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72 hour game dev contest anyone?


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I think we should get some teams and judges together and start our own from-scratch 72 hour game development contest. Everything in the game must be made from scratch including the code.

Anyone in with me on this idea?



Im going to begin making a list, most likely checking it more than twice.

After I find some contenders, we can go about teaming up.


So far in:

me! - programming and or gfx

reels - i think hes in

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If that's the case, that limits people on the ability to use programs like RPG Maker XP and Gamemaker and such. You're basically suggesting that they use a language like Python or C to create a game, and there aren't a whole lot of people that I know of that can do that easily. Especially within 72 hours. Maybe if the contest was a little better thought out, sure.

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Well the contest isnt exactly thought out yet. Also! Game maker, anything like that, even shitty The Games Factory can be used, just as long as the graphics, music, game code and whatnot is fresh and newly non-plagiarized. so you would be able to use game creating programs, the goal is just to see what a small(or big) team can accomplish in 3 days while having fun(and being frustrated but hey, that comes with everything you enjoy)

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I'm afraid I agree with Sanguinetti here. Even with those luxuries, 3 days is too short a period in which to make anything good. It takes weeks, months, even years to make something good, even when using Game Maker. As part of the Sonic hacking community, I am a judge in the yearly contests, but even theen, we give several months for people to get something to us.


I appreciate your idea, but it needs to be thought out a little better.

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I fail to see the problem. I dont think this contest would have to be a full-on RPG, it could be a simpler puzzle game or short platformer. If my C# werent so rusty and I could get Monodevelop running properly on my machine (mac user, so no Visual Studio) I'd probably try entering such a contest.


Edit: The concept sounds similar to the Ludum Dare competition. http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/

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The problem I see is that we don't have many programmers of whatever kind on here. There's some Game Maker and RPG Maker guys, and some people can code in C or C# or so, but I don't think that's enough to get a competition going - Ludum Dare has many contestants from all over the world, this contest would have the few aforementioned people on here. And of those, especially the C/C#/etc. coders, who already has actual game creation experience? Hacking tools or somesuch are one thing, coding a game - no matter how small - from scratch isn't exactly easy, even with something like XNA.

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i suppose a week would be enough time to create something worthwhile, but yea, xdan, there arent enough programmers i guess.. or people willing to devote a week to a team and at least try, c or gamemaker or whatever you guys use! I was in a 48 hour game dev contest years ago and the programmer did an awesome job on a simple easy engine(it doesnt have to be that hard, im writing a pokeclone as we speak)and i pumped out some pixel art(also easy if youre into it). A week is plenty of time!

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Well in any case, well see whos into the idea and then plan and set a date. Anyone who wants to be a part of it just post here with your main project focus(see first post) and ill add you to the list.


Edit: Jotokun im putting you on the list because im assuming you're in


Unfortunately, at the moment I'm not. My schedule is a tad busy at this point, and as I mentioned I'm having trouble getting my dev environment properly set up. If those change before your competition starts I'll definitely let you know.

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