencing horrible lag, or the game crashing. While I admit that modding is more prominent on PC, I am actually a member of 4 Xbox 360/PS3 modding communities. So, elitists can suck it.


Also... I agree. I prefer controllers to keyboards. Easier usage. :3

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Don't really care either way to be honest. I have consoles, and I play on my laptop. The only downside to my PC? I can't seem to record gameplay footage anymore without experiencing horrible lag, or the game crashing. While I admit that modding is more prominent on PC, I am actually a member of 4 Xbox 360/PS3 modding communities. So, elitists can suck it.


Also... I agree. I prefer controllers to keyboards. Easier usage. :3



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I think it's veeeeery obvious a lot of that is opinion, seeing as how I state it's my opinion a lot. This is a semi rant, semi argument against PC elitists. I am not afraid to incorporate my opinion into it.

You're also missing my point about mods, again. Let me explain it this way:


PC elitists I see use the arguments of mods on PCs, claiming how consoles do not have it, when that is not the case at all. I am not explaining any of the technical stuff at all, because, quite frankly, it doesn't matter for my argument. My point is, mods on consoles EXIST, therefore their point is moot. 100%. I am full aware modding is harder on consoles at times, but that is not the point I'm making.

Also, I am saying it again: in my honest opinion, graphics don't matter. I don't give a damn about what the "mainstream market" thinks. I'm thinking of this from a gamer's perspective, not some person in a suit that sucks the creativity out of people's games in favor of making them prettier. Next to gameplay, all good graphics are to me is a nice bonus(which I can live without). The game can look like shit, I won't care, it just better be fun. The game can look like shit, I won't care; if that same game plays like shit, I will care.


Ah, then if that's the point you're arguing, I'll definitely agree with you there. I fail completely to see how anyone can deny the existence of mods on consoles; one mere utterance of Brawl should clear that discrepancy up instantly.


Don't get me wrong, I definitely agree that graphics are nowhere near as important as good gameplay, but in the grand scheme of things they do hold some weight in determining a game's overall value. Though once again my view would differ from PC elitists in that, if anything, it should be consoles that have the superior graphical output as well as framerate (at least in terms of maintaining as little choppiness/lag as possible). I definitely agree no one can tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS (it's literally impossible, the human eye can only detect about 23 FPS iirc, anything higher is just excess that we miss), and consoles are specifically designed to have powerful graphics processing hardware whereas computers are not (at least, not necessarily). Since a computer is meant to have maximum versatility, they aren't optimized for one singular purpose, both in terms of hardware and handling software, so I really don't see why anyone would argue otherwise.

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My own point is that I'm just tired of all elitists; Yeah, I haven't seen many PC Elitists. Then again, I hardly see console Elitists anymore. Why? Because my online life consists of Hacking, Gaming Communities, Roleplay Communities, and Theater. Not, say, Youtube, Reddit, 4chan, whatever else is full of elitist nonsense. Back when I was present on other sections of the internet, I would always see someone on the latest Skyward Sword pre-release trailer ranting about how hard the Wii sucked and Xbox or PS3 (Never both, mind you) are better. It's just a mindless circle jerk of who has the better console, which in terms of PS3 and Xbox, it's pretty much who likes what about the dashboard or online gaming better. I didn't bring the Wii up because it is a fact that it is inferior to the Xbox and PS3 hardware wise, but it still holds up because of the great games that are available. In the grand scheme of things, just play the game and enjoy and stop going back and forth about what you play it on, because it really doesn't matter in the slightest.




Elitists of all variety piss me off to no end.


Oh, and another note, Branden, I didn't intend to make you think I thought you were a fanboy of anything. I thought I could avert that assumption by telling you I love you. Which I do. Completely.

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i luv u 2 bb

And in all honesty, I hate all the console war shit among the fandom of consoles, too.

I, personally, like every console I've played on to date(with the only one I'm sick of at this point being the 360, though I still love the original Xbox), and I feel people should see the value in other brands of consoles. Death to all elitists, liek srsly.



I guess you have a point about the graphics, yeah.

Quite honestly, imagine the the massive and content packed games that could be made on say, a PS3 or 360, even the Wii U if the graphical quality of last generation(GameCube, PS2, OG Xbox) was applied on the hardware. Seriously, we'd get some crazy games, filled with tons of stuff to do. If only.


A lot of developers are too busy trying to push the limits graphically, and it has its toll on the gameplay side of things.

I'm just glad not all devs do this, though. Thank God.

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What I'm about to say may or may not offend you. I'm not a PC elitest, but I feel that you're saying that consoles are superior, which in fact they are not.


1. Better graphics.


Yes, some people care about graphics, and I completely agree with what you said. Game feel, atmosphere, and overall design should come before HAWLEY SHET ISH SO PERTY AHMIGAWD. While I agree with this, I feel that PC versions of games are always better looking. Mainly because consoles are very limited with what they have to work with, and ever since the N64, have not had an expandable anything in terms of performance outside of newer models. That being said, let's move on.


2. Mod support.


I don't know about you, but mods are VERY important to me. Mainly because I'm an aspiring game dev, and they intrigue me. More importantly, you can make a game your own in a sense. While yes, consoles also have a modding community, it's much more difficult because either you have to have a program to get the data you need to mod NO MATTER THE GAME, or you have to use FTP, which can be a pain in the ass to set up. While you're right, not all PC games support mods (RE4, Sonic Adventure, etc;can't think of many...), it's VERY common that games have mod support, and not only that, but sometimes, they turn into full-fledged games. (Couter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Killing Floor, Dear Esther, this list can go on for days.)


3. Keyboard and Mouse


The adapter you referred to on average costs $70+. Either that or you get a shitty controller made to look like a mouse and an awkward wii nunchuck. While I'm not saying keyboard and mouse is better for ALL games, it's the obvious winner in the FPS genre. The mouse literally becomes an extension of your thoughts, while a controller for FPS games, I often find myself messing up a headshot because I moved farther than I wanted. Then again, that's just my opinion. I didn't even grow up PC, I grew up console. I only started on PC when I was 13 with Halo. While I was used to playing Halo on original xbox, I found myself much more immersed into the game on PC.


4. Higher framerate


I completely agree on this point, framerate isn't that much of an issue for me, I seriously don't even have anything to argue on this.


Now that I've gotten all that shit out of the way, I'm not saying PC gaming is superior. Everyone clicks with one or the other, or sometimes both, like me. While I do feel that modding is for the more hardcore gaming community, that doesn't mean that there aren't hardcore gamers on console. On the topic of hardcore gaming, CoD is NOT a hardcore gamer's game, it is a casual gamer's way of SAYING they're a hardcore gamer. Got off topic, but I had to say it. I digress, I feel that console gaming is more for anything but FPS, but PC can do it all since it has controller support with almost any controller on the market.


TL;DR: everyone needs to stop bitching about console vs. PC and coexist.

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What I'm about to say may or may not offend you. I'm not a PC elitest, but I feel that you're saying that consoles are superior, which in fact they are not.


I hope you don't take offense to me completely disregarding the rest of your post, but you clearly did not read the disclaimer at the beginning, nor a few of my replies in this topic.

I had a larger disclaimer image at the top of this topic for a brief time, but I removed it because I felt it was too much. However, as it turns out, I ACTUALLY need it to cement my point in. Thank you!


Now you can hopefully keep in mind I do not game exclusively on consoles, nor do I passionately make love to th-- er, think they're superior; I game on everything, Hellspawn. Everything.

Here's the disclaimer:

(also, this is not an attack at you, I've made this image a day ago, but it apparently must be used)


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Thought I'd give you a proper response now.

(please do not take anything in here as an attack, as I'm not trying to do so. you're new here, but you must know, I'm a blunt person.

I never try to be an ass when like this, and in fact, am only being an ass when I start throwing insults. so, yeah, don't take offense)

1. Better graphics.


Yes, some people care about graphics, and I completely agree with what you said. Game feel, atmosphere, and overall design should come before HAWLEY SHET ISH SO PERTY AHMIGAWD. While I agree with this, I feel that PC versions of games are always better looking. Mainly because consoles are very limited with what they have to work with, and ever since the N64, have not had an expandable anything in terms of performance outside of newer models. That being said, let's move on.


PC versions of games are not as much of a step forward as you think, at all. They're prettier, sure, but not always by a lot. (I am aware there ARE PC games that far exceed console games graphically, even to the point of looking like real-freaking life. but I am saying, not ALL PC games are like this)

I'm not even going to argue this, as I see it as a fact, and will not debate it.


2. Mod support.


I don't know about you, but mods are VERY important to me. Mainly because I'm an aspiring game dev, and they intrigue me. More importantly, you can make a game your own in a sense. While yes, consoles also have a modding community, it's much more difficult because either you have to have a program to get the data you need to mod NO MATTER THE GAME, or you have to use FTP, which can be a pain in the ass to set up. While you're right, not all PC games support mods (RE4, Sonic Adventure, etc;can't think of many...), it's VERY common that games have mod support, and not only that, but sometimes, they turn into full-fledged games. (Couter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Killing Floor, Dear Esther, this list can go on for days.)


Good, cool. Mods are important to you. Not as much to me, and my argument was an opinionated one, so yeah.

But, hey, Hellspawn... you missed my point. Thank you. That just what I needed after I've only explained it a few times in this topic. :S

PC elitists make modding on PC a selling point, completely disregard console modding as if it does not even exist. It exists.

Their point is moot, 100%. You see my point now? I don't give two damns about the technical stuff, as it's not my argument.


3. Keyboard and Mouse


The adapter you referred to on average costs $70+. Either that or you get a shitty controller made to look like a mouse and an awkward wii nunchuck. While I'm not saying keyboard and mouse is better for ALL games, it's the obvious winner in the FPS genre. The mouse literally becomes an extension of your thoughts, while a controller for FPS games, I often find myself messing up a headshot because I moved farther than I wanted. Then again, that's just my opinion. I didn't even grow up PC, I grew up console. I only started on PC when I was 13 with Halo. While I was used to playing Halo on original xbox, I found myself much more immersed into the game on PC.


The adapter costs $70. You don't say? Now, tell me, if the price was important to my argument, wouldn't I have mentioned it? It's like my mod argument:

The adapter exists, therefore it's another PC elitist's argument nullified 100%.

Secondly, you're saying "obvious" winner in FPS genre like it's some kind of fact, that is not factual. That comes down to opinion. And for me, the keboard and mouse cannot even compare to the controller at all, in my opinion.


About the headshot bit: You should probably practice more. I've never had that problem with my controller(s) in any FPS game, not since I was new to the genre on consoles. Practice makes perfect. Or, you know, steady your finger and lower the sensitivity. :P


4. Higher framerate


I completely agree on this point, framerate isn't that much of an issue for me, I seriously don't even have anything to argue on this.


Thank you.


Now that I've gotten all that shit out of the way, I'm not saying PC gaming is superior. Everyone clicks with one or the other, or sometimes both, like me. While I do feel that modding is for the more hardcore gaming community, that doesn't mean that there aren't hardcore gamers on console. On the topic of hardcore gaming, CoD is NOT a hardcore gamer's game, it is a casual gamer's way of SAYING they're a hardcore gamer. Got off topic, but I had to say it. I digress, I feel that console gaming is more for anything but FPS, but PC can do it all since it has controller support with almost any controller on the market.


TL;DR: everyone needs to stop bitching about console vs. PC and coexist.


The bolded text. You completely disregarded adapters. Your argument right there? Moot. All because you didn't acknowledge them.

Price is not a concern when arguing that adapters exist, just the fact they do exist.

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I did read all your stuff, I just didn't properly word the opener after having read your stuff. (wrote then read, didn't amend) It was more meant to say that this is someone who prefers PC gaming but also accepts and thoroughly enjoys console gaming, I didn't mean the last bit after I read further into what you said. Also, I prefer when someone is firm, straight, and to the point, I can't stand when people beat around the bushes, so thumbs up to you good sir. :D




All because you didn't acknowledge them.

Price is not a concern when arguing that adapters exist, just the fact they do exist.

Price should be a concern, if the price is that impractical, then why would anyone who's used to PC gaming play a console game? Yes it exists, and I'd probably buy one if it wasn't so damn expensive because I do love me some Halo, but simply because it's nearly $100 just for an adapter that maps keystrokes and mouse movements to buttons and axes turns most gamers who would otherwise use it away. For that price, I'd rather learn how to program a keyboard to emulate buttons and axes than to buy it. However, you are right, it does exist, and that in and of itself does make what I wrote moot, but dammit, who the hell wants to spend nearly $100 just so they can play games THEIR WAY? I'll tell you who, no one. That's why there's no listings for it anywhere but the official website.


About the headshot bit: You should probably practice more. I've never had that problem with my controller(s) in any FPS game, not since I was new to the genre on consoles. Practice makes perfect. Or, you know, steady your finger and lower the sensitivity.

I've been playing console games since I can remember, and it's not that I "need to practice", it's that to me, FPS games feel more natural with a keyboard and mouse. I'm obviously not saying that's the case with all FPS players, it's just how I and many other people feel, though many people feel the opposite, which I accept and understand. There is no factual winner, it all comes down to preference. I could argue that keyboard and mouse is better because there's more buttons and the mouse is better, but you could argue that controller is better because of comfort and capability, both arguements are futile because both types are for different types of gaming for different kinds of gamers.


They're prettier, sure, but not always by a lot. (I am aware there ARE PC games that far exceed console games graphically, even to the point of looking like real-freaking life. but I am saying, not ALL PC games are like this)

These days, with current gen consoles falling behind, it's happening more and more that PC games do indeed FAR exceed the console counter-part. While you're right, it's not always the case, it's happening more and more often.


Good, cool. Mods are important to you. Not as much to me, and my argument was an opinionated one, so yeah.

But, hey, Hellspawn... you missed my point. Thank you. That just what I needed after I've only explained it a few times in this topic. :S

PC elitists make modding on PC a selling point, completely disregard console modding as if it does not even exist. It exists.

Their point is moot, 100%. You see my point now? I don't give two damns about the technical stuff, as it's not my argument.

You're right, I did miss your point. Modding isn't an advantage, but it's a personal preference, so modders tend to go toward PC more, though as you stated, there does exist a console modding community, a large one at that. You're also right that PC elitests making that argument as an advantage is indeed a moot argument, it's something where people blur the very fine line of preference to fact. As you stated, modding isn't for everyone.

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It all comes down to preference. I love my gaming pc as much as the next guy, but I FREAKING love my Wii aswell as my other consoles. A huge advantage consoles have over pcs(granted pcs are getting better) is packaging Do you know how good it makes me feel to see my collection of wii, 360, ps2 etc lined up all nice on a shelf. You can do it with pc games to BUT the big different sizes boxes really kills the neatness regular size dvd cases console game always come in. As for keyboard and mouse, its a matter of preference. I'm the type of guy who can play any genre across any controller fine because when done right any game WILL work on any type of gaming manipulation device. I love pc gaming, I love console gaming hell I love gaming as a whole. PC Elitists are fuckwits with small dicks at the end of the day just like any other elitist. ALL types of elitists just need to fucking die because it would give us all some piece and quiet!

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