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Scroll of Time, New OoT Text Editor!


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Nice, but what's with the text being messed up at the end of the video? I also don't get why "Maco64.com" is written all over the place...


Well anyway, credit to whoever made this for doing what I didn't have time to do before and actually making a proper interface.


More information on that could be derived from the video description.


If a Majora's Mask tool could be done as well, I would so use it. :3


Who knows. :o

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Looks dope: polished and clean. Full ROM read/write integration would be jawesome but that's just my style.


+1 this notion


It's official software created by the Maco staff, trying to improve traffic to the site.



I have a few questions now though I haven't tried the tool out myself.

1. Is it possible to specify a sound ID or are there only preset ones available?

2. How does this handle things like instant/delayed text, choices, etc.?


The only ones available for use with the program are the ones listed, however, refining it in a hex editor should be just as easy as anything. As far as the instant text, that's under the "Text" subscreen, and for choices, I will have to get back to you on that. Skulltula Count, Mini-game time, Fish Weight, etc. goes unsupported by the program as of now, but again, can be refined with a Hex Editor. A next release could fix all of this.

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So if you edit an existing message are those settings preserved or do they disappear? If you guys can get all the available settings fully working so that any message can be written without ever needing to touch a hex editor then this tool will be very, very useful. I say this because the aim of any tool should be to make hex editing unnecessary.


It's official software created by the Maco staff, trying to improve traffic to the site.


That's fine but I think it's overkill to have it written twice on the program itself, as well as linking to it in the video annotations and probably the description too. It would be better to put that under an info tab or some such, freeing up the screen space for when additional features are implemented.

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The settings do not disappear, and it is still very useful as far as guessing the width of the box and such. However, until the additional features are to be implemented, Fish weight and such, on can simply type two periods and change the bytes in a Hex Editor. Those records aren't going to be included in the average message anyway, as far as I know. Maybe the watermarking is overkill, but I don't see it hurting anything right now. Thanks for the feedback, it will be taken into consideration.

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These are looking great, really good work here. May I suggest the ability to change the background image on the left hand side of the program window? That may not sound incredibly useful but I've actually found situations where I need to change map backgrounds or text colour a few times to get something easily readable.

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