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Wario & Waluigi RPG (Mario and Luigi fangame)


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  • 2 weeks later...

another sprite update :)


I have been having a lot of trouble with my first wario sprites, so i'm going to try to animate something a little more simple like a goomba to gain some more experience before working on the bros :D


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(also, I'm going to start the actual game in maybe a month or two! gotta make sprites and learn a bit more about c and c++)

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  • 4 weeks later...

not much progress has been made, this project was announced a bit too early... I've been trying my best to learn c/c++, learn how to sprite a bit better and think of how to un-ruin what little bit of the game I already said...


so far I have a goomba overworld sheet, and I'm currently working on my wario overworld :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is this a hack of a M&L game for DS or a made-from-scrath fangame like Super Mario and The Seven Sages? And I also got an idea to suggest. Mario and Luigi should be brainwashed and they will become Mr. M and Mr. L which could a boss and appear doing bad things throughout the game until they are saved.

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It's going to be made from scratch(can't decide over homebrew ds or a computer game at the moment), but it's still very early and I'm still trying to determine how the game is going to work out.


There have been few actual plans made so far and I still don't know exactly what to do with Red and Green-stache, but I will consider Mr. L/M as a possible idea.



Also, since there has been little progress made in the past while, I'll try to get the project back up and running again!(maybe some sprites or something along the lines)

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