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How to deal with a stuck up snobby family?


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Not sure what to do about this anymore, I can't take this much longer. I know saying this makes me sound like a d-bag. But I hate it. I'm going through family problems right now and I don't want to say anything on facebook to piss the entire family off to make my own grandmother disown me... I come from a snobby stuck up family. Not my current family. My dads side of the family. Are a bunch of stuck up assholes. I don't know how to deal with them. They always attack my mom if something bad happens in the family. And point fingers physically abusing her. And I can't take it. My "Family" is has always been like this. I want to let my rage out and cuss out all those assholes on facebook, excuse my language. But if I do that my dad will probably disown me. So I don't know what I should do. I wan't to stay away from my dads part of his family. Since they don't awknoledge we exist. It's always been this way since I was a kid, and can't take it anymore. They are a bunch of drama freaks. And they call each other names. I don't know what I should do about this problem. My family doesn't do all this stuff, but my dad's family does. And my dad isn't a jerk at all. I just really dispise his family. There is only one person in his family that I like and that's my uncle. But I don't know what to do if I decide to take my anger out at all of them. They might as well disown me and my dad might able to punch me in the face. My brother did soemthing like that before, he said something he wasn't suppose to say and my grandmother removed my dad off their facebook. And my dad started acting like a dick towards me, my brother, and my mom, and I told my dad that if his family hates my mom so much why can't they get a divorce so they can be happy? I really don't know what to do anymore, I feel like killing my self. I really hate this family. And I don't know how to put up with it. If anyone can give me some adivce I'll really appreciate it. Sorry for the long life story. Can't take this much longer.

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I really don't know what to do anymore, I feel like killing my self.


This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and is never something you should seriously consider. It just isn't worth it; life wouldn't have any comparatively good parts if you didn't have shitty ones to balance it out. Just pointing this out because I've seen too many people take their own lives, and it absolutely demolishes the people around you who love and care about you. Don't fucking do it, that's all there is to say.


Best I can say is ask yourself if being disowned by them is something you really ought to care about. Do you really even want to be associated with this people, awful as they seem to be? I get that losing a side of your family sucks, but in a case like this, I can't really see a justifying reason for putting up with their crap, especially if people are physically abusive. Push comes to shove (perhaps more literally than might be preferable), you can always threaten to call the police and get the offenders arrested for domestic violence. A bit extreme but it'd certainly send a clear message to them that you're not going to put up with their crap, with the added bonus that you run no risk of getting in legal trouble by provoking or antagonizing them.

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one sure thing is that you will feel much better sometime. Because your family problems will be resolved, because you will be away from them, or because you won't care about it anymore. It might be soon, and this day you won't regret that you did not try to hurt yourself and fuck everything up. A lot of people think killing themselves when they are young, but surely they don't regret that they did not do it.

Until then, remember that your family is not everything in your life. Try getting closer to your friends, try to be more often away from home. I'm not saying you should literally run away from your family, but you certainly want to get some fresh air and support from outside.


Anyways, later you might remember all the shit you went through so that your own children and family won't suffer like you did.


(I hope that I correctly transcribed my thoughts, sometimes english betrays me)

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I have empathy for ya man, except its with my moms side of the family. I cant stand my aunt, one of my uncles, my aunts kids(only one of them has his head on straight and he is the youngest) etc. I cant tell you have much I want to call them out on there bullshit, sometimes I wonder whats stopping me. I honestly think I wouldn't give a damn if I disowned them myself, its all utter stupid bullshit. I would save my friends over those bastards any day of the week.


Its not just them but the hole side of the family for the most part.

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This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and is never something you should seriously consider. It just isn't worth it; life wouldn't have any comparatively good parts if you didn't have shitty ones to balance it out. Just pointing this out because I've seen too many people take their own lives, and it absolutely demolishes the people around you who love and care about you. Don't fucking do it, that's all there is to say.


Best I can say is ask yourself if being disowned by them is something you really ought to care about. Do you really even want to be associated with this people, awful as they seem to be? I get that losing a side of your family sucks, but in a case like this, I can't really see a justifying reason for putting up with their crap, especially if people are physically abusive. Push comes to shove (perhaps more literally than might be preferable), you can always threaten to call the police and get the offenders arrested for domestic violence. A bit extreme but it'd certainly send a clear message to them that you're not going to put up with their crap, with the added bonus that you run no risk of getting in legal trouble by provoking or antagonizing them.


I agree with you, I don't plan to kill my self at all. Just sickening when you have a family that doesn't give a shit about you, but your main family does. Like your parents, etc. My dads side of the family is a bunch of stuck up snobs. It's always been like this. If your not "Perfect" like them then you don't exist. It's like, if you have a disability, they think your a complete idiot who doesn't know how to tie his own shoes, etc. So it's really complicated to deal with them.

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