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Beginner's questions on Oot modding



Well, first of all, hello to everyone, it's my first post.I'm very late, but it wasn't long ago I found out OoT hacks existed at all.Since then, I've been reading a few forums on the subject trying to get a grip of what is possible and within my range to do before I start planning too far.My current intention is to create something based heavily on custom maps, so I intend to have a good idea for the item progression before I can start modelling.I'm unsure about a few things I stumbled on the way:1) Is currently possible to port Deku Sticks to adult Link? From what I can guess, it's a sort of counterpart for the unbroken Giant's knife and both are a bit more complex than the standard display list items.2) On porting items, following some tutorials, I still couldn't properly get the Boomerang mesh to appear to adult Link. I've done the display list porting and repointing, but maybe there's something I'm missing. This would probably be better dealt with by personal messaging, so if anyone is willing to help me solve this one, just let me know.3) Are there any unskippable cutscenes that would otherwise break the game? The beginning scene for instance, can it be scrapped?4) Iv'e read it's possible to start the game as adult Link, but there were some drawbacks. The method proposed would need to use the exit from the Temple of Time transition and that would force the Master Sword on your hands.Is this ToT event the only way to transform child Link to adult? It should be a simple flag to be set during a transition, no?For now, that's it. I'll try being more technical next time.

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7 answers to this question

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1) Is currently possible to port Deku Sticks to adult Link? From what I can guess, it's a sort of counterpart for the unbroken Giant's knife and both are a bit more complex than the standard display list items.[/color]]


Yes, it's very possible. Unsure how to as of now, it's completely doable. I could get back to you on this,


2) On porting items, following some tutorials, I still couldn't properly get the Boomerang mesh to appear to adult Link. I've done the display list porting and repointing, but maybe there's something I'm missing. This would probably be better dealt with by personal messaging, so if anyone is willing to help me solve this one, just let me know.


I've done this one myself. If you want to contact me on Skype, sanguinettimods, I'd be more than happy to help.


3) Are there any unskippable cutscenes that would otherwise break the game? The beginning scene for instance, can it be scrapped?


Any cutscene could be "scrapped" or replaced, Though to do so, I'm unsure as of right now.


4) Iv'e read it's possible to start the game as adult Link, but there were some drawbacks. The method proposed would need to use the exit from the Temple of Time transition and that would force the Master Sword on your hands.

Is this ToT event the only way to transform child Link to adult? It should be a simple flag to be set during a transition, no?


Because of the existence of a gameshark code to transition between Young and Adult Link, I'm pretty sure it should be very simple to do what you're proposing.

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1) Is currently possible to port Deku Sticks to adult Link? From what I can guess, it's a sort of counterpart for the unbroken Giant's knife and both are a bit more complex than the standard display list items.


I don't know if I understand right, but if you simply want adult Link to be able to use Deku Sticks, you can check this information:


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To be honest, it's actually easier to make an adult-link only mod than is the other way around.


Fixing the boomerang to be used by adult link should be easy enough but the slingshot requires a bit more excessive hacking consisting of display list ports and assembly hacking (I've done this for young link and the bow). Link's actor contains a display list pointer for the deku stick, I believe.

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Exactly.If you use it as adult, besides the model not showing up, a few textures on the map will also dissappear.

I was trying to search the code for any pointer to object_link_child 0x006cc0 and change for the Kokiri Sword, just to see if it was the right address.

All of them failed, except for the one around the ovl_Effect_Ss_Stick file, which changes the mesh for the breaking part of the Deku Stick and for the Giant's Knife.

This function is probably responsible for the whole stick functionality, but if the pointer access is buried into the MIPS code, that's out of my range.


In a side note, for a "light a torch without [fire] arrows" item, I thought of maybe seriously downscaling Din's Fire and changing the origin point to emulate the candle/lamp item.

However, what I want to change seems to be into ovl_Effect_Ss_D_Fire, so the whole not knowing code enough renders me useless.

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Thanks, DeathBasket.


To set the model to load for the deku stick, you need to go to 0xB0803C in ROM and write this:

0x3C19xxxx 3739yyyy


Where x is the first two bytes of the display list pointer and y is the second two bytes of the pointer. I don't know where the model for the stick actually is though, it is somewhere in Link's object file. I swapped it with the razor sword model, which looked funny. You will also need to change the pointer you mentioned (at 0xD65C64 in ROM), which apparently is only used when the stick breaks.

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