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Vice President wants to ban "violent video games" to decrease school shootings


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I think they shouldn't. The problem wasn't the games, it was the guns. If anything, ban all guns from the U.S. unless it's military reasons.


People are often misguided about what the second amendment was made for. It created in case of an overbearing gov't, the people would have a way of overthrowing the gov't should it come to that. So guns are there for military purposes, but it applies to militia, too. Not to mention, a gun ban doesn't solve anything. There are tools for killing people, whether it be knives, cars, or even bombs. Plus, guns can always get smuggled in. Hell, drugs do. What's stopping drug cartels from carrying guns now too? Something that looks nice on paper usually doesn't look so nice when you actually implement it,


(Also, take a look at Australia. A gun ban was enacted there and while it reduced killings, assaults and rape cases skyrocketed. Source here: http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/index.php?Article_ID=17847 )

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I think they shouldn't. The problem wasn't the games, it was the guns. If anything, ban all guns from the U.S. unless it's military reasons.


Besides the very valid points everyone's already brought up, you say that like criminals obey laws.

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Banning guns isn't the issue here, its the people who use them, people mistreat guns the wrong way and they don't realize what they are doing. Don't blame the gun, blame the persons carrying the gun. It's like if someone takes someone elses perscribed medicine, they are misusing them. They are responcible for their own actions. It isn't the weapons fault that it's being treated the wrong way. It's the gun owner. Let's say if you step on someones yard by mistake and they threaten to shoot you with a gun to get off their property, they are misusing their gun if the person is harmless. The thing is that when people use weapons, they are not using them how they are mean't to be used. Guns weren't invented to go kill people at schools, or people in general, they were invented for an obvious reason, war or protection, self defense, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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People are often misguided about what the second amendment was made for. It created in case of an overbearing gov't, the people would have a way of overthrowing the gov't should it come to that. So guns are there for military purposes, but it applies to militia, too. Not to mention, a gun ban doesn't solve anything. There are tools for killing people, whether it be knives, cars, or even bombs. Plus, guns can always get smuggled in. Hell, drugs do. What's stopping drug cartels from carrying guns now too? Something that looks nice on paper usually doesn't look so nice when you actually implement it,


(Also, take a look at Australia. A gun ban was enacted there and while it reduced killings, assaults and rape cases skyrocketed. Source here: http://www.ncpa.org/...rticle_ID=17847 )


Note to self, actually pay attention in Social Studies class.
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They shouldn't ban guns, but the limit on what u should have. The guy had unlimited bullets! They shouldn't have it where it could carry so many. And those guns they had r so powerful. They should only have hunting guns and self protection guns, not military grade ones. I don't really know why she had so many weapons anyway. Besides they knew he was like that, she should of had them in a gun safe that was hidden. I'm not blaming his mom though. People are responsible for their own actions. But it would totally be wrong to take away all guns. Cuz I need a gun to protect myself and my family from ppl like that.

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They shouldn't ban guns, but the limit on what u should have. The guy had unlimited bullets! They shouldn't have it where it could carry so many. And those guns they had r so powerful. They should only have hunting guns and self protection guns, not military grade ones. I don't really know why she had so many weapons anyway. Besides they knew he was like that, she should of had them in a gun safe that was hidden. I'm not blaming his mom though. People are responsible for their own actions. But it would totally be wrong to take away all guns. Cuz I need a gun to protect myself and my family from ppl like that.


You do know you can't buy military grade rifles, right? Semi-automatic, meaning you have the pull the trigger repeatedly to shoot more. All people want to do is ban weapons that look scary. Take this weapon for example:


Posted Image


That is a Remington R-15. It is used for hunting.


Posted Image


That is an AR-15, used in the school shooting. Noticed how it looks like an M16; popularly generalized as the typical assault rifle.


Want to know the difference between these guns? Absolutely nothing.

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You do know you can't buy military grade rifles, right? Semi-automatic, meaning you have the pull the trigger repeatedly to shoot more. All people want to do is ban weapons that look scary. Take this weapon for example:


Posted Image


That is a Remington R-15. It is used for hunting.


Posted Image


That is an AR-15, used in the school shooting. Noticed how it looks like an M16; popularly generalized as the typical assault rifle.


Want to know the difference between these guns? Absolutely nothing.



Ahh... I see your point.

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You do know you can't buy military grade rifles, right? Semi-automatic, meaning you have the pull the trigger repeatedly to shoot more. All people want to do is ban weapons that look scary. Take this weapon for example:


Posted Image


That is a Remington R-15. It is used for hunting.


Posted Image


That is an AR-15, used in the school shooting. Noticed how it looks like an M16; popularly generalized as the typical assault rifle.


Want to know the difference between these guns? Absolutely nothing.


Oh, alright.

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You do know you can't buy military grade rifles, right? Semi-automatic, meaning you have the pull the trigger repeatedly to shoot more. All people want to do is ban weapons that look scary. Take this weapon for example:


Posted Image


That is a Remington R-15. It is used for hunting.


Posted Image


That is an AR-15, used in the school shooting. Noticed how it looks like an M16; popularly generalized as the typical assault rifle.


Want to know the difference between these guns? Absolutely nothing.


who the hell would use a semi-automatic assault rifle for hunting? You're supposed to kill your food not completely obliterate it
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