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Mother Nature's PMS

Shadow Fire

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[warning=Cyclone Warning]Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi is scheduled to hit Northern Queensland, Australia at approximately 10pm AEST. It is currently at Category 5, with winds in excess of 295kph.[/warning]


Uh, yeah... fuck... Queensland is still recovering from the recent floods, and now, the northern half of the state is to be slammed by the biggest cyclone in the country's recorded history...


The western state of the country has been hit with fires and a massive heatwave. Like... wow.


And to top this off, other countries in the world are experiencing their own natural disasters.



  • USA is expected to have a major snow storm, which will affect approximately 30 states.
  • European countries have already had their own blizzards.


So yeah... discuss... and if you have more information about disasters that aren't named in the Disaster information panel, please, talk provide a little information.

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Unprecedented snowstorms completely fuxxored my final exam week, to the point that school was scheduled for half a day on Saturday (!). Seriously, where I live, we've never seen this much snow before. >.>;


I wasn't aware the rest of the world was experiencing abnormalities; let's hope it doesn't last.

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