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What you liked about twilight princess


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favorite thing : the enemy´s because they looked very cool ^^

- the graphic

- bosses

- the items

- the story

- harder doungens as in other zelda games



i don´t like :


- much to easy enemy´s and bosses


ehmm thats all ^^


tp was a great game , much better than ww , ph and st..

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I like how Link was turned into a wolf, which is one of my favorite, as well as my spirit animal.


I also like how the princess you partner up in the game actually helps you out during the course of the game instead of staying in a castle while your off almost getting yourself killed *coughssorryZeldacough*

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I like how Link was turned into a wolf, which is one of my favorite, as well as my spirit animal.


I also like how the princess you partner up in the game actually helps you out during the course of the game instead of staying in a castle while your off almost getting yourself killed *coughssorryZeldacough*

What I liked about TP was the large overworld, there were more areas and fun stuff to hunt for than OoT. Another thing I also liked was the camera controls, they're pretty smooth and easy to handle.

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