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SharpOcarina Texture Tinting Problems



Okay, here's the deal, my room looks like this in SharpOcarina:

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... But in-game it looks like this:

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Any ideas on what may be happening to my textures after conversion and injection? I was thinking that it might have to do with my environment colors but I really can't say for sure since messing with the environmental values doesn't leave any noticeable results.

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The lighting can make a lot of difference to how the textures look but it shouldn't make as much of a difference as yours seems to be showing. It looks as if the colours got mixed up when the textures were converted (blue and green seem to be swapped) but I can't say for sure. Try setting it as an indoor map, removing all but one set of lighting and setting all the colours to white.

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DeathBasket, that is an inside map :P Ironically, the texture coloring comes out fine if I enable the Outdoor setting... but vertex normals are absolutely horrible (even with your fix). So, I have to fall back on having it as an outdoor map. Also, having everything the color of white gives everything a green tint.


The only way I found around this was to use an older version of SharpOcarina (v0.4b; v0.5 and v0.6 darken the textures way too much). The textures are slightly darkened in the older versions but it looks a hell of a lot better than what it was with the newest one.

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