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I know I'm new here, so not many people may click on this, but show of hands, who wants to see a new Star Fox game? Not just any old Star Fox game, but a Star Fox game that's made FOR THE FANS, not for 10 year olds who never played a zelda game and went OHMIGAWD ISHAFAWX? Maybe give the voice-acting a more intense feeling to it, so when someone dies it's not like you're watching a B-horror movie? I dunno, maybe that last bit's just me, but I think that it would be nice to see a new Star Fox game with a twist.



*Edit: After a bit of thought, I judged Adventure too harshly being that it's been over 8 years since I last played it. That and I was 10 when I did. Anyway, that being said, please disregard the offensive opinion of Adventure.


Don't let this lead you to believe that I'll back out of my opinion as soon as someone complains/rages, I have conviction, but when it's something a bit less backed by how I KNOW I feel, then I'll rethink it, research more, and either revise or back what I say, as I did in this case, more rethinking, but you get the picture.

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FOR THE FANS, not for 10 year olds who never played a zelda game and went OHMIGAWD ISHAFAWX?


Hardcore Star fox fan here:

If you didn't like any of the newer Star Fox games(Adventures, Assault), you're not as hardcore of a fan as you may think.


Also, huh? The voice acting in the games is great, with the only exception being Star Fox 64 3D's voice acting being exactly what you described.


Anyways, I want a new Star Fox Adventures. On foot, tons to explore; whether it be one planet, or multiple ones. What Star Fox fan wouldn't want to wander through the city of Corneria, the jungles of Fortuna, or the deserts of Titania all on foot? Of course we'll also need a healthy dose of Arwing action, too.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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@ Colonel Blinx: I'm not saying that the voice acting's bad, but from what I remember, the voice acting has been very cartoony since they incorporated voice acting into the Star Fox games, I'm saying something more serious, y'know? Also, Adventure sucked ass, but Assault actually was quite enjoyable from what I remember. Haven't played it for a few years, so I don't remember much. I think Adventure would've been more acceptable if it wasn't Star Fox, as it was like taking the Zelda format and taking an already solid character in a completely different genre of gaming and going GO KILL STUFF WITH A STAFF INSTEAD OF FUCKIN YOUR ZAPPY GUNS ON YOUR SHIP KTHXBAI. Yes, I'm aware it's called an Arwing, the wording was done for effect. Now, not all games that do this are bad, Mario has a ton of spin-offs that were decent, but they were toys, not canon games. Adventure was meant to be a canon game, thus killing my nerd boner.

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Okay, but I don't understand your frustration; there was literally nothing wrong with the direction that game took(even if it was not originally Star Fox).

To me, it looks like you're one of those people who complain about, basically, "OMG WOW DINOSAURS IN MY STAR FOX". Furthermore, judging by your post, it seems

as though you actually would have no problem with the game if it didn't have the Star Fox name slapped all over it. Do you see what's wrong with that? You're letting

a perfectly good game (and experience) get ruined for you over something so minuscule, and in the end, unimportant.


Anyways, on to the subject of voice acting/seriousness:

If I play a game where all characters are serious, 100% of time, it becomes a bit annoying, and unrealistic.

Star Fox: Assault had the perfect mix, for me at least. Characters were at times very serious, and other times they had their non-serious moments.

Over all I think they did perfectly in that department. And you know, it's the same even for Adventures.


Yes, I'm aware it's called an Arwing, the wording was done for effect.

I am very confused right here.

All I did was bring up the fact that a SFA successor would have to have some Arwing action in it, and I wasn't even commenting on anyone's spelling of the name...

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Okay, but I don't understand your frustration; there was literally nothing wrong with the direction that game took(even if it was not originally Star Fox).

To me, it looks like you're one of those people who complain about, basically, "OMG WOW DINOSAURS IN MY STAR FOX". Furthermore, judging by your post, it seems

as though you actually would have no problem with the game if it didn't have the Star Fox name slapped all over it. Do you see what's wrong with that? You're letting

a perfectly good game (and experience) get ruined for you over something so minuscule, and in the end, unimportant.


I don't like it for the same reason JonTron doesn't like Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I'm not pissed that there's Dinosaurs, I'm pissed that rare tried turning Star Fox, a SPACE SHOOTER, into Zelda, an ACTION RPG. TOO BIG OF A JUMP OF GENRE. Yes, I'm aware that Rare bought the game from another dev, but I'm going to let what you see as Miniscule be what I see as a major fucking issue.


Anyways, on to the subject of voice acting/seriousness:

If I play a game where all characters are serious, 100% of time, it becomes a bit annoying, and unrealistic.

Star Fox: Assault had the perfect mix, for me at least. Characters were at times very serious, and other times they had their non-serious moments.

Over all I think they did perfectly in that department. And you know, it's the same even for Adventures.


Again, I haven't played Assault in awhile, so I can't really gauge if that was a great or just good Star Fox game. Also, I'm not saying for them to be like GEARS O WARE ALPHA TEAM TO CHARLIE POINT BRAVO TANGO DUE WEST EN ROUTE KILL THAT THING GO GO GO SHIT MAN DOWN BLEW HIS BRAINS OUT DEPRESSING SHIT MAN, no, I'm saying something more the point of just not being '90s cartoony. If I play Assault in the near future, I'll edit this post, or I'll forget, whatever comes first, but for the moment, I know what I want.

*edit: I watched a video with some of the voice acting, it was decent, 4/5 of what I was looking for, which is more than good enough.


I am very confused right here.

All I did was bring up the fact that a SFA successor would have to have some Arwing action in it, and I wasn't even commenting on anyone's spelling of the name...

I wasn't making a point with that, I was digressing from a joke.




On another note, why is it that I've only posted 2 things on this forum, and both times you've pretty much found it necessary to respond with what seems like an attack BOTH TIMES I've posted? It makes me feel unwelcome to a place that has a name that leads one to believe that all gamers are welcome.

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times you've pretty much found it necessary to respond with what seems like an attack


I'm just going to say right there that he wasn't trying to "attack" you. Blinx has a serious personality with his games. The Star Fox series being among his favorites, you seem to be stating your opinions as if they are fact. I don't mean to de-rail this topic, but you're definitely welcome into this community as a gamer.


I know I'm pretty much speaking for him, but I trust what I'm saying is true.

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you seem to be stating your opinions as if they are fact.


I'm sorry, when did subjective opinion that is quite obvious become something everyone takes as fact? Why can't I say something without saying I'm a pretentious prick who thinks too highly of himself and presses his opinions on others? I just wanted someone to respond positively to something that I thought was a fun idea, not analyze everything I said, is that too much to ask for in a forum that calls itself a collective?


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I wasn't even remotely trying to attack you. I told you in a reply a few days ago, I'm a very blunt person, but by no means do I try to nor intend to be an ass.

I am very sorry you feel unwelcome here, I did not intend to make you feel that way. Also, I really do hate to pick apart your posts, as I can tell you don't like it, but there's one more thing I must mention:

Yes, I'm aware that Rare bought the game from another dev, but I'm going to let what you see as Miniscule be what I see as a major fucking issue.


Rare is the one who developed the game. Nintendo decided that the GameCube was too close to launch, and that it should be moved over to it. And at some point, Miyamoto decided it

should be a Star Fox game, thus the transformation was made. Again, I know you don't like me picking apart your posts, but I felt this was important to point out.


Anyways, I just don't know what to do anymore... it seems that whenever I have an opposing view with someone on this forum, most specifically new members, they think I'm trying to attack them.

They LITERALLY think I am going out of my way to be an ass, and attack them. I just honestly do not know why, it's as if I am the only one on this forum who is not allowed to have any opposing views/opinions/arguments/whatever without it being labeled as attacking; if anyone else does, it all seems to be hunky-dory, but I'm always the one who gets called out for having opposing views.


You know what? I apologize; I'm sorry for making you feel unwelcome, so I will now no longer reply to any of your posts I disagree with if it really makes you feel so uncomfortable.

Again, you have my sincerest apologies; I hope the actions of one man seriously don't affect your decision to participate in this wonderful forum.

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Don't get me wrong, as I'm probably one of the biggest Dinosaur Planet enthusiast out there, but sadly Nintendo thought the game should take a different direction and it did. While I do feel parts of the game in Adventure were kind of slapped in(like andros and the arwing parts) but I actually enjoyed the experience of being able to walk around and solve puzzles. Zelda didn't copyright the adventure format, so there is nothing wrong with other franchises doing it and as Blinx said, it would be epic to go on foot in Corneria or Katrina, or some of the other planets as long as they mixed up the arwing and shooting parts properly. While everyone has there own opinion, everyone needs to relax and understand some people will like games and others won't. That's fine to dispute your opinion as long as its not leading into an outbreak of anger. Now, everyone is welcome here, we're not trying to chase people away however its a bit easier to get better responses if you check how you are posting. Why you are stating opinions it can be taken as insult to someone's favorite franchise or game and lead into conflicts. So -please- everyone be more respectful about how you critique games and share your opinions? Also Blinx is a pretty awesome guy, funny too but he also can be very straight forwardly blunt, not trying to be a dick or attack but that's just how he is. So anywho, *throws his hands up in the air* I'm off to play Pokemon.

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Sorry man, it's the same with me EVERYWHERE I go, so I know how that feels. Sometimes I take things the wrong way, and it pisses people off. I also get attacked a lot, ESPECIALLY on youtube, it's like all the (sorry for terminology if considered offensive) oldfags from 4chan moved into youtube and turned it into their playground to flame EVERY POST EVER MADE. Half the time, I'm afraid to say ANYTHING, which isn't good. I'm sorry I accused you of attacking, you're right, you did say that last time around, I guess I got lost in a weird state of mind. Also, my opinion of Star Fox Adventures is mildly askew. Last time I played it, I was 10, that was almost a decade ago, so yeah... I remember kinda liking it, but I remember not liking it when I replayed it later, so I dunno, maybe I'd like it with a more developed and aware/conscious mind. Sorry for being yet another guy who points the finger of bad-guy at you, I'm sure that gets frustrating and depressing, as I get it all the time.



You're right, Zelda didn't copyright the adventure format, but from what I remember, it feels out of place, especially after having played all the other games, even the unreleased 2 with an English patch. Blinx is a good guy, I can tell solely BECAUSE he's blunt that he doesn't lie, and he's straight forward. I've chilled since I made that last post, so we're all good. I'll be more mellow about how I put my opinions, though I won't soften what exactly it is they mean.


Also, can I just kinda fanboy? I'M SO EXCITED FOR URA OHMIGAWDITSJUSTAGH ok I'm done for the day gaiz kthxbai.

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Starfox adventures was a great game, it just wasn't a Starfox game.


Yes it was(and still is). It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it; it has Star Fox characters, is apart of the Star Fox universe, and has the Star Fox name. It IS a Star Fox game, and that is an undeniable, unarguable fact.


Also, please don't like your own posts; that's cheating your reputation.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.

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